Small garden of succulents - it's not just a fashion trend, but also an interesting exercise. Cultivation of plants, according to psychologists - is a great energizer. In addition, different types of cacti and succulents require minimal care, which is an advantage over conventional plants. How to create a miniature paradise garden on the windowsill?

- Preparatory work
- Planting and Care
- What plants to use?
Preparatory work
Preparation - an important step in creating a garden. Quality of work - the key to success. So what should you consider before you create a small masterpiece?
- Choose a placeTo house the composition. It is better to place it in a bright place apartments, for example, on a windowsill, lit corner. Although succulents and cacti - plants are unpretentious, and may well be in the penumbra. The main condition: the composition should organically fit into the design and interior of the room or garden.
- think about composition. It should be creatively to the issue and decide what should be in the garden. Think about every little thing.
- buy pot or capacity. In specialty stores a huge selection of containers for every taste and price level.
- prepare seedlings plants. all just here.
- prepare soil and drainage. It is better to choose a ready-made soil, adapted specifically for this type of plant. As used drainage chippings or expanded clay.
Preparatory work is directly dependent on the selected design. It is necessary to consider each item to get an interesting composition.

Planting and Care
Succulents should be planted at a distance from each other. Plants grow with time. But the cactus in a container close to each other. This is due to the fact that they grow slowly.
Before planting container thoroughly washed and treated with hot water. This is done in order to disinfect the surface.
Further, on the bottom of the pot is placed a layer of drainage equal to 15-25% of the volume of the container. Next layer - the soil. Plants are planted carefully, gently (so as not to damage the roots) prisypaya ground. Surface decorative poured powder. It's not just decoration of the composition, but also the protection from direct sunlight. Decorate the garden the other elements of decor, such as pots, benches, animal figures.

Important! It is not necessary to water succulents immediately after planting, it is recommended to do it in 2-3 days.
Caring for a mini garden is simple: regular and proper watering. Irrigate the composition better spray or use a small watering can. The water jet is directed at large stones: water thereon flows into the ground without damaging the integrity of the surface.
Another feature of the care is to garden "resting." To do this it in the summer time is placed in a sunny place, and in winter take away the shadows, mimicking the natural environment.
Over time, the garden will grow, it will happen for 2-3 year. Therefore, it should be corrected by removing unnecessary elements.

What plants to use?
To create a mini garden use undersized cacti and succulents. The composition will be interesting, if it is to have a center - the main focus. For it is used:
- Aeonium tree (Aeonium arboretum);
- Dorsten (Dorstenia);
- Pedilanthus titimaloides (variety - low) (Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. Nanus);
- Aden Spinoza (barbed) (Adenia spinosa).

As additional elements used laminate and longline aeonium. Impressive look "living stones" or dinteranthus mikrospermus (Dinteranthus microspermus).
The small garden you can plant unpretentious cacti Mammillaria (Mammillaria), Echinopsis (Echinopsis).
In the foreground of the composition used undersized twine succulents (Weinberg sedum, sedum Siebold).
Miniature garden, ideal for the interior of a city apartment, house or garden. Caring for them - a fascinating job, but the result will please more than one year.