Kitchen-dining room: design photos, zoning variations and room layout

To combine the kitchen with a dining area - a practical solution. Few can afford separate rooms for dining and cooking, especially if we are talking about an ordinary apartment. The kitchen is already half the dining room, because this is the place, where, after cooking, we eat it. However, thanks to an interesting design decision, it can turn into a full-fledged kitchen-dining room. For cooking food is convenient by competent zoning, dinner will be pleasant.

dining kitchen design

The kitchen becomes more comfortable when it is possible to place on its territory, a dining area.

What are advantages of a kitchen-dining room and how to make zoning?


  • What are advantages of a kitchen-dining room and how to make zoning?
    • Necessary attributes of kitchen and dining room
  • How to make zoning kitchen and dining area
    • Combining the kitchen with a dining room in a private house
    • Kitchen-dining room-alignment in the apartment
  • How to place a dining room in the kitchen area? Design and planning decisions
  • Kitchen-dining room in the living area
  • Choosing a color palette for the interior decoration kitchen-dining room
  • Kitchen-dining room in different styles
    • Modern style
    • Ethnic
    • Historical
    • Loft
  • VIDEO: Design Ideas and plan kitchen-dining room.
  • 50 modern variants of kitchen-dining room design:

There are two basic obvious advantages in favor of the kitchen-dining room.

  1. Space saving flat or house. All combined in one room.
  2. The close proximity of the cooking space at the table on which you want it covered. The hostess did not have to run from one room to another to set the table or clear the table.
kitchen design dining room and white tree

With a number of segments, it is important to organize things so that everyone was comfortable.

Disposition of the standard 2-wire or 3-room apartment does not allow a complete kitchen-dining room, a comfortable and spacious. Exit there are two:

  • buy a new apartment with a spacious layout or vacation home, or in general to build on your project;
  • competent zoning even a small kitchen will turn into a full-kitchen-dining room.
Mediterranean dining kitchen design

The presence of the dining area in the kitchen room - the most popular variant of the organization of the cooking process and absorption of food.

Necessary attributes of kitchen and dining room

What is fundamentally different kitchen from the dining room as harmoniously combine them in the same room? That must be present for cooking:

  • plate;
  • fridge;
  • cleaning;
  • working surface;
  • kitchenware;
  • kitchen tools;
  • kitchen appliances;
dining kitchen design in bright colors

Develop the interior in the kitchen-dining room is to define layout.

Dining fundamentally different presence:

  • dining table;
  • chairs.

In addition, a dining room - the room is bright, comfortable, able to accommodate all family members and, if necessary, guests.

Mediterranean design dining kitchen

The most popular for organizing indoor dining area kitchen options are U-shaped layout.

How to make zoning kitchen and dining area

If you are not infringed square meters or even have two separate rooms (dining room and kitchen), of which plan to do one thing - it's great. But even for an ordinary kitchen can and should use zoning to separate the cooking zone from the place of its adoption.

dining kitchen design layout ideas

In any room, you can create a unique interior design of the dining room cuisine.

There are several methods. For larger or separate premises suitable option to the kitchen, passing into the dining room, which is divided between a large arch and a wide entrance.

dining room with an archway kitchen design

It should make to order headsets, ideally suited to the limited dimensions.

Excellent reception can be a bar that separates the cooking space from the dining room. For the very small rooms in a major way zoning is visual separation. To do this, it would be appropriate:

  • the use of different decorative materials;
  • the use of different colors;
  • Use decorative illumination;
  • different levels of the floor of the kitchen and dining room, etc.
dining kitchen design ideas

The free area is removed under the dining segment.

Combining the kitchen with a dining room in a private house

In a private home kitchen-dining room is best to stay on the ground floor. If you plan kitchen dining area is planned at the construction stage, should think in advance about the place for food storage.

dining country kitchen design

It advised to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the kitchen and living connection, that there were no disappointments.

A great solution would be if the room will be two entrances. One directly to the kitchen, and the second - in the dining room, for example, from the living room.

kitchen design dining room Zoning

In very large premises it is possible to meet the plan parallel set of furniture and a dining area in the kitchen-dining room.

Kitchen-dining room-alignment in the apartment

When one sq.m. in the account when planning the main place takes dining table. Make sure that it is not too big, but to him it was a place for all family members. If you often come to visit, it is best to choose a folding table.

dining kitchen design photo

A significant increase in the space becomes more space.

Dining area is best if possible to do close to the window. The apartment is in the kitchen, it is likely one. Therefore, if the plan does not allow to put a table near the window, take care of the additional illumination.

kitchen design dining room bay window

It is possible to carry out the ideas and plans that were previously inaccessible due to a limited area.

