Private house or studio apartment with several levels suggest the presence of stairs. At the design stage hoisting trigger system should consider its appearance, style, design elements (railings, stairs, etc. and its attachment.).
In addition to the primary function - providing the tenants move between the floors (levels), the design should fit perfectly into the interior, not stand out from a single color.
Stairs should be comfortable and safe.
If a large area of the house - a structure can be placed in the center of the living room, if not - then, in the lobby or in the corner of a residential premises.
Today, there are an unlimited choice of ladders, their styles and decorative elements for homes of any plan. We just need to make the right choice in favor of a project.
Options for private homes
- on kosour
- on the string
- rails
- Screw
- marching
Materials for manufacturing
- metal
- concrete
- stone
- glass
Style and design
- In a modern style
- In the classic style
The loft
- Example ladder loft designs
- In the style of minimalism
- The Art Deco
- The Art Nouveau
- In the style of Provence
- Country style
- The Mediterranean-style
- How to make the space under the stairs?
- Rules covering
Modern and unusual staircase
- examples
- conclusion
Options for private homes
The main types of inter-floor stairs are:
- front;
- march;
- Coil;
- swing;
- and rails;
- attic et al.

The project of the grand staircase is unique and created in accordance with the dimensions of the premises.
In the center of the room is often installed marching design with intermediate platforms.
Large houses on the space area can be decorated with swing lift system.
Goes below March, then ground, separating the upper march on the right and left. Save space in the house with limited space will spiral design.
Stairs and rails will not look bulky and destroy the interior of lightness. Attic ladder can fold and get out of the hatch. Such a compact structure can be disclosed only if necessary.
on kosour
Stringers are the foundation of the ladder of any design. Stringers are solid carrier strut. There may be 3 - on the sides and in the middle, 2 - on the sides or 1 - only the middle. Next, they fix stage. If you look at the ladder side edges of steps are visible.

Stringers are designed to ensure the reliability of the design stage - carrying rack. Today, this kind of facilities in demand due to the fact that the design does not "load" the space, it looks elegant and can be blend well into any room and interior. Especially it concerns models without risers (active member provides additional strength).
on the string
structures manufacturing technology to kosour and bowstrings similar. The main difference is in the way of support levels. In the first case, support for the steps are the stringers and fasten them at the top. In the second - a stage between the string.

The most popular models of this type - construction with mortise steps. The string body makes grooves (depth - 20 cm), in which further establish the steps and risers. To the ladder was flat, furniture jig used for precise marking. Supports connecting a metal rod.
Ladder rails (bolts) is simple and clear details. The model is ideal for the interior in the style of hi-tech.
Steps of such a construction are attached to the long suspension bolts. They hold on the iron handrails. Risers are missing. bottom of the ladder are the steps and rails.
Steps of this design are independent from each other and in case of damage can easily be replaced.

Facilities and rails come in different designs:
- stage based only on the rails;
- with one end - rails, with the other - to the wall (kosour, string);
- tall ladders can be combined: with only the support rails weight + next flight may consist of stringers and rails.
Helical structure it is advisable to install in the small area studio apartment or a private house with multiple levels. Such models are less convenient to use than straight. Steps spiral staircase are arranged around a central pillar, have different widths usually insufficient.
Screw products built from materials with low weight, support in the form of walls missing. Such models can be placed in the center of the room. Their main advantages - beautiful appearance, lightness, compactness.

This type of ladders should not be installed in the house, in which small children and elderly people live.
- In the center is a support, it mounted the narrow stair, wide - rely on the wall.
- Steps are separate cantilevered and attached to the central axis. Such models can be placed in the center of the room.
- Without any central support. Stage adjacent to the concave wall.
Stairway is characterized by simplicity, convenience and safety of the structure. This type is the most functional option for the country house.

Model types:
- Odnomarshevye;
- half-pace;
- Mnogomarshevye.
The most convenient option - no more than 10 degrees in one march. If the number of stages more - erecting 2 March. Separator is space. When the span height of more than 3 m. Erecting half-pace model.
- species;
- console;
- Spinal.
Stage cantilevered staircase at one end adjacent to the main wall, the other does not have the support. The thickness of the construction materials for the console project should be 6 cm and more. This kind of looks original and not cumbersome. This is a good option in terms of design. However, the cantilever staircase come cheap.
See also:townhouse design in a modern style

Spinal ladder consist of separate parts which are inserted into one another, forming a unitary construction.
Materials for manufacturing
For the manufacture of ladders, which is expected to operate in private houses or multi-level apartments, use different materials, and combinations thereof.
The most popular materials for these purposes are;
- wood;
- metal;
- glass;
- stone (natural and artificial, honey);
- ceramics.
Other materials are used less frequently. The country house is set and the concrete stairs. For more comfort, such structures are covered with carpet.

