Traditionally, papier-mâché is used for making masks. Material created improvised, takes absolutely any form. Papier-mâché in the interior began to use recently. Material associated only with the children's creativity and the creation of forgeries, and in fact from "wet paper" Exclusive relief can be manufactured, panels volume, exclusive vase and even artificial brick or a rock. Decor papier-mache is easy creation, but it has incredible hardness and strength. Unlike otsteklyannyh such jewelry is not broken, and how many are high-quality simulation of natural stone is better to keep silent. Let us consider in detail the several workshops for the manufacture of papier-mache and inspire creative ideas of other decorators.
- Provenance
- manufacturing technology
Recipes mass cooking
- recipe №1
- recipe №2
Ideas for papier-mache
- vases
- walls
- Elements of decor and crafts
- Masks for carnival, and not only
- Decorative dishes
- conclusion
Name of papier-mache in French means "chewed paper". Although the name of the original delicious dough for sculpting really invented in France, his real homeland was China. Even in ancient times, when there invented paper, parallel developed a simple way to create a special material that was malleable when working, but had the strength after drying. Additional rigidity papier-mache attached by means of superimposing several layers of varnish on the finished product. The Chinese prefer to create from paper pulp combat helmets that are really well protected the head, and even elements of armor. It would seem that what could be sillier than to trust his life soaked and glued paper, but ammunition was popular. Boom it did not break through and glancing blows of swords and does could not be afraid. In addition, the papier-mache in comparison with metal outfit was light as a feather, allowing Chinese soldiers move with greater speed and agility.

Following the Japanese took over the baton. After securing the recipe of papier-mache, they adapted it WSS culture, creating a paper test original decorations for holidays and traditional for this country ceremonies - mask. Products polished skins to shine wax and covered with additional protective layers, were painted. We get a great and easy to manufacture jewelry. Japanese recipe of papier-mache was in Europe, where the French have named all of his famous name, and the English have improved. Somebody John Baskerville, a former printer, opened proceedings decoration made of papier-mache. At first, he used the Japanese samples, and then began to introduce and their ideas. Plates, boxes, figurines of people and animals, decorative masks and even hours enjoyed unprecedented popularity. Assistant decorator Henry Clay experimented with compositions, trying to find the original recipe, which will gain even greater strength. And in the end he succeeded. Soaked a lot of it in the manner of dried clay at high temperatures, and she gets incredibly hard, strength is not inferior even wood. The recipe patented adhesive.

Later it was discovered a few companies in the production of original jewelry made of papier-mache, but "paper test" eventually migrated to work and hobbies. His kneaded at home and produced dolls for children, baskets for candy, decorative saucers, vases, lacquer boxes for jewelry. Especially popular material uses as a cheap imitation expensive surfaces of metal, wood, ceramics, stone. To give the similarity with the original, simply choose the right paint and create a genuine invoice, which is easily achieved by removing from the surface of this mold. In Russia papier-mache manufacturing technology has come in the time of Peter I. When working with a paper weight should bear in mind that the products greatly shrink after drying. Loss of volume can be up to 5-8%. Therefore, it is necessary to do the decor is certainly larger in size, taking into account this feature of mastic.
See also:Articles made of autumn leaves and dry

Products made of papier-mache last a long time if the room will be supported by the average level of humidity. Constant "soaking" greatly reduce the service life of the jewelry.
manufacturing technology
With regard to manufacturing techniques, the use two main ways:
- mass mixing in the tank.
- Overlaying paper layer on the prepared mold.

The first option is suitable for those cases where the product will sculpt by hand or fill the mass into molds. The process itself is like working with plasticine or clay. The second method is useful if you are using Mold, which can not be filled from within, but the shape of the master can not be repeated. Typically, we are talking about the balls, that is, those products that are difficult to fulfill their own ideal.
Recipes mass cooking
Although the foundation in any technique - paper, "cook" it is completely different with unusual extra ingredients. Depending on the formulation in formulations added chalk, rosin, flour, varnish, gypsum, starch paste or even shredded oat flakes. Sometimes in the course are quite unusual components, but we will look at two traditional recipes that beginners are advised to master modeling papier-mache.

recipe №1
For the first recipe you will need paper (toilet, office, newspaper), liquid soap means, PVA glue, hot water and construction putty. The work begins with the dough. About 8 rolls of toilet paper (this will be sufficient to produce about 2 kg finished weight) was crushed and placed in a clean container. It is poured hot water. Paper give "rest" for several hours. Now it is placed in cheesecloth, folded several times, cloth (not too thick) or mesh mosquito. Mass drained, but not dry. The paper was then ground again. For these purposes a mixer or blender. The result is a fibrous dough to which is added about 1 tablespoon. a spoonful of soap products (suitable even ordinary dishwashing detergent "Fairy"). Mixed. Now mass is gradually poured glue PVA. Add it in portions, so that the composition is uniformly mixed. No exact dosage of glue. Here, the master decides for himself how thick papier-mache he needs. After the glue is added to the dough 4-5 Art. spoons fillings. The mass is kneaded again. Papier-mache is ready to use.

recipe №2
To prepare the composition of the different recipe you need:
- 0.5 kg of toilet paper.
- 0.5 kg of PVA glue.
- 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of flax oil.
- 1.5 liters of warm water.
Paper ground and pour water in a clean container. The future of the dough is left for a day. After the paper swells, its portions are placed in gauze and squeeze. Now in a bowl add the glue. It must be divided into five parts, and gradually pour in the pulp, each time mixing thoroughly. Now almost finished papier-mache add flax oil, which will provide a more flexible product. Mass once again mixed and the dough for sculpting paper ready.
See also:Festive garland with their hands

Ideas for papier-mache
Papier-mâché made vases, small sculptures, bowls, boxes, boxes, boxes, dolls. Using the pulp can create three-dimensional or relief panels on the wall. From the article mold stones, shingles, bricks, that after painting from these differ only by weight. Unusual decor is fixed on the walls, fireplaces, around door and arched openings. This option is ideal for a budget repair if the designer has free time to pokorpet on the creation of numerous elements.

