Creative personalities are always looking for new activities and hobbies. For most refined ladies who love to create beauty with their hands it is suitable as a hobby batik - a way to hand-dyeing fabric. This is a fairly simple method for beginners who have no art education, who have never painted and worked with cloth. For a good result it requires only a little time, patience, accuracy and imagination. Just one month for a beginner to master this technique.

types of batik
Batik is divided into two types: cold batik technique and technique of hot batik. Newcomers should start with a study of technique of cold batik, it is safe to manufacture, as the mixture for a list do not need to be heated.
The essence of the technique is applied to the fabric a special structure on the basis of rubber cement. Such a method has arisen after the hot kind, and was made possible by the development of chemistry.

The study of batik can go to art schools and studios, like any clubs and circles of needlework, and can be independently to study and apply this technique to study enough information about it on the spaces of the Internet and view training videos on YouTube.
Tools for work
The necessary tools for the job: cloth, brush, paint for fabric painting (to practice the technique of cold batik silk is mainly used, but as it comes to newcomers, it is worth trying to start technology on inexpensive tissue quite suitable for artificial silk), reserve team and tubing for the application (available in stores for needlework and art stores. They are different, it is best to check with a specialist at the store what kind of structure is suitable for the intended works), and iron steamer, the frame for tensioning fabric and rubber gloves and apron, preferably waterproof.

Not a mandatory attribute, and the little extras that give the work a little more ease, a palette of colors - so it will be easier to mix paints and create new colors. Simple enough children's palette.

Batik has long been one of the most popular hobbies and is not going to take their positions. Recently, this technique is popular in the fashion world. This art is available for everyone, enough to show a little patience and trendy, exclusive items you can create for themselves.