Attribute of large private estates have become an extension, detached garages and open carports. For machines also design easy entry and exit from the territory. If the second point is more or less clear, selection of "garage or roof" may result in analyzing many arguments. In closed garages have more options for storing accessories. This solution - the classic and time-tested. Sheds with open sides are used as an addition to or a single parking garage for the car. It is logical that in addition to "car issue", together with the design of the garage or visor nuances decide on registration of the site. In some cases it is better to abandon the simple closed an extension to the house, and sometimes shed from the supports would be superfluous. For example, when the territory has absolutely no place. To assemble the carport their own hands, we must be able to make a plan, and - process materials and combine them into complex assemblies.
- Advantages and disadvantages of the canopy
- accommodation Features
- The size
The material for the frame and the support structure
- Stone, concrete or brick
- Metal
- Wood
roof species
- Pent
- Gable or hipped
The choice of roofing material
- polycarbonate
- Decking
- tile
- The site lay out under the shed
Wooden shed with their hands
- Filling installation foundation and support structure
- frame assembly
- Installing roofing material
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of the canopy
As for the merits, the canopy - it is primarily a successful alternative to the garage. Under construction not lay a great foundation, and thus save. Among the benefits should include the construction time. Installing the canopy will take more than a few weeks, but will not be able to make it without outside help. Self-assemble only parts of the canopy. Place under the canopy can be both a plus and a failure to do this. On the one hand, the canopy is not as good closes from the sun that can ruin the color of the car and make the stuffiness in the cabin. On the other - the car will be quick access, which is very convenient in the summer. Open design - part of the site design.

Disadvantages sheds obvious. In the garage, the car is better protected against theft, because the attackers would first need to get into the building itself. In addition, the machine is under the peak is not protected by heavy rainfall.

accommodation Features
Basic accommodation options:
- shed as a part of the house;
- standing separately.
In the first case visors differ on the basis of design. They provide either at the stage of construction, or finish building later. Some are relatively light construction close to the main residential building, near it or at the end of the path leading deep portion.

As for the different versions of awnings that are a part of residential buildings, in this sense, there is a standard and original ways of accommodation. Empty space for cars sometimes do exactly under the living room or hall. Sometimes there are side visors. Then they erected a solid structure with one or two open sides. Garages are also doing with supports. In this case we are talking about only one roof, or, again, of a figure at least one missing from the wall. Parking facilities are also made in the form of mini-tunnels, or the space under the projecting unit / building canopy.

Location and access to it should be planned in such a way that the vehicle did not cross the "active" part of the territory!

The size
Construction starts with a plan, and will not prevent the drawing and on the very territory. In general, access to a network is ready drawings.

The key moment of approach when the canopy is selected. Protection from sun and rain do as much as possible on the area. Guided by the dimensions of the car. Use of the same overhang is too uneven for vehicles, which, for example, have a 2-meter difference in length. Projects with versatile shelters, most likely will not work.

The optimum height of the canopy for cars starts at 2.5 m. The width of doing at least 1 m higher than transport. The larger it is, the easier it is to park.. Minimum headroom length - 1 m too practice the gap is less than 1.5 m makes no sense: because of rain, snow, and so on. Rule meter reserve works for sheds for several cars. So do the minimum interval between the cars.

The material for the frame and the support structure
"Skeleton" mini-garage is formed of the following materials:
- wood;
- metal;
- a rock;
- brick;
- concrete.