Vases the easiest way to make a technology imposing pieces to form. As a basis can act old or cracked ceramics, which wants to re-recreate. Newspaper sheets are cut, wetted with an adhesive, and superimposed on the vase layers. After drying, the resulting product was cut in half, is separated from the sample, and then re-fastened joiner's glue. To get round the vase using a balloon. After solidification of papier-mache his pierced with a needle and extracted through a small hole, which is also subsequently glued. Flexible material allows you to create complex, delicate surface. Further decoration decorate eggshell, threads which form patterns, fittings, beads, buttons.

In decorating walls papier-mache is used for making art compositions for the manufacture of a cheap and decorative finishes. In the first case the required plywood sheet, which is applied to the drawing. Then the diluted paper-adhesive mass, which is formed from separate pieces of picture. After their drying, parts adhered to strictly based on the pattern contours and stained. If you put enough effort, you can get a fantastic mural with images of fairytale princesses and unreal creatures. This ornament is perfect for a child's room interior. Bedroom or living room decorated with paintings with images of bulk flowers, birds, animals, trees. The kitchen will look spectacular still life or embossed vine. To make bricks or stones of the material, be sure to harvest forms. For this purpose a suitable selected sample (preferably a couple), it is placed in a container and pour gypsum. When you need to decorate a large section of the wall, using several Molde, as this will significantly speed up time-consuming process of stamping. Instead of toilet paper, it is recommended to soak the egg trays. The composition necessarily add alabaster for greater strength. Products are well dried and is fixed to the wall with wood glue. If you need a smooth surface, the artificial stone is polished with sandpaper.

Unusually will look panels, where part of the figure is made colors, and papier-mache decorated with only accent details.
Elements of decor and crafts
Papier-mache can make door handles and knockers, decorative wreaths, which are additionally decorated with branches, burlap, pine cones and ribbons. The material is often used to create boxes, pirate treasure chests, piggy banks, candlesticks and artificial fruit. In the latter case it is better to sacrifice the original refreshments to create a form. By the way, papier-mache after drying would be easier to separate from Mold, if the pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly. Of paper pulp obtained and sophisticated decoration. For example, the product decorative hand on the fingers which hang bracelets and necklaces. Moldings made of paper decorated with furniture. Swirls of papier-mache obtained no worse than plaster. The solar system of miniature planets, which is produced by means of the same balloons will decorate the room of the young astronomer.
See also:Bumpers in the crib for babies with their hands

Masks for carnival, and not only
Papier-mâché is a classic material for the manufacture of ceremonial and carnival masks. Of course, while working better to use the purchased pattern that simply draped pieces of paper smeared in glue. If the original is not to hand, you'll have to use your own face. To do this his draped with a protective film (better to take the food), and then several layers of tissues, and only the top paste mass. After all the contours will be transferred to the face mask blank, it is removed and the edges trimmed in where there is a surplus, and impose additional pieces of paper, the thickness of the product increased. After this papier-mache give final dry and harden. Then covered with a layer of lacquer, paint, paste sequins, pieces of foil, fine crystals and other décor. Original decoration in the room design will be the head of an animal made of papier-mache: rhinoceros, deer, wolf, lion. These elements are combined with a hunting style safari chalets.

From the material, you can quickly make a New Year Treats or decor when deadlines have already running out and run to the store once: Miniature pumpkins, herringbone, beads, bells, emblematic animal figures (deer, bears, bats, spiders).
Decorative dishes
Papier-mache obtained original plates, bowls, teapots, cups, bottles and glasses. Use a bowl for its intended purpose, of course, impossible, but the decor will beautiful. From the same material can be made a whole set for children's tea parties. Miniature tea set teapot and mugs will be pleased with the girl. Themed figurines Hatter and the White Rabbit complement ceremony. Plates after painting is placed on the supports. Suitable such ornaments to the village, ethnic style, Provence, and country. To do the dishes, using samples, which is pasted over with paper. Form of a dish is not easy to replicate. Decorative bowl can be used for storing fruits or sweets. This load jewelery stand, but from contact with it should be to protect the liquids.

Papier-mache - a vivid example of the fact that even the most simple ingredients, adding to them a fraction of imagination, you can create something original, copyright and at the same time incredibly beautiful. Over the years the recipe changed the paper test, it began to add new ingredients, but the two main components remain the same. Remember that is not enough to create an anatomically correct shape, it must also be properly colored by connecting the talents of the artist. Modeling papier-mache can be a wonderful hobby for the whole family, where adults will make "serious" decor, and children - miniature figurines or masks. The process of working with a mass without moldov develops fine motor skills of hands, which is especially useful for children.