Standard projects of apartments in high-rise buildings - a common phenomenon. From a lack of living space suffer especially Khrushchev. Increase comfort and improve the living conditions can be due to the demolition of some walls and bias inputs. Re-planning of a one-room Khrushchev - not an easy task. But the bulk of innovations in the world of design allows you to refine such housing without compromising comfort and load-bearing walls other tenants.
- The story of the "Khrushchev"
- Features redevelopment: how to decorate
- Advantages and disadvantages of one-bedroom apartment-Khrushchev
types of alterations
- Connect the room with balcony
- Studio apartment: combine a kitchen with a bathroom
- replan bathrooms
- The increase in the number of rooms
- The style and colors of the interior
- How to select and place the right furniture
- Lighting
- What materials are used for decoration
- The choice of textiles and decor
- Methods of zoning space
- conclusion
The story of the "Khrushchev"
Soviet style housing defined for many years the decision "On elimination of excesses in the design." The document released in 1955, and has new plans for the construction of apartment buildings have been designed in September 1956. The purpose of the construction of Khrushchev - the maximum reduction in price of housing for all sectors of the population. Citizens of the Soviet Union firmly believed that by the end of the 80's. When communism comes, every family will live in a separate apartment.
First appeared panel houses. With the massive slabs began experimenting in 1948, architect and inventor, AK Boers. Seeing the French colleagues, high-rise buildings in the industrial style of prefabricated blocks of Soviet technology similar construction began at home.
The result of his highly disappointed - little monotonous flats seemed poor and needy. But Khrushchev, on the other hand, was delighted with the experience of the French, bought them a technological line of manufacturing panels and immediately set about building cities compact five-story building.

Soviet Khrushchev built from blocks, panels, bricks. All homes had several common characteristics - no elevator and garbage, tiny dishes (4.6 m2) and hallways. Living-room apartment area - 16 m2. Even such a small area to stay definitely had a pantry.
Features redevelopment: how to decorate
Inside the one-room Khrushchev no load-bearing walls. This allows you to easily move, completely remove the partitions, without compromising the overall condition of the building. The space in which it is necessary to increase and unite, not crush. Also be aware that when re-planning changes will occur not only with the configuration of the room, but with the communications arrangement. All changes must necessarily be included in the registration certificate.
Before carrying out any manipulation in the apartment with the destruction, analysis of the walls, it is necessary to appeal to the BTI. It is necessary to make the new project of redevelopment and align it to the Inspectorate for reorganization of supervision. Alteration shall not impair the performance of the home exterior architecture. Coordination of such action lasts up to 35 days. Upon expiration of arms issued a decision that reflects the permission to change the situation, or a ban. Unauthorized alterations to the apartment building punishable by an administrative fine.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-bedroom apartment-Khrushchev
Five-storey Khrushchev has long exceeded their allotted lifespan, especially panel options. Despite this, they remain in the property market, some areas may even have a price higher than the same apartment building. By deliberately unpromising real estate in no hurry to get rid of. The main advantages of such housing can be attributed the following factors:
- The actual savings on utility bills, which are calculated on the basis of quadrature;
- Luxury tax and real estate owners do not exactly touch the tiny apartment;
- Most Khrushchev, located in the central area with excellent infrastructure and everything needed for a family with a child;
- The degree of use of hazardous substances in the construction pyatietazhek was much lower than that of modern buildings;
- Lightweight construction of small houses has little impact on the ground has excellent seismic resistance;
- The relatively low cost of apartments makes it possible for young families to do a modern renovation, set in an overall odnushke even furniture at its discretion.
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Deficiencies in the standard one-bedroom Khrushchev very much. The most serious - a long-time construction period. There is a big risk of landslides balconies, major repairs require virtually all the canopies over the entrance to the entrances, a complete roof replacement. Also significant disadvantage can be regarded as a bad noise isolation. Sounds from the street, neighbors voices are clearly audible even with closed windows.
types of alterations
Total area studio in hruschevke - 30 m square, the home only 15-18 m2. Windows ordinary apartments are located on the same side. The angular layouts with glazed openings may be located on different walls. Small Area and a successful arrangement of partitions provides an excellent opportunity for home remodeling. Create favorable conditions room apartment 1 of this type can be several ways.

Connect the room with balcony
The main reason for pushing the owners of these apartments for redevelopment - the lack of space. Critical situation may even save a few extra meters. To improve the room geometry can be achieved by combining it with a balcony. This merger will provide the room with new functions. In a wide window can accommodate a desk, lounge chair. If the plans to equip a children's area, the vacant space can be used for a wardrobe or shelf with books.
The increase in area due to the addition of balcony space to add a lot of natural light, which will improve the microclimate. Also abundant sunlight will promote a significant energy savings. Engaging the balcony will help get rid of many unnecessary things.

The transformation of the balcony in the living area allows us to apply the most daring design ideas. But it is necessary to understand that the implementation of such a project would entail large financial expenditure. You should also consider the possible difficulties with the legalization of such redevelopment.
Daring to transform the balcony into the living space, it is necessary to understand that the purpose of using it no longer happens. We'll have to find a new place for drying laundry, storage overall, infrequently used items.
Studio apartment: combine a kitchen with a bathroom
One of the most popular options for redevelopment involves the combination in one room kitchen, bedroom and hallway. Such a model of the space suitable for single people and families with children. For a comfortable stay in the second case it is necessary to consider zoning literate way.

Demarcate space in the spacious room can be at the expense of wall decor and proper arrangement of furniture. cooking area is separated by a screen, bar, small kitchen lift. Hide a bed in a studio apartment can be curtains on the canopy or movable partitions.
replan bathrooms
Separate bathroom in odnushke takes a lot of valuable areas important rooms. The miniature bathtub impossible to turn two of the people, not to mention the placement of a washing machine, laundry basket. These elements will easily fall into place, if you combine the bathroom with toilet, removing the wide barrier.