The supporting pillars and the roof frame parts made from the exact geometric technologies with straight, diagonal and curved elements. In the case of wood there are at least four basic ways of connecting the roof parts. Their construction and is connected by conventional hardware. Welded metal constructions. Working with wood and metal require the participation of at least a few people. With brick, stone and concrete buildings it is more complicated. Yourself you can still build a brick structure, but not concrete or stone. In the last two cases, the work of masters teams. Metal roofs look good on the background of garden plants, as well as wooden. They have a lot of absolute advantage, while the wood with a good treatment - at least nice view. Not much they are inferior stone mini-garages in terms of aesthetics. In addition, stone buildings look more modern. Brick and concrete canopy decorated with paneling or something like that.
See also:Wrought-iron gate with his hands

Stone, concrete or brick
For self erection is not the best materials. The frame and the supporting structure of brick, concrete and stone count for much longer. To install bulky elements involve heavy equipment. finished canopy coverage is left intact or trim something like lining, siding, relief panels. As a result, owners are aesthetically attractive construction and save by eliminating conventional garage. The combination of materials, including surface finish, giving advantages in terms of durability. Caring for stone / brick / concrete support does not require much effort, but takes more time than the construction service on thin pillars. Brick building - is first and foremost the durability and variety in terms of configuration. Stone try to emphasize the good taste and status, and even coatings do not require additional finishing.

Applied including profiled tube section 80 × 80 mm. Selected modification with protection from moisture, because the metal corrodes. After pouring the foundation point mark for the pillars, and then make a drill recess. This convenient approach with high accuracy operations. Then fill the hole with concrete. The pillars and cross members connect transferred to the main frame. The metal tip of the overhang mounted welder. Roof frame make closed or left free all but the top layer of roofing material. That is, in the end get a monolithic structure or shelter from the farm. The upper part of the metal overhang collected from tubes profiled-section of 40 × 20 mm. Under the broad canopies have to do a long, curved elements and the complexity of the work will increase by several times.

Collect makeshift structure of wood can one who is more or less versed in carpentry and construction. Self-processing and preparation of wood leads to a considerable loss of time. It involves cutting, the blank elements. While preliminary work and will take at least a week, the implementation will be relatively easy, especially as for the tree has the largest selection of tools. All nodes are connected plates and hardware. They use wood mainly in the form of bars. They are inserted or screwed into the foundation special metal compounds with large anchors. The material for the canopy is treated with double care to close to transport and car accessories on the tree does not appear fungus. In terms of aesthetics, the worst that can happen - is cracking. Wood is inferior in durability to the remaining material.

roof species
They are not so much, as in the case of residential rooftops. However, embodiments are also present for awnings geometric aspects. It should highlight the 5 main categories: lean-tos, gable, hipped, arched, complex. At the same time, in addition to the species themselves roofs, there are also options with an improvised canopy when it performs the role of a different construction, for example, the very house. Pent roof is known for simplicity, versatility and design. Option one horizontal slope - the same classics as hipped roof of the house. With regard to the gable overhang for the garage, it gives greater protection against external factors. Better yet, in this sense, hipped roof, because it consists of 4 rays. Complex geometric roof which is fit into the landscaped area. Arch is also suitable for this purpose. Rounded roofs look great as a segment for a number of car parks.

Simple and at the same time stylish option. Shed carport represents 1 plane, typically with a slight slope, and sometimes horizontal. Roofs of a single ramp are including a free-standing, but they are usually planned as an addition to the house. In this case, he usually has the disadvantage of a small angle, which leads to the accumulation of debris, leaves and snow. For this reason, the roof should be designed taking into account a possible overpressure at the side of the roof. Deformation spoil the appearance, can make it impossible for storage under the roof of the car to correct the deficiency. In this embodiment with the expressed single-slope incline gives good protection from rain and snow accumulates fewer than all other types of roofing. Shed canopy designed and installed relatively quickly and simply.