In southern countries as a material for internal lifting equipment common ceramic tiles, laid on top of stone masonry or concrete. These materials provide coolness in the house.
For registration steps mirror panels, giving ease of construction are applied.
Ladders are also produced of steel and cast iron (cast iron structures have a spiral shape).
Consider materials for the manufacture of lifting structures in detail.
Metal as a building material for manufacturing ladder constructions is durable, long-life. Metallic structures may look easy and graceful. Such facilities will be appropriate in any environment, regardless of the area of the room.
This material is indispensable in assembling outer staircase to the first floor attic loft. Stair structures may be made entirely of metal or have only the metal base, and the remaining elements (steps, balusters) - wood.

The metal base comprises:
- carrying beam (1 or 2), accounting for the load;
- Frame steps of welded corners / shaped tube. Mounted on the carrier racks;
- site for the rotation and reduction of degrees of inclination.
Metal ladders are:
- welded;
- forged.
By types of facilities:
- two kosour;
- 1 stringers. At the base of the structure - a sturdy beam made of metal, I-beams or channels, which accounts for the maximum load. On it are mounted stage.

Strengths of this ladder:
- durability, compactness, "weightlessness";
- on the string;
- and rails;
- helical structure with supporting columns in the center.
Also, the metal structures are:
- 1 or 2 spans;
- direct;
- to turn;
- rounded;
- 3-sectioned;
- in the form of a trapezoid;
- in the form of letters: P and G.
Concrete is a versatile material for the construction of stair constructions, including in the private construction. Designs can be mounted inside or outside the house.

- monolithic;
- combined.
Monolithic structures are usually installed at the entrance to the basement, outside the building, in front of the porch.
Combined concrete stairs - a design with a metal frame and outstanding bases for attaching concrete steps. Steps used for reflux formwork and reinforcement lattice; materials are: concrete, crushed granite, marble chips. After drying stage polish.

- strength;
- resistance to external influences;
- convenience;
- no noise during operation;
- fire safety;
- Possible elements complement the decor.
The construction of this ladder is happening on the stage of construction of the house floor. The main condition for the installation of concrete stairs - the correctness of calculations to ensure a smooth step in the operation. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the floor covering and to generate a metric lifting height of the steps.
Stone - the best material to create a stair structures, both external and internal.
Stone stairs complement the interior of the room where luxury prevails. Such an arrangement may be made of a granite in different colors, slate, quartzite or limestone.

Staircases of granite are durable and resistant to adverse influences from outside; permanently preserve pristine appearance.
Popular staircase with steps made of natural stone chips. Such structures are strong and durable.
To create stairs widely used artificial stone (granite, agglomerate, Acrylic Stone). Among the advantages of this material: durability, aesthetic appeal, reasonable price. More economical and lightweight option - a staircase with stone plates for steps.
Marble stone has a wide range of colors, suitable for any interior.
When choosing this material is an important characteristic of the adhesive composition. It is necessary to choose correctly.
Ladder structure of marble easy to install: first master puts the stone structure, then concreted.

- strength;
- easy installation;
- attractive appearance;
- compactness;
- affordable price.
Glass stairs are designed to serve as a dominant interior and its decoration. Ladders made of glass can be an important part of the interior in the style:
- bionics;
- high tech;
- minimalism;
- techno.

- original appearance;
- strength.
Since such facilities installed in the rooms to give the space of beauty and ease, designers recommend built in the house another, more functional and convenient staircase, which is expected to operate each day.
For the safety of inhabitants of the house a glass surface of steps should be equipped with anti-slip coating.
Also, in terms of design, if the house there are objects and surfaces made of metal, wood and stone, they can harmonize well with the help of ladders made of glass.

