One of the most interesting varieties of Japanese art - is mistaken. Subtleties of this ancient craft are not only mechanical skill to master, but also in its ability to choose the right material and dry - flowers, leaves, blades of grass. A combination of different natural materials makes it possible to create beautiful compositions, the beauty of which will not be repeated by any other means.

- General concepts
- preparation of materials
- execution paintings
General concepts
In Japanese, the word is mistaken means "flat floristry». It is the art of creating paintings from the dried and compressed natural materials. Among them:

- flowers and separate petals;
- green and colored leaves;
- stalks;
- grass;
- seeds, grains;
- poppy;
- cereals;
- pieces of bark;
- elm;
- moss;
- fluff;
- straw;
- fruit and peel.
The collected and dried in advance elements are collected in track and fastened to the basis - usually it acts as paper or cloth. That the picture has acquired the required form, leaves, flowers, and other components are treated with scissors, attach folds and ambiance on using tweezers and other tools.
preparation of materials
The most important thing in oshibane - to pick the right material. It is important not only to choose beautiful plants, but also to keep their shape, color, texture during drying. Some secrets of processing:

- When choosing flowers, it is better to give preference to young buds - they are more likely to retain its color. It is desirable to dry them as quickly as possible and at high temperatures - this will minimize changes. Wherein the pitch shift or a thin layer of cotton wool to keep their shape.
- When dried leaves plays an important role in the media weight of the load. Rough plants need 20-40 kg, average - 8-16, delicate - 5. Very fleshy, succulent leaves (eg reed) can be treated with iron. Likewise dried autumn fallen leaves.
- Collect any material can be mistaken only in dry weather. Any moisture, including drops of dew or rain, make high-quality dried leaf impossible - they quickly lose their color or rot. Since the wash plant is also impossible, it is necessary to choose only clean copies free of dust, dirt and insects.
- Store the dried plants need in sealed containers, preferably made from dark opaque material. They put in a sheltered from sunlight and pests place. Since the leaves are brittle and do not like the extra touch, they are best sorted out by type, color and size in advance.
Make an original and unique oshibanu possible using non-standard materials. In addition to flowers and leaves in a job can include the cleaning of fruit, dried citrus slices, chopped peel garlic and onions, grapefruit streaks or banana, thinly sliced and dried rings vegetables.
execution paintings
With often mistaken perform landscapes and still lifes, but this technique can create and ornaments, patterns, narrative paintings, and even portraits. Before starting work should apply a sketch in pencil - He outlined the main elements and the composition of the future picture.

Then redraw a sketch on tracing paper, from which the individual parts are cut. To each of them pick a suitable color, texture, size and other parameters of the plant. Their contours correct scissors, trying to keep as much as possible the natural twists and uneven leaves, petals and other materials.
Thereafter, the composition is transferred to the paper. At this stage it is important not to hurry - masters advise to first attach parts to the canvas, experiment with combinations, adjust colors and shades, and only then finally glued elements. It is recommended to leave the unfinished painting for a while and then see what you can change.
Sometimes the composition of the natural elements complement the background that draw with pencils or paints. Usually it is performed in light colors - it emphasizes the subtlest shades of plants. Von applied before the start of work under the draft.
When the element will develop beautiful and whole composition, they can be permanently adhered to the canvas. Glue at the same time use a little, very gently applying it with a brush on the edge parts. Once the work is completed, it is necessary to put a picture under the load and wait for some time.

plant elements in the finished oshibane still prone to fading, changing colors and the influence of pests. Because they are best stored in airtight glazed framework, which did not penetrate the moisture and insects.
Creating a mistaken good developing artistic taste, sense of composition and love of nature. But this art is not for everyone, as long and laborious work on each panel requires individuals to accuracy, patience and perseverance.