Gable or hipped
These types of roofs erected with more complex calculations of the load. Gable and gambrel better options close by exposure to the elements. Two plane obliquely compound are roof with two slopes. Gambrel overhang required has triangular ramps and the elements in the form of trapezoids, therefore consists of four fragments. Construction technology of two- and hipped roofs allows us to achieve a variety of shapes and configurations of the upper part of the building. His hands will be easier to design with large rafters. And the easiest option involves the construction of a farm from the iron bars on the ceiling-roof. Parking on request and can do without these devices. At the same time, with its own roof assembly is also possible to select the frame options. For example, do without mauerlat and use in his role the upper stud.
See also:Design interior of the house 150 photo

The choice of roofing material
Instead of multiple selection criteria, you can apply one principle - to use the same material as that for the main roof of the house. Justification monolithic embodiment arises if the canopy extension is. For roofing material on the truss construction made of lath strips or transverse webs. Under hard cover form a lattice, and a soft - solid version of the paintings. In this case, accurate information about the step for sparse lathing as well as the configuration of the producers indicate in general. Hard coat is definitely better. And one of the options, decking suitable for self-assembly. If we take the polycarbonate, the better - multicam. Since at least three rows of plastic and two rows of cells - to protect the vehicle from heat. By the same token, you can take a roofing material light shades.

The buyer usually gets 2 options: a monolithic material or cell. They do not differ according to the standard width of the sheet - about 2000 mm. In cellular models have long panels of 6 and 12 m, while the monolithic standard is 3 m to the ratio of monolithic worse, since almost 6 times the mass of:. 7.2 kg / m² at 1.3 kg / m² in segmented. In the past more than the bending radius. Monolithic polycarbonate is 25 years old and less reliable cell - only 10.

Segmented material has higher resistance to heat transfer. But transmittance approximately equal. In cell it meets the 82%, and the other varieties - 85%.
Help find the ideal thickness SNP II-3-79 and snip 21-01-97. Protection from strong winds provide model thickness from 6 to 8 mm. Panel thickness 10 mm pose due to adverse weather conditions.

When choosing a professional flooring pay attention to the 5 criteria, apart from the issue of delivery. Including such:
- Thickness;
- Appearance;
- Features of the waves;
- The evenness of the edges;
- Price.
The first of these, the thickness is selected according to the principle "the more the score, the better." If you apply for a roof deck, it works, and the second rule: there should be no excessive load on the ground. To fit the roof portion at the thickness of 0.5 mm or more. The sheets should be checked for stains and scratches. This is the second time. In turn, the geometry of the waves determines the compatibility with the roof. Watch crest dimensions and thickness. A good corrugated edges - perfectly flat and have no burrs. Bad on this criterion material will rust in areas with handicaps. Do not buy a steel sheet with a large thickness and low price. Perhaps he is a low-quality or even fake. The problem sometimes becomes delivery, because at this point the sheets can bend and spoil.

Often hard and soft. People prefer asphalt and metal roofing.
Soft not put at negative temperatures, because it partially solidifies and becomes brittle. For it is impossible to walk in the heat - in this case, it is softened. On the other hand, it gives shingles waste least on curved surfaces. Soft tile trim complex formed elements. In terms of longevity she also has the advantage, but it all depends on usage. With a maximum of 50 years in metal, asphalt can last as much as 70 years.
Solid tile - more reliable and practical. It is not deformed, it has a high temperature limit. But because of the sudden snow melting on it at times put the system for his detention. This is an additional cost. Among the disadvantages of metal shingles there is also the problem of resonating sounds.

The site lay out under the shed
On the heaving soils it makes sense to make a coating of paving slabs. Through small gaps in the tile moisture will evaporate in a sufficient amount, and the coating respectively - to a lesser degree of warp. Spread on the tile neatly compacted layer of sand or gravel with cement, after which a rubber hammer blade pierce deeper. Instead of tiles used as paving stones and natural / artificial stone. Growing popularity of relatively new coating - lawn grid. Environmental parking is a rigid plastic grid with filling lawn grass. The main advantage is that this ekoparkovka does not need any maintenance. Pressing an option Ranch: soil reinforcing sand and then fine gravel. Then erected a fence of poles and planks along its length. Painted white.
The materials have only 3 key requirements:
- Durability;
- The ability to withstand the weight of the vehicle, and with a large margin of safety;
- Compatibility with the design of the area.