Types of glass runs from the design point of view:
- teams;
- welded.
Assembly models are mounted to the wall with metal support. Weldments are more reliable, can withstand heavy loads. Steps such ladders are kept at kosour. Welded structures installed in the shopping center and mall, office and residential premises.
Style and design
In order to climb the ladder to the second floor has become a harmonious complement to the interior or the central object, it must be properly matched in terms of style and design.
Often ladders are located in the hallway. Upon entering the house, the hosts and guests first of all see the inner lining the stairs, so its design should be given great attention.
See also:attic design 90 photo examples of arrangement of the attic floor

The construction should be selected according to the space style. The construction will take place through the first and second floors or levels, so you need to consider a smooth transition from one situation to another.
The color scheme is also important. Depending on the style of the interior and the taste of the owners, the ladder can be inscribed harmoniously, or act as a general interior contrasting center.
Decor elements of premises and design stairs to the second floor (art forging in the design of the fireplace or bars on the windows and stair railing) can intersect to form a single composition.
In a modern style
For stairs in a modern style characterized by:
- severity of forms;
- lack of decor.

- wood;
- metal parts;
- tempered glass;
- concrete.
Modern staircase with wrought differ rigor or as a fence can serve art object.
In private homes, modern buildings made from wood with decorative elements of different shapes.
Every detail of the construction plays a role in the overall decor. Materials for fences:
- metal;
- glass;
- wood (rare).

Fences and railings may be missing. For the safety of the rail may be located on an adjacent wall.
On platforms between spans have tables or cabinets with paintings or lamps.
In the space under the march set vases plants, waterfalls or fountains. Balusters on designs in a contemporary style support rail and provide security. Appearance balusters - strict, no decor, but the shape may be different, for example, in the form of a rack mounted with a different pitch.
In the classic style
By the classical style are FLOATING, with or without pads, depending on the room size.
In classic style, preference is given to natural materials. Common staircase made of wood with decorative elements.

For facing of steps used marble. However, this material is cold and slides, so the stage can be covered with carpet.
Main characteristics:
- comfort;
- symmetrical parts;
- crisp lines;
- solid appearance;
- decorative elements.
In the process of finishing is used gilding, carving, natural stones, artistic forging. Such designs decorate tapestry silk.
The loft
Staircase in loft can be made of any material.
Key features of the style:
- a space divided into zones;
- manufacturability;
- simplicity of design;
- lack of decor;
- functionality.

The different architectural solutions loft-style blend harmoniously with each other (wall of brick stairs + metal + mirrors and modern technology).
The color scheme of stages Loft ladders - dark and cold; frame is cast from metal. Protections treated composition, which gives the product aged effect.
Example ladder loft designs
Direct construction, in which basis - welded frame made of metal with a modern design.
march inclination angle is 45 °. Steps can be made of solid hardwood: oak, beech, pine; lined with clapboard. Fencing made of metal is provided for greater comfort wooden handrail.

Ladder construction may have T- or U-shaped.
In the style of minimalism
The main characteristic of the style of minimalism - it's perfect simplicity. For the interior in this style will suit odnomarshevaya straight staircase form.
As supports for the steps can act Bolz. Fencing structure from the outside can be omitted.
As a handrail along the wall using a thin beam. Based on the concept of minimalism, decorative elements on the lifting facilities are also available.

The simple design of the staircase in minimalism style may not look trivial. Every detail must be reconciled and remain in place.
The Art Deco
Art Deco style - is the essence of different cultures and eras. For stairs in this style is characterized by:
- sharp lines;
- geometry;
- decor inlaid;
- high cost of materials and the final product.
Basic material - light wood. Lifting constructions in this style will appeal to lovers of luxury and elegance. Spans are low steps. When making a handrail used artistic forging with exotic patterns, floral motifs, which can smoothly "flow" in the floor or wall decor.

The ideal type of Deco staircase - spiral or semi-circular. The correct line must be combined with complex patterns. Site between spans - spacious.
The Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau - architectural style of the early XX century. It intertwined different directions. This style can be described as practical, with a focus on aesthetic appeal.
Distinctive features of the style:
- strength;
- minimalism;
- crisp lines;
- conciseness.
Stairs in modern style are mostly made of wood (eg larch) or metal. Steps are asymmetrical, a broken form. In the manufacture of handrails used artistic forging or carving. Popular floral designs.
Also, in the construction of modernity can be made of concrete.

In the presence of stairwells, where you can set the object in the same style, for example, high-backed chair.
stairs mission in this style - to conquer the home owners and their guests a luxurious appearance. The interior should be appropriate.
In the style of Provence
Lifting constructions in Provence style graceful, elegant and full of light colors. Construction elements in this style have fine abrasions, faded areas to create the effect of antiquity.

