New Year is just around the corner and many are beginning to decorate the house, and someone creates a variety of New Year's toys and crafts with their hands. Why not experiment and do some original accessories of citrus? This decor will not only look beautiful but also delight festive flavors to create a unique atmosphere in the house.

What is needed?
For jewelry fit any citrus: lemons, oranges, tangerines and limes. For dressing neatly cut slices can be dried in various ways: in the oven, in a pan, in a microwave oven or outdoors. But be aware that air segments are longer zasushivat - from one to three days. The easiest way to use an oven or microwave.
By the way, if the drying in the oven, it is possible to advance sprinkle pieces of fruit a small amount of powdered sugar. So dried citrus will look much more interesting.

What can be done from the prepared slices of citrus?
Christmas wreath - the main attribute of the holiday. Its easy to make your own from fir branches, pine needles and cones, and other materials. These wreaths are made from almost anything, and decorations suitable for flowers, candy, toys, cones.
You can collect a wreath of conventional branches or tinsel. And decorate with dried citrus slices - will look very festive.
You can make a topiary in the form of a decorative Christmas tree. It is made from the cone (cardboard) or from pre Christmas tree branches and wires. To decorate, again, perfect citrus, knobs, decorative snow. Cones ideally better sprinkle sequins or decorative snow. Also useful are other decorative elements - flowers, dried spices, buttons, candy.
Topiary made with your own hands can be left alone or to give to someone.

Christmas suspension. This is the easiest way to apply citrus slices. Suffice it to thread them into thread or string and, if desired, decorate with a pendant with coffee beans, cinnamon sticks or cloves.
Also citrus slices can come in handy when decorating the candlesticks. For this purpose the cup is taken only for candles, and the outer part is decorated cinnamon sticks, slices of lemon or orange. Also, do not forget about fixing this decor rope.
You can build an entire suspension in the form of children's mobile. For the suspension will fit not only slices of fruit, but also candy. Such a toy is exactly like a child.

Finally, you can make a small tabletop Christmas trees of citrus slices. To do this, simply come from segments of different shapes and are threaded into the wire: start with the decoration you need the biggest slices. The top of such a miniature Christmas tree can be decorated with small knobs and decorative snow or silver sequins.
Thus Handmaiden of dried citrus lobules - a good alternative to the purchased accessories. Do such accessories easily, so that the work can be connected even children - they, too, will be interested in the creative process. But in the end turn out very good toys on the Christmas tree or other items that decorate the house.