Wooden shed with their hands
We need these materials and tools:
- aluminum rivets;
- screws for wood;
- the board (at t. h. for crates);
- rail;
- bars;
- corrugated board;
- metal skate;
- cement;
- sand;
- antiseptic.
See also:Gates with wicket for a detached house

The first step is forming the base: from boards collected formwork. Used as boards for crates. Location chosen perfectly smooth. In the case of inclined places on the site construction of the foundation is also possible, but only if the minimum slope, within a few degrees. Then make the support structure of the bars with fastening into the concrete. Rods of the same configuration used in creating rafters. The elements of truss construction add different support. As an embodiment of this bolt and tighten. In the second case it does without a crossbar, but additionally using run and strut. The third method involves the use of mauerlat, Lejeune, run and stand. The fourth option rafters collected bolt, girder, mauerlat, sleepers and strut. All elements used in accordance with the number of rafters (rafters). At the end of the roof mounted, and with his own hands it is better to collect from corrugated board.

Filling installation foundation and support structure
First of all select a suitable site. Plans are made on a sheet of paper or even on that free space. Perimeter parking select at 3 × 6 m. Suffice for a large construction in principle of such a section, but its configuration is not suitable for two cars. So, we calculate angles for the construction. Ascertain their parameters can then measure distances between points on the 3 and distance of 4 meters from the corner, in a line with respect to it: distance should amount to exactly 5 meters. Then do rags and look forward to the remaining corners. Next we hammered pegs and measure diagonally. Allowable difference is 5 mm. By the size of the figures fill the tarmac and preparing rails and boards for the support structure.
First mount rails-rack frame. By the concrete they are fixed with steel corners. And bolted from below with two sides to the beam, but there are also special fasteners with a form which is introduced into the concrete foundation. This kind of bracket with a large anchor. There are even versions with adjustable mounting bracket that allows you to change the height of the rack location. To shed it still would be superfluous. If the carcass is planned to fill the floor, the foundation makes columnar.

frame assembly
For mounting cantrail use similar bars as in the case of the uprights of the support system. Fixation is performed by reinforced steel strips or corners. It is theoretically possible to make fixing only by screws, but then the joint strength will be called into question. In the process of checking the diagonal. Rafter strengthen bolts, ties, braces and struts. The safety margin is calculated from the consideration that the roof will blow strong winds. Connection rafters deal still on the ground. Rafters and collect a second check for compliance with size. To pad width of 3 m Rafter length is not more than 2 m height at the kink Registered roof. To create a roof rack of a triangle using 50 × 50 mm and a pitch not more than half a meter therebetween. In regions with snow in the winter profile strips is selected to be 100 × 50 mm.

Installing roofing material
Among the materials for roofing is best to choose a professional flooring. For gable roof 3-meter wide on each side of the sheet half enough. One of the series will have to consist only of the half-sheet, which is why we place it below, cut side up. So, to cut a number of hidden, which is higher. Another variant of placing the cut - the apex. Profiled put overlapped, and if the overlap is 2 waves, the protection against leaks will improve significantly. Regardless of the number of waves in the puffing, its fastening rivets made of aluminum. The junction of this will be tight. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the trough, because there will be minimal thermal expansion. In addition, the packing bore press washer. Skate fastened by rivets or all of these same screws with a press washer - gofrolist through the upper elements and at intervals of 30 cm.
, Use the wave seal to prevent minor leakage!

Before the choice to stop at the open carport, you should think about the practical side of the issue. On the machine can be put anti-theft system, but a parking garage provides protection from vandalism and natural disasters. To open the option should have caught the first amateur designs and experiments. Visor can develop the basic idea, which was used in the design of the facade of the house or garden. construction algorithm consists of 5 stages, the last of which will be directly mounting structure. First, the configuration and size selected mini-car garage. Do not interfere leave room for emergency or simply to make the most spacious option. Subsequently the material selected for the supports and the carcass, as well as the area around the roof and overhang. These are three separate components, and the selection of each of them can be arranged as you like. The construction includes a foundation uncovered fill, frame setup and roofing.