Top 5 Best Quotes on Achieving Success

This article has 5 best quotes on how to succeed in a wide range of activities: business, relationships, health, etc.


  • 1. Theodore Roosevelt
  • 2. Henry Ford
  • 3. Abraham Lincoln
  • 4. Mark Twain
  • 5. Friedrich Schiller

1. Theodore Roosevelt

«Do what you can with what you have, where you arethere is »

To open your business, you do not need huge investments. At the initial stage, you will need a creative idea, as well as savvy, to realize this idea.

To lose weight, you do not have to immediately buy an expensive season ticket to a fitness club. You can plunge into the world of sports, starting with the evening jogs.

You can always start with something small, and then gradually grow and develop in the chosen direction.

2. Henry Ford

"Failure is an opportunity to start over, but it's wiser"

On the road to success, you will surely suffer a considerable number of failures. This is normal.

Failure is just another stepping stone to your inevitable success. Learn from your mistakes, respect your mistakes. Recognize failure as an important experience that will help you succeed in the future.

3. Abraham Lincoln

"If you want to succeed, keep believing in yourself even when no one believes in you"

When you go uphill, few people around will want to give you a helping hand. But when you fall, there are many more people who will gladly push you even harder.

The main thing - do not give up and believe in yourself. Even if that does not work out right now. Faith is the basis of all achievements. Believe in yourself, do not give up, keep acting and go forward!

4. Mark Twain

"To get ahead, the main thing is to start. To begin, the main thing is to break up huge and unsatisfactory work into small steps and start with the first one »

Any complicated work can be divided into small parts. Solve the common task by solving smaller problems. This will speed up and facilitate your path to the intended goal.

5. Friedrich Schiller

"You must tirelessly strive forward, not a single minute stand still if you want to achieve your aspirations"

Set a specific goal, make an action plan, specify the end date to which you reach your goal. Write it all down on paper so that your brain activates and starts working in the right direction for you.

Now the most important thing is to gradually move towards your goal. Step by step, every day. Do not waste a minute! Take Action!

We wish you good luck and success in achieving your goals.