All of the Japanese culture built on the principles of minimalism. Since ancient times, houses were made out of the Japanese in the strictest conformity with the rules of harmonious simplicity: on the wall did not hang, instead of windows to install special baffles from the ceiling to the floor, sat on mats, and slept on the special futons. The way of life of the average Japanese eliminates superfluous details, his attachment to things. As a result, the functionality of the remains, and aesthetic qualities are not counted. Intellectual development is more important material. All in Japanese housing is minimized, so that nothing would distract from the contemplation of cherry blossoms outside the window and philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. Preferring this way of life, not only the Japanese have learned to concentrate, but also comprehend the truth of oneness with nature.
Their unique culture still seems strange and incomprehensible, even though we are happy to use the gifts of the rising sun, not always knowing where they came to us. So it was with minimalism: we have accepted and absorbed the style, forgetting who we have to tell him "thank you". Subsequently, minimalism is not only reached Europe, but settled down and took a vacant niche at that time, eclipsing the bourgeois luxury and tasteless pomp.
- conquer the world
- "Well at least you used is quite sufficient." Jules Verne
- The colors that delight the eyes of the philosopher
- Bases light composition
- Subtleties of interior decoration
- The principles of selection of furniture
- In the details lies the truth
- On the limits of the small domestic world
- Asymmetry, as one of the principles of
- Out of time
conquer the world
Minimalist interior originates in the same architectural direction. He was influenced by functionalism and constructivism, which developed in parallel with it. The name comes from the Latin «Minimus», which translates as the smallest. In Europe, the emergence of this trend had at the beginning of the twentieth century. The impetus for the development of satiety served as general popular in those times of the Empire style, and modern. Progress makes great strides forward, new technologies gradually become habitual rhythm of life rapidly accelerates, it more than once to look around and detain look at the details and fanciful details. In view of the global changes in society could not change the range of their needs, giving up excessive luxury and putting in the first place brevity and simplicity. Response to this call and mute was the birth of the popular styles today called minimalism, which was already seen the future.

"Well at least you used is quite sufficient." Jules Verne
This famous phrase classic adventure literature you can safely make the motto of the minimalist interior. One of the basic principles of the direction of a rational, economical use of light and space. Both of these important component direction after skillful designer arms form a complex symbiosis, the purpose of which becomes maximum reflection minimalist principles. The space is zoned into separate sections, each of which is reserved for a certain type of activities: a bedroom, a vacation, a work area. "Zone" is not intersect with each other, but only touch conventional boundaries. Such a strict allocation of seats for a certain kind of activity underscores one of the principles of minimalism - orderliness. This view of the interior is perfect for those who do not accept the "clutter" premises and lurid detail.
See also:Grunge style in the interior

The colors that delight the eyes of the philosopher
Even Goethe wrote: "The color - a product of the light, which causes the emotion." Color is always invisible to us determines the emotional background of the person. Therefore, it is important to approach very seriously to the choice of colors in the design of the room in which you will spend much of his life. The basic color is considered to be white or variations: ivory, beige. To add basic color secondary, which are bound to it by contrast. Prevail, natural colors:
- Grass-green;
- Solar yellow;
- Saturated violet;
- Steel gray;
- Chocolate brown.

The ideal is considered to be a harmonious combination of two or three colors, if used more, unobtrusive interior will begin to disappear. Contrast must be present to simple parts is not "blurred", and the eye was to catch hold.

Tone used necessarily homogeneous: no pattern, ornament, flourishes and flowers.

Bases light composition
As mentioned above: light and space are one, they complement and reveal each other's capabilities. It is important to adhere to the illusion of openness to people to "breathe" is not only the body but also in spirit. This effect helps to achieve well-distributed lighting. In minimalism, often use a multi-tiered distribution model lighting. At the very top of our pyramid is light chandelier. Under it distributed-stair area lighting: wall and floor lamps, lamps, built-in lighting.

In a supplement glass or mirrors can be used to light a celebration. Particular attention is paid to the windows. Daylight should not be just a lot, but a lot of that you have lost the feeling of stiffness in the walls and roof boxes. A panorama of the city at night unfolded material web with a starry sky will satisfy your aesthetic needs in the dark. At the moment, French windows are the ideal option.

