Landscaping area 8 hectare generally trust the professionals, because the owners are faced with a complex challenge: placing a large number of buildings in the vast territory and the creation of a unified stylistic picture. In addition to their own desires, and must also be based on the requirements put forward to the owners of private plots state. At least the main buildings generally include:
- Residential country house or cottage;
- Garden, separate beds, flower beds or gardens;
- Garden furniture and a separate seating area;
- Parking or garage;
- Bath and outside shower;
- Outbuildings (storage room for firewood and "vegetable garden" inventory).
In the role of supplements are the cellars, gazebos, pools, ornamental ponds. Without a well-developed plan is unlikely to succeed to create a landscaped area, the filling of which will look harmonious.
- Bases arrangement portion
Normative base
- Fire safety
- sanitary norms
- Planning based configuration portion
Location area objects or zoning
- Choosing a place under the house
- bath
- Place in the communication
- Garage
- Rest zone
- Garden
- Popular items for decorating the landscape
- conclusion
Bases arrangement portion
Landscape design - a whole science, which will not be able to grasp a couple of hours. Suburban area eight hectare is considered to be quite spacious property that fit all the necessary for living and recreation facilities. At their disposal are guided not only the convenience of travel from home to be built, but also the general rules of fire safety, sanitary norms. Also take into account the interests of neighbors: the shadow of a building or a tall tree, for example, can cover their yard. When planning guided by the size of holdings, their shape, features of the landscape. You should be familiar with a variety of nuances that will turn the design into a real puzzle to decide which not everyone can.

Normative base
So, the site owner has impressive area, which is a clean sheet. It is necessary to place all the necessary buildings and decorative objects. At their planning must be based not only on the basics of landscape design that will provide a beautiful view of the territory, but also in the legislation. Build, guided solely by their aesthetic taste, unfortunately, it will not work. Otherwise, the owner threatened with heavy fines and even the requirements of the demolition. The regulatory framework includes a set of documents regulating the construction of commercial and residential buildings. The owner of the site should be familiar with the three basic rules and regulations:
- Development and design;
- Fire Safety Basics;
- A set of sanitary norms.
If you decide to take all the planning burdens on yourself and do not use ready-made plans or qualified help designer to engage a consultant still have. Solely in order to evaluate the project, and he pointed out the mistakes if any. Pay for a professional work at this stage will come much cheaper than rebuild everything later.

Fire safety
Firefighters norms are expressed in the regulation of the minimum allowable distance between buildings of different materials. When designing guided by the following figures:
- Building timber (bath, sheds) are arranged so that the distance between them is observed in at least 15 m;
- House of stone, concrete and brick, which relate to non-combustible materials are constructed from analogue to 6 m. The minimum distance between them and the facilities complemented by beams of wood is on 2 m larger. Distance to the frame constructions of the type of wood has increased to 2 m;
- Buildings of noncombustible materials with wooden beams set of similar buildings in the region of 8 m. For structures of the wood is increased by a distance of 2 m.

In addition to these standards should take into account additional rules:
- From the suburban area and the border with neighbors observe the distance is not less than 3 m;
- For structures under economic needs distance is reduced to 2 m;
- From the construction of any type to the "red" street line should be at least 5 m.
To protect yourself from violations is necessary to describe conditional inner contour on the plan, within which it is permissible to place the structure.

sanitary norms
In addition to fire regulations must be observed even sanitary. They are reconciled not only to avoid penalties but also for their own safety. Infectious diseases occur often due to human negligence. If the conduct of the pipeline is not planned, it must be concerned about the well digging or drilling. The first will be "fed" from groundwater, which lie below the soil surface, and the second to draw resources from the deeper layers. The purity of the water will help to ensure adherence to the simple rules. Pit or compost pit, facilities for poultry and livestock should be placed at least 12 meters from wells or well.
See also:Styles of landscape design and their characteristics
In addition, the house must be located at a certain distance from buildings of different types:
- Chalet toilets on the street - at least 13 m;
- "Food" trash, dumps and heaps of compost - 9 m;
- Summer shower or bath-house - not less than 5 m;
- Other buildings which are intended for household needs - from 13 m or more.

There are also rules regarding the planting of trees and plants:
- Flower beds and bushes shorter than 0.5 m are planted at a distance of at least 1 m from the fence;
- Tall trees - 4 meters and more. That over time their crown did not close the street or neighbors garden plots;
- Trees average height - 2-3 m;
Garden and kitchen garden are encouraged to adapt to the peculiarities of the landscape in such a way as to emphasize its strengths and hide weaknesses.

Planning based configuration portion
When planning guided by two main aspects:
- The terrain of the land;
- Especially its shape.

To start pay attention to the specifics of the landscape. Few who can buy a perfectly flat piece of land. But any mountains and valleys can be beat, and emphasize, so that they become strengths. For this reason, do not rush to level the surface, in fact perfectly smooth area - boring inheritance perfectionists. Arrange site terraces, and in the future it will be not only presentable, but also gives an excellent harvest. The fact is that with such a device, the soil will not be washed away, and the water will stay that will benefit the economy and vegetable garden and a garden in the dry season and during the rainy season. With the form area, alas, can not do anything, so for it will have to adapt. Allocate about it a dozen types, but note the three main ones:
- Square. The most optimal form, which will naturally put all the buildings;
- Rectangular. Narrow, elongated plot involves placing all buildings "in a row". Although modern designs and will smooth inconveniences such ownership, that is, on an amateur;
- Triangular (corner). Typically, these areas overlap with only two neighbors and have access to the street and roadway. Not recommended for planting fruit trees near it, or break the garden as road dust will settle not only on the leaves, but also on the fruit.

Location area objects or zoning
All buildings should be grouped by type. There are the following functional areas:
- Actual ground, which is a schematic center of the plot;
- Household structures of economic destination. Sheds, summer kitchens, baths, showers, garages, cellars, wells and construction of storage equipment;
- Area for horticulture (greenhouse beds, beds, greenhouses, Palisades);
- Seating area. This could include swimming pools, ponds, gazebos, barbecue and space for barbecues.

It is not necessary to isolate each sector, they may partially overlap. For example, for a combined seating area with a garden, which will be in the summer under the shade of trees. Demarcate the zone in several ways:
- Conventionally via decorative tracks;
- Low fences;
- "Living" fence. Low bushes will add the site a feeling of comfort;
- Combined method. It combines different types of zoning.
Professionals are advised to place the outbuildings at the far end of the lot behind the house, so they do not catch the eye. Under the dream of every summer resident - garden give very sunny lawn. Garage usually has a direct exit to the street, so it is mounted on one side of the house near the gate. In some cases, the fence "go" deep into the site, and a place in the machine is isolated fences. Do not forget to leave a space for the "house" area, which is usually asphalt or paving stones. To give the aesthetic appearance of this area decorated with flowers.
See also:Create a garden design with their own hands 75 photo examples

Choosing a place under the house
In areas traditionally square-shaped house built in the center. Subsequently, they are surrounded by other buildings. On rectangular or trapezoidal possessions under the residential building area is isolated from the shortest side. In the corner regions when selecting the location for the construction guided by the distance from the street, its hustle and bustle. On the southern slopes preference is given to the highest point. In this case, the plot shape blends into the background. Owners of possessions on the northern slopes of the less fortunate, but usually choose a place in the middle. Also in the design of the house allow for its placement relative to the light side and the wind rose.

Bani classified into several popular types. Which of them will fall choice of the owners, the question only of personal preference. The following types:
- Russian. Modern bathhouse little resemblance to their "ancestors", but the principle remains the same soaring: using moist air. This room is better to heat with wood, respectively, need to allocate a separate room for storage or a full shed. Russian bath is usually issued with a unique national flavor: finished with hewn logs and shape is more like a fairy hut. It provides two basic premises: the dressing room and steam room.
- Roman. Its design presupposes three premises: laconium (high temperature), tepidarium (here can be a little cool) and a place with a small swimming pool, where people come to cool down completely. Modern Roman baths have a stylish look and more like a luxury apartment.
- Finnish. These baths are popular in Europe. Hovering in them is due to the dry steam, so the brooms on the sides are not ohazhivayut. Finnish saunas usually located near the reservoirs. This can be a swimming pool or pond on the site, as well as private access to the river or mountain lake outside the domain.
- Hamam, or Turkish bath. Traditionally composed and shower, steam rooms and changing rooms. The steam in the hammam is hot and dry, it can be done though the whole day without harm to health.
- Japanese. Fans of this type of exotic suitable bath which is a large wooden bath with hot water, designed for several people.