Make a bathroom more spacious due to its possible expansion. Dividing wall with a corridor shifted center of the room, and the hallway ceases to exist as such. Removing unnecessary narrow corridor, you can slightly increase the kitchen. In such an area easily accommodate a large table for 4th person, set, shelves for storage, built-in appliances.
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The increase in the number of rooms
For the family of people living in one-room Khrushchev, important is the isolation of personal space. If a separate kitchen and a second bathroom just needed you can make alterations to the entrance with a cozy living room. The most successful standard arrangement for this purpose have an angular variations.
In the back room is possible to accommodate a child to arrange a wardrobe, desk, shelves for books. Pre-school children have enough space for the equipment of a small playing area. Part of the wall between the bathroom and the corridor should be replaced by a sliding door. Adult bed can be placed in the passage area. It is also possible association of the room from the hallway.

The main advantage of such a plan - capital insulation bedroom and kitchen. Cons - narrow passages, lack of space for the creation of many stylish interiors, the inability to furnish the living space furnished by the planned scheme.
The style and colors of the interior
Planning Khrushchev, regardless of year of construction and home material completely identical. Placement of furniture in them was carried out by a single, easy to plan. Modern design small apartments assumes the presence of only the functional furniture, the right surface finish. All the emphasis must be placed as much as possible organically, as will be evident at the same time.
Whatever the style of the chosen, it will not do without accessories. But do not overload the already modest apartment area decor elements. Experts recommend that when choosing furniture and decoration use principle - the lower, the better.

Classic option of using colors - one-color trim in bright colors. To the room did not seem boring, you can take a base color, and the second a bright muted, the third contrast. In place of the room brighter tones, walls, floors, curtains, large pieces of furniture makes the light. Combination of several bright colors will look obsessive and absurd.
How to select and place the right furniture
The first association at the mention of a studio apartment - the lack of space. Furnishings should be based on the number of residents, their preferences and tastes. Better use of folding, non-standard models, built-in niches. Massive bed can be replaced by a modern bed, equipped with a lifting mechanism.
For the purpose of expanding the visual space can use a mirror glossy reflective surface. Flawless lighting is easy to achieve if you apply one-color walls, suitable wallpapers.

If you think about the zoning of the room, the center of each plot represent furniture. Selecting the best stop on compact versions that will not clutter the space. If you need to accommodate a large number of items, arrange them better as close to each other.
The delimitation of the space into several zones it is necessary to identify each area with light. Type of lighting fixtures and their arrangement depends on the preferences and needs of the household. The luminaire can be designed in one style, or be completely different design. To make reschedule the room as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to consider the following points at the location of the light source:
- The room would be nice to be in the evening, if you use a warm, natural style of lighting;
- It is necessary to combine in one room light devices at different levels. There should be a chandelier, lamp, wall lamp, table lamps, spot lights of cuisine working area;
- All lights must be functional and well cover a certain area;
- Window openings should be no blackout curtains and blocked by furniture. Screen, high color on the windowsill will be superfluous.
See also:Design vests one-bedroom apartment: 5 options of redevelopment

An interesting approach - a complete rejection of decoration windows. The lack of curtains and blinds make the room light, visually expand its borders.
What materials are used for decoration
To finish the surfaces in a studio can be used hruschevke absolutely any material suitable for a selected style of interior decoration. When choosing a design method can not forget about the appointment of the material and its basic characteristics.
Walls will look better if you make them self-colored or with a natural texture. Well-chosen picture photowall visually increase the room. It can be geometric shapes, pale landscapes. Materials that require complicated installation and fills up precious square meters. Meters should not be used for the walls.

The most simple and effective solution for low ceilings odnushki - painting in white, the installation of illumination on a path. Multi-level design will look awkward and ridiculous in small and only room. Beautifully will look from the clouds picture printing.
Floors can pave any available material. The type of coating must be chosen depending on the destination premises. In the hall, the kitchen, the bathroom is convenient to use tile, linoleum. In the nursery, bedroom, living room will be appropriate warm parquet, carpet.

The choice of textiles and decor
Without textile elements do not in any apartment. The most popular option - curtains. Framing the windows should be as easy and weightless, to pass as much as possible light. The flooring can be several carpet, only one of the bed or in the center. If you need to make the entire surface of warm, it is better to lay all carpet.

To atmosphere in the room was nice and comfortable, it should be used with caution decorative elements. It is not necessary to clutter up all the free space accessories. Equally important is the size of elements of the decor. The big picture on a narrow section of the wall to make the lack of space is even more prominent. For writing books is better to use open shelves.
Methods of zoning space
After the demolition of unnecessary partitions, you must first consider the location of functional zones. For zoning large rectangle, you can use any of the existing methods, but it is better to choose an option that takes up minimal space. More often separation space is as follows:
- The allocation of plots by means of decoration. Help achieve the desired effect, floor, wall coverings, which differ in color or texture;
- Play of light. The original, beautiful way to not only perfectly copes with the task, but also expands the space;
- Mobile screen. Thanks to portable partitions can retire anywhere. They can be stored in a folded state for cabinet or located along the wall;
- Textile curtains. Perfect for separating bed. At a certain border just install curtain rod and hang beautiful tulle;
- With furniture. The easiest, but also the overall option. If there is no alternative, it is better to use to separate the space tall objects, such as a cabinet, do not reach the ceiling only a few centimeters.

Change the situation in the standard Khrushchev in several ways. Before starting repairs, you need to determine - whether carried out radical re-planning or zoning enough. The most difficult think design update. It is also worth considering that any repair work to the destruction, transfer overlap should be agreed with representatives of the housing inspection.