Subtleties of interior decoration
used or natural or artificial high quality materials that mimic early in interior decoration of the room. This minimalist element in its time was a real boom: the walls decorated by rough "brick" steel appear in most of the apartments, studios and offices, the owners who follow the latest fashion trends from the world design. Among the natural materials that give preference to, the three leaders is as follows:
- Wood: oak, cedar, larch.
- Natural stone: granite, marble.
- Metal steel, brass and even iron.
See also:Soviet style in the interior 75 photo examples

Form in minimalism almost reached the seemingly unreachable perfection. Note the prevalence usual geometrical shapes: triangles, squares, circles, or combinations thereof. Sometimes designers resort to the use of soft curves, but only to dilute the overall geometry of the "ideal". If the colors gently alluding to the restraint, the straight lines clearly indicate lack of compromise.

The principles of selection of furniture
Minimalism means not only self-restraint, but also versatility.
When choosing furniture the principle of economy of space, too, is taken into account. On the one hand, it should organically fit into the overall composition, and on the other to combine several functions at once. Therefore, this style is often used tables - transformers, beds with pull-out shelves for storage, cabinets with secret drawers for extra things, shelves with sliding tops, chairs with hidden niches.

Drapery room is made of natural fabrics. Such as flax, cotton, batiste, silk, muslin, cotton, chiffon, felt and even burlap. Often used deliberately coarse cloth, to once again emphasize the closeness to all natural and easy disregard for accepted standards of feigned brilliant gloss. Fabrics should be self-colored, it is considered to be a valid combination of two tissue webs of different colors and different textures, if they do not violate the general harmony of style.

In the details lies the truth
Minimalism does not accept the abundance of small parts.

If we decided to stick to the principle of simplicity in everything we have to say a resounding "no" nice trinkets and fun details. Without accessories and decorated in a minimalist style, it may seem too bare, sterile. It is in the accessories welcome softness of forms, lines and curves of light color game. Blankets, cushions, lamps, vases, pictures.

Although accessories - this is the only case where you can a little "naughty" to go beyond the basic principles of style, thus reviving the space. They emphasize the universality of direction. After any of the small parts at any time can be replaced by other, more appropriate to your mood. It is advisable to add to the overall palette piece of wildlife - a houseplant in the original, designed in the general category, the base. Very colorful look in the design of bonsai trees, not only as a tribute to the founder, but also as a symbol of the absolute idyll.

On the limits of the small domestic world
So, the large windows, letting in the sunlight in the small world of the triumph of perfection of simplicity, will not tolerate the curtains of dense, dark fabrics. After so many efforts have been made to maximize the opening space toward the larger world through the windows completely shuttered and bury them under layers of tissue would be sacrilege. Therefore, the choice is made only in favor of light air curtains, reminiscent of the light haze or water ripples.
See also:Designed in the style of Provence - French interior apartment

The ceiling is painted in a uniform color. You can set ceilings, but without any designs and drawings. Multi-level ceiling, as an option, profitable emphasize lighting solutions. On the floor is best to put the soft one-color carpet with a hard, long nap. On the wall or wallpaper glue monophonic or decorate them using finishing materials with an imitation of natural materials.

Asymmetry, as one of the principles of
Asymmetry is essentially a lack of symmetry, but not the lack of balance. In the world there is no completely symmetrical face, a human or animal body. According to popular misconception people should strive for symmetry, which represents the ideal. But we all know that nothing is perfect does not exist, and the pursuit of utopia turns into a tedious road without end. Therefore, when we talk about asymmetry, we should make a special emphasis on its natural naturalness that beautifully fits into the minimalist view of the world.

asymmetry principle can be used in the arrangement of furniture elements, and in fine detail.

In the second case the space scope is much more: the little things in the hands of the master become the trailing brush strokes in the hands of the artist, without which the picture will miss its atmosphere.

Out of time
Crazy rhythm of modern life, the continuous flickering of small parts, flashy advertising, neon colors, luxury alternating with bad taste - all this exhausting and annoying. Therefore, minimalism was an ideal design choice for those who want to come home and relax in a simple, elegant setting, receiving moral relaxation. Or, come to work, where you can safely gather my thoughts and start to solve complex business issues.
Minimalism has long ceased to be just a fashionable trend in the design, it was a reflection of world view a man in whom he finds harmony with the surrounding space and restore peace equilibrium. He is firmly rooted in our lives and our culture. And now he is slowly but surely gaining popularity. Since the inception of this style has established itself as an example of elegance, brooks no kitsch or frills. To this day, this beautiful and laconic style is out of fashion and time, maintaining the status of the eternal.