At the cottage, preference is given to Finnish and Russian steam bath. There are also mobile designs that are designed for two or three people. They are called the bath-barrels: compact construction, which is transferred to another area portion, if necessary.
Even in ancient Russia these buildings were located as far away from home. This was done due to superstition: that place where people wash off all the dirt should not be located next to the living quarters. Now this rule is observed due to the basic rules of fire safety. Sauna is usually made of wood, and the fire in her breed at each visit.

Place in the communication
After application to the buildings plan, you must consider the location of the lines of communication. At the cottage, they include:
- Water pipes;
- Electricity;
- Drain.
The optimal location of the communication is considered to be one of pipes and cables beneath sidewalks. Previously they insulate properly. Please note that water and electricity will have to be carried out not only to the apartment building, but also to the rest of the buildings, so the network itself is likely to have a branched structure. Keep it "sleeve" on the project site in the form of straight lines, to narrow the scope of work.

To build a complete car garage or parking space under cover. According to the location they are classified into several types:
- Garage, which is built into the apartment building. This method of arrangement saves space, but it will require a good sound insulation, so that the echoes of the working motor home did not bother. Of the merits of note general communication with the house, which excludes the additional costs for their conduct. This room has two entrances from the street and the house.
- Extension. Usually it created after the fact, and has a common wall with the house.
- Separate unit. Option is relevant if the house is located in a remote corner away from the gate.
See also:Landscaping with their hands infield +120 photo ideas

Location garage is caused not only the features of the site, but also a number of machines. If several cars in the family, the more economical to arrange private parking.

Rest zone
relaxation zone includes:
- Arbor. For it is generally adjacent playground for cooking kebabs and barbecue;
- Natural or artificial pond, swimming pool;
- Play area, which is usually designed for children.

As a rule, rest area choose "blind" spot in the area, which is as far from the street and roadway. If ownership does not enclose a solid fence, the passers-by can interfere with importunate views and the noise of cars will not allow to relax. For relaxation area generally adjacent garden or a vegetable garden. The optimal place to put: in the far corner, which is surrounded by neighbors.

Garden and vegetable farm place, focusing on the following features:
- Soil quality. Of course for a good harvest choosing the most fertile land. If the soil is poor everywhere, and is not suitable for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, you have to take care of the earth we bring;
- Shine. The beds and greenhouses like direct sunlight, so they can not be placed in the shade of trees or buildings;
- Landscape. Taken into account the level of occurrence of water and a bias portion. At higher elevations will have to carry out regular watering. In the lowlands of the garden or the garden will be in the "water" in the transitional seasons. If the slope is blown by the winds, the plants will grow on it lethargic and sickly. Output will be equipping the garden under the high fence.

"Transition" strip between the garden and vegetable garden filled with bushes. They are loyal to the shade of the trees. In tight spaces is considered optimal planting trees around the perimeter of the fence, then a number of shrubs and beds section. Flowerbeds decorate the entire area. Particular attention is paid to "roadside" garden paths and the area near the house.

Popular items for decorating the landscape
Decor suburban areas are divided into:
- Natural;
- Artificial.

The second concern:
- Fences, benches, paths and bridges;
- Night lights, lights;
- Waterfalls, pergolas, pyramids and palm braiding plants;
- Arches, sculptures, ceramic animals and gnomes.

Some of these elements create with their own hands, but for others you need to go to specialized outlets. Dressing area - the process of creative, artistic taste and imagination will have to be activated for it. Sidewalks are made of wood spilite, paving stones or concrete which is treated before drying stencil simulating masonry. Fences constructed and assembled independently of wood, plastic or stone. By natural elements include special design from living plants:
- Labyrinths. Known sample is located in Versailles.
- "Solitaire". So called isolated shrubs that emphasize on the attention.
- Backstage. Otherwise, they are called hedges that create a cozy corner, hidden from prying eyes.
- Topiary. Hiding behind this name figured cropped bushes and trees The low.

Separately it is necessary to work out the night lighting plot. Under the roof top of buildings set special lamps, and in remote areas set lights. Around the perimeter of the place the lower decorative lighting. Lamps hold funny hedgehogs, gnomes-miners or moles, protruding from the decorative mink.

Making suburban area opens up room for imagination. Owners can "customize" for themselves and their own needs any functional objects. Construction and decoration will take time, but fatal mistakes should be avoided in the design, which later will be difficult to correct. It is best to prepare a mock-up or model of a three-dimensional plot. This imaging method will clearly evaluate the merits of the project and to exclude him inconspicuous flaws.