How to place a dining room in the kitchen area? Design and planning decisions

For areas with different area planning decisions on placement of the dining area in the kitchen will be different. One of the best options would be to separate the kitchen of the bar. Behind it will hide all the kitchen cabinets, stove and so on.

kitchen diner

This increases the natural light, visual expansion space.

Original solution for rooms of all sizes is to use different materials for finishing. For example, the kitchen area to perform tile, and in the dining area wall paint matte paint. Such a plan solution can be applied to the floor covering: approx work surfaces with tiled floor, the rest - laminate.

kitchen design dining room minimalism

Guests will be in the same room with you, you can make a snack without leaving them alone.

Beat separation zones help and suspended ceiling with spot lighting, which will be a different level. On the floor, as well as on the ceiling, you can make a step, and thus the dining area will both be raised on the kitchen floor.

Kitchen-dining room in the living area

It so happens that combines not only the kitchen together with the dining room, but also a living room. Then the dining room becomes a sort of intermediate option between the living room, which fades into the kitchen.

dining kitchen design layout

Easy and convenient to communicate with guests, members of the family.

The separation is already underway into 3 parts:

  • resting-place;
  • food intake;
  • kitchen.

In this case, it is not very relevant to zoning using different color palettes. On the contrary, should present a single style, and all combined with each other: the furniture, its texture, color, decor.

lounge dining area kitchen design

Increasing the amount of light in the room. It becomes more spacious, freer.

It would be more appropriate to allocate zone fluffy carpet living room by the sofa, dining highlight flowerpots with flowers and decorative lamps separate kitchen.

Choosing a color palette for the interior decoration kitchen-dining room

Kitchen dining room - this is the place where the family gathers together, having dinner, lunch on holidays, sharing his emotions. It must adjust to the positive and at the same time a calm way. It is therefore preferable for interior light soft, pastel tones are not aggressive.

kitchen design dining room is white with gray

Guests can take in the kitchen, comfortable placing them in the dining area.

However, a matter of taste and preferences in all quite different. It is worth noting - if you use multiple colors or shades for interior decoration kitchen-dining room, make sure that they fit with each other.

kitchen design dining room décor minimum

The combination allows you to have a great company.

Kitchen-dining room in different styles

The most popular styles in which you can arrange design dining kitchen, are:

  1. modern;
  2. ethnic;
  3. historical;
  4. loft.
dining kitchen design extractor

All will be able to sit comfortably, to communicate without moving from one room to another.

Modern style

In fact, modern style - a combination of a different direction. Then there are elements of a loft style, fusion, the eclectic, modern, eco-style and others. Such solutions are very interesting and look very impressive. Although prevalent and practical side of the issue in a contemporary style. Everything is done so that was convenient.

design kitchen island dining option

As for the color palette, they used very different.

are hallmarks:

  • functionality;
  • complete or almost complete lack of decor;
  • glossy surface;
  • availability of modern built-in appliances, all kinds of gadgets;
  • lack of textiles.
dining kitchen design layout

To create a certain atmosphere in the room helps properly chosen palette and style.


Ethnic style - this is for traditionalists, culture. This trend will choose lovers of English style, Italian, Scandinavian... This includes a traditional rustic style, and many beloved Provence.

Mediterranean design dining kitchen

Completely snow-white bathroom can seem boring. I should add bright spots.

This style is characterized by:

  • furniture and decoration from natural materials;
  • discreet colors;
  • expensive textiles;
dining kitchen design Provence

To add a "warm" the kitchen, use the surface of the wood.


The historical style of the interior is only suitable for spacious kitchen-dining room. Everything is expensive and luxurious. This is one of the oldest styles, it was modified, it has a set of directions, but you can still select the key that it is characterized by:

  • everything is made only from natural materials;
  • decor and furnishings made to order, or a special master in a single copy;
  • period details in the decor and furniture;
  • natural, natural palette;
  • textile;
historic design dining kitchen

Best of all this design will look in pastel colors palette.


This style combines simplicity and practicality. In it there is a lot of metal elements such as wiring or tube hoods are not hidden, but on the contrary, exhibit.

dining kitchen design in loft

Loft - it is the maximum utilization of multifunctional objects.

Loft - is first and foremost:

  • metal;
  • glass;
  • brick walls;
  • lot lighting;
  • modern technology combined with the decor of, for example, bottles from the wine cellar.

VIDEO: Design Ideas and plan kitchen-dining room.

50 modern variants of kitchen-dining room design: