Constructivism refers to a group of avant-garde styles. In the late XIX-early XX centuries in the fine arts began to arise new currents, which flatly denied the tradition. They clearly traced persistent attempts to find new, previously unused. Vanguard originated in Europe, where he worked the main inspiration, and the birthplace of constructivism is considered to be the Soviet Union. In the early stages of formation of the Soviet regime started to be developed "international" style, which It reflects the main aspects of collectivization: simple forms, laconic decor, strict geometric figures. Constructivism partly resembled a medley of abstraction and minimalism. Initially, the direction of "leaked" into the architecture. At that time, it accelerated the pace of urban development, as the new government has sought the ruins of the former to create your rational world. Then moved to the style of landscape design, interior design, and took the direction of the cultural life of the Soviet people: literature, music and photography.
However, as is well known, the direction can not live "fully" within a country, and the idea of Russian architects began to adopt their foreign counterparts. So constructivism across the "closed" borders of the USSR and created new stylistic offshoots that went with their development paths. Before the start of World War II, a sharp decline was artificially provoked direction. He forcibly began to change to a more grandiose and luxurious options. The change of leadership of the country has become popularized entirely different ideas, rejecting old. Constructivism in the interior will still be used, but it will happen directions degradation. Many architects and designers, being desperate adherents of this style were unable to adjust to the "new rules" and preferred to emigrate from the country. However, the story did not end direction, constructivist ideas continue to live up to now. Rationalistic, which is subject to strict style, after the next cyclical "spiral" fashion has become popular again. Naturally Constructivists find the original interior solutions, corresponding to the new times and the needs of modern man.
- General characteristics of style
- Decoration Materials
- Furniture
- color solutions
- Lighting
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- nursery
- Bathroom
- hallway
- conclusion
General characteristics of style
Short description of constructivism can be expressed in two words "rationality and practicality." Style, as well as other areas, has a number of features that are unique to him. These include:
- Systematization. Absolutely throughout the interior should be a clear procedure, which does not allow "to get lost" guests in the room, and the hosts on their own shelf in the closet. If you belong to the supporters of the "creative disorder" in the apartment and in the head, then this style is not for you.
- Strict colors. This feature is characteristic of most modern styles. In constructivism use gray, black, brown, but also allow the presence of bright accents.
- The simplicity of the lines, "light" geometry. No smooth curves, rounded shapes in furniture and decoration features should not be.
- "Hello" from the Soviet era. Their presence on the premises is not necessary, but to create an extraordinary situation like a stylistic move will be most welcome. Figures in constructivism taboo, so lively use graphic posters or banners, which depicts working-class slogans and calls of the last century.
- Minimalist. In the interior is only required to stay a minimum of furniture. It will be practical, and sometimes even multifunctional. In the last nuance traced modern fashion trends.
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Constructivism refers to simple styles, which however is not suitable for everyone. By the interior will have to either get used to it, or reject it immediately. Last natures for the young who like to "live" room. The direction is more suitable for the strict, serious people aged.
Constructivism does not like the separation of the room, in which he was ahead of fashion trends in interior design and "foresaw" the popularization of studio apartments.

Decoration Materials
On finishing materials for constructivism, as they say, do not go broke. Direction prefers "low" options: glass, metal, plastic. Imitation expensive materials rarely used as arrogance and attempts to reach the status of "luxury" is not about the practical style. Constructivism is not necessary for someone to prove something, because it is self-sufficient. However, the direction is not without a touch of elegance unique. It embodies the chrome and glass surfaces, which are beneficial to stand out against the plastic. Walls okleivayut simple wallpaper, ceiling plaster and paint or bleach, and veiled laminate floor board or parquet, devoid of traditional wood pattern. In more advanced embodiments, a self-leveling floor ceilings (plain and without patterns). In the textile prefer simple naturalness: cotton, linen, "sacking". Welcome coarse texture, with visible stitching fibers.
It's important to know. Designers recommend to abandon the popular tree brick and stone. These materials are in the style of the room will look alien, since violate its basic principle: minimalist decor and decoration.

Furnishings chosen according to the principle: the simpler, the better. Each functional room sufficiently low to be used for its intended purpose, and not stand "for beauty." The concept of the latest in constructivism also has its own. It is expressed in rationality, rigor and stylistic restraint. Such things "adult" view of the beautiful, contrasting with the "youth" of romanticism or beauty bright charm of Provence. The furnishing as prevails in the finishing plastic which is shaded metal, glass and mirrors. Surface smooth, without relief texture. Covering of sofas and chairs with a rough texture of natural fibers or combinations thereof with synthetics.

The need for simple furniture, which in those days produced en masse, arose on the basis of post-war shortages. To typical products and manufactured quickly and cost pennies, I had to give up all the frills. For this reason, the furniture only performed basic functions: it cooked, ate, slept, sat, worked and rested. All other "delights" are the lot of the bourgeois layers, who despised.

color solutions
color "trio" is always in style basis. If you use more shades, the brevity and harmonious interior painting can be broken. Two colors tend to have a neutral character white, gray, black, brown, and the third is selected on the principle of contrast. Last tone plays in the furniture and decoration details. Especially popular are:
- Red;
- Blue;
- Green;
- Yellow.
See also:African style in the interior and its features
It does not recommend the use of drawings, designs and patterns.

In a special position in constructivism natural light. It should be as much room to literally bathed in it. In private homes for this purpose set the panoramic windows in the floor. This nuance into account at the design stage. In the apartments, where to change the order of things no longer work, window frame self-colored curtains and air tulle, which looks more like a gossamer light. Such conditional "obstacle" will prevent the sun's rays play on metal and glass surfaces in the interior. Artificial lighting is working on three main levels. The total is usually made by means of a ceiling chandelier, which is located directly above the center of the room. Additional lighting are floor lamps and wall sconces, ceiling lamps that have the most simple forms. Local devices are installed in places for reading or working. Typically, as the light sources are the sheet table lamps.

In very small rooms by curtains better to refuse. They are replaced by practical blinds, in order not to bring with them a raid "office" environment, choose a custom color panels: deep blue, grassy green, sunny yellow.

Living room
The living room is used for collective recreation and "visitors". In this room is set wardrobe, a sofa, a couple of chairs and a coffee table. White floor covered with square mat beige color, which conventionally indicates the center of the room. From this point, and are repelled when creating interior composition. Around the carpet equip zone for recreation, one sofa or two symmetrical opposite each other. Between them, a coffee table, and a number of additional seats in case of a large number of guests. Wall with a window is left open without furniture, that nothing prevented light enters the room. Opposite the recreation area hang a flat screen TV, which did not need the stand. At the opposite wall mounted cabinet with closed shelves.

The function "set" for a bedroom includes bed, bedside tables, chest of drawers, a couple of chairs or poufs and perhaps the cabinet. B is selected from a metal frame black or white. Its dim light veil: from decor is permissible only two or three plain pillows. On the sides of the bed are two bedside tables are placed symmetrically. For each set of a lamp with a simple, white canopy. Sex before bed veiled small square carpet or two small on both sides of the bed. The cabinet can be replaced by a combined type structure with open and closed shelves. This extraordinary step is only allowed to dilute the atmosphere lounges. The open shelves placed books or meager souvenirs made in the best traditions of minimalism.

Original interior look hinged structure (tables, beds), which embody the practicality in its highest form.

See also:Industrial style in the interior design ideas 50 photos
The kitchen prefer headset and not separately purchased item. Its surface can be both matte and glossy, and it is here that are "right" in the accentual color. The headset can be red, blue, yellow. The more active the shade, the less it is used in addition to decorative items. Kitchen apron decorate ceramic tiles without patterns in strict colors. Permissible creation of a "checkerboard" of the composition. Paul, too, trim tiles to match the apron, but larger in size. Square table cloth is not decorated, and the chairs are chosen with hard seats without upholstery. Windows usually only slightly curtain.

Constructivism is rarely used for the decoration of children's rooms. The child is like a room may seem too boring, but there is in the style of its advantages. Taking into account the children's requests, growing year by year, the nature of the crumbs in practical conditions can form quite a different pattern. Of course the room bright accents will be higher than in other rooms. As an exception tolerance of pattern: geometric shapes and combinations thereof. All furniture fits in at least one corner: bed- "loft" with an area for storage and workspace.

In the bathroom, is actively used by mounted toilets and sinks overhead. The abundance of mirrors, glass and metal will be a stylish addition environment. The bath should be replaced by a practical shower. A corner where it will be located, can be finished with ceramic tiles of a different color from the rest of the walls, but within the selected tone composition. Storage area in the small premises are located is not recommended. There are a number of non-standard options (narrow shelves, the shelves near the ceiling), which constructivism simply will not accept. Lack of natural light will have to compensate by increasing the amount of artificial light sources.

The hall closet is set for storage and footwear. Open shelves in it are excluded, since it does not match the rule "systematization" in storage. Walls Wallpapers: blond in large hallways and dark in the little ones. From the chest is recommended to give as the excess of the interior of the object. Instead, it set a high floor with a mirror in a simple frame (maybe a bright color as an accent). If a locker is still present, then choose the hinged model, which adds to the interior of the original notes. Bench or stool for two low pereobuvaniya selected contrasting shades.

Trendy nowadays high-tech is considered to be "grandson" of Soviet constructivism. style ideas in common, and sometimes create original combinations. In fact, high-tech is more modern "version" of constructivism, who has known and accepted to achieve a century of technological progress. Given the ever-increasing popularity of on practicality and simplicity, style promise a strong position in the future.