Some well-known passion for the internet users computer pixel-art, it is possible to move from virtuality into reality.
Create pixel stained glass - lesson on forces many having even minimal artistic inclinations of the people.

Material for the manufacture of
This will require some equipment and paint. First of all, a piece of glass. To label pixels applying plaster suitable plastic or metal mesh. Cell size is selected depending on the complexity of the picture and the skill of the performer. For the image based on the smallest pixel suitable mosquito net.
To fix the grid in a stationary position, you will need a wooden frame. It is desirable that the frame was made precisely on the outer glass size.

The workplace is made as follows: at a comfortable table is placed a large piece of plywood, which is covered by a white sheet of paper. Around the window frame is laid and fastened to the plywood sheet. The thickness of the frame must match the thickness of the glass. To the top of window frame fixed grid.
To paint in the process do not stick to the material grid, it advisable to dip them in a cool soapy water and allow to dry.
The pattern created by the picture can be selected on the Internet, or use the grandmother pictures for embroidery cross.

If necessary, the artistic part of the cells is allowed to increase, by cutting with a sharp scalpel extra yarn plastic mesh.
stained glass picture should be enlightened, so as a base for paint to actually use clearcoat, in which, depending on the desired color is diluted paste from ballpoint pens. It is preferable to make the ink of increased density. Apply it on the glass, you can use the old medical syringes. For each color a syringe.
process of manufacturing
In each cell of the grid applied ink drop, respectively, the chosen image. We must try to lay down a drop tubercle and not smeared on the glass. In addition, he appeared in the center of the cell and does not touch the grid lines.
If, in accordance with the artistic conception ink must completely fill the cell and in the end to have a square shape, the touch to the grid will be an inevitable fact. In this case, you should wait for the complete drying of the picture, then moisten with water grid. The soap is dissolved, and the grid is easy to separate from the paint in places of accidental contact.
If desired, the mesh layout can be left on the glass on a regular basis, but you use a plastic mesh will not succeed.

For this purpose, the best fit fine silk thread. On one side of the frame to make the markup necessary step grid lines and mark their scoring small cloves. Then, for the first stud engage silk thread, impregnated with glue, and pulling, are placed on the glass. Following a string of catchy for the next stud and placed in the same way on the glass parallel to the first line. Having laid all the threads in one direction, give them to dry, and only then take the strings perpendicular direction.
However, crossing the thread does not necessarily have to take place under the perpendicular direction. All will depend on the artistic conception.
After the final drying of the excess ends of the threads are cut on the edge of the glass and accepted for causing pixels.
If the glass after work will be in the frame, it is desirable that the ends of the threads were covered with glued or pressed against the window frame glazing bead.
this kind of work requires a lot of patience and perseverance, but if it is brought to an end, it will bring a lot of satisfaction.