Stairs in Provence style is simple. The décor is painted with floral motifs.
Colors of Provence stairs - pastel, gentle.
For maximum matching structures Provence style staircase should have square corners. Protections - forged represent florid plexus resemble tree branches. With the help of the patina railings acquire vintage look.
See also:The design of the facades of private houses
Typical materials - natural:
- wood;
- a rock;
- metal.
The main material for construction in the style of Provence - a tree. Preference is given to light shades of wood: birch, light oak, maple. To trim panel sidewalls ladder is used with an embossed surface.
Steps and / or frame can be finished with a wild stone. For security and as a soundproofing cover stage acceptable carpet made from natural tissues (such as flax, burlap).

The metal is suitable as a fence decoration. This may be artistic forging or more budget metal profile.
Country style
Country - a typical style of the American West. This style interior is ideal for holiday home.
Staircase in Country Style has a simple structure. The material is wood and other natural materials. For more styling to make the surface of the wood scrapes and bumps.
Demanded option - the "old" wallpaper and wood paneling soothing colors. Staircases and decorated with thematic panels.

This style has different areas that have an impact on the design of the staircase.
For example, based on country style typical American tradition, the staircase is made out as a barnyard fence. Used as decoration typical attributes of farm life.
The construction can be made from hewn boards, and as steps used logs. Artificially aged elements harmony with natural stone, ceramic fragments.

The Mediterranean-style
For the Mediterranean style is characterized by:
- comfort;
- simplicity;
- natural chic.
Designs in this style can be implemented in various materials:
- wood;
- stone;
- metal;
- concrete;
- brick.
Designs can be:
- screw;
- sustainer.

The most common variant of the ladder structures in Mediterranean style for a country house - design in wood. They are simple in terms of design and manufacturing is ideally fit into the interior, wooden stairs can be repaired, if necessary.
Wood brings to the interior of the house notes comfort. The material used birch coated polyurethane varnish hue "Wenge", which creates a black-blue reflux.
Robust design of the stone may well be written into the interior. Through the use of modern materials such a structure will not be heavy-handed. Stairs in a Mediterranean style, made of wrought iron look subtly and effectively.

Steps often trim tiles to create coolness. the base material can be stone, metal, concrete.
How to make the space under the stairs?
Regardless of the area of the house, each of his see must be equipped to use.
The space under the stairs to the second floor can be designed to fit your aesthetic preferences: set the vases with plants, decorative figures, coffee table, and others. or to equip it:
- kitchenette;
- cupboards / shelves for books and souvenirs;
- "Parking" for bicycles, baby carriages;
- bar;
- sleeping or working place;
- play area for children;
- dressing;
- San node;
- pantry.

To think ideas should be at the stage of construction of the house in order to take timely communications for the kitchen, bathroom-node coverage area.
In terms of design, podlestnichnoe space can blend in with the style of the house or constitute an isolated area.
Rules covering
Properly chosen lighting can transform and make the most of the original staircase of conventional design.
When choosing lighting for the home of the lifting facilities need to comply with the important points:
- lighting should be muted, so as not to obstruct visibility;
- if the ladder is not dominant space and disposed, for example, in the living room lights should also not be too bright;
- spotlights small capacity should be mounted march along the same distance from each other for uniform illumination of each step;
- If the construction is made in muted colors or located in a darkened area is to be illuminated brighter;
- stair lights should be in harmony with the main room lighting.

If the ladder is installed in a room with a high ceiling, in addition to the backlight must be present and the overhead light.
Modern and unusual staircase
For modern stair designs are characterized by an unusual combination of materials, styles and colors, the unexpected elements of the decor, original lighting.
Creative solution for a small area of the house - a spiral design in the form of a snail with a high inner rim, performs the function of the railing.
As a backlight used spotlights, mounted in the board structure. Miniature ladder in eco-style with suspended steps made of wood with iron rods as the rails.

Also, in the interior eco-style suit hanging ladders made of wood with a glass enclosure. Originally and "air" looks compact lifting structure with pendant steps, trimmed veneer. As the fence stretched metal cables.
For the interior in high-tech style, designers offer sculptural set screw design with a central support in the form of a spiral and glass stairs without railings.
Ladder, located in the lobby may be made of steel with inserts on marble steps. Stopping the choice on modern lifting equipment, we should not forget about security, because many samples have steep stairs unusual angle and do not have handrails.
With all the variety of modern designs it is important that the stairs were:
- safe;
- comfortable;
- functional;
- stylish;
- in harmony with the interior of the house.
Select the form, style, design and location of the ladder structures should be at a stage of construction of the house, then the stairs will be of practical use and delight the household and guests with their appearance for many years.