Fundamentals spot painting (technique Point to point)

Nowadays, the market can find a lot of different things to decorate the interior, but often they are banal, devoid of individuality. But you want to create comfort in the house interesting and unusual items. This can help this technique the surface of the painting, as a «Point to point» (dot painting technique).

Having mastered this simple but interesting kind of creativity, you can transform an ordinary ceramic plate in fantastic decorative panels, glass vase in a unique interior decoration. Even with this technique, you can paint or cover diary document decorate tableware.

Fundamentals spot painting (technique Point to point)

Material for

Paint Spot painting viscous and thick, it allows them to draw fine, not to spread the lines and points. For this painting techniques use special acrylics contours (paint in tubes with thin tips). Before you start the top of the contour of the tip must be carefully cut. Through a small hole at the tip of the paint can be squeezed slowly, it allows you to create accurate details of the picture.

The choice of colors is very rich for this kind of painting. In order not to get lost before work better prepare color sketch of future work. And only then do you buy the right color contours.

Fundamentals spot painting (technique Point to point)


To get started, take a little:

  • selected contours;
  • subject for painting;
  • color sketch.

Very useful textile cloth for cleaning tip contours. Tips to quickly get clogged with paint. Inexperienced master before painting can be trained to put the point of the same size, and only then start to work.

Fundamentals spot painting (technique Point to point)

Do not be upset if the point is not to get a smooth or paint flowed. While the paint is still wet, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth. If failure is situated in the middle of the figure, and it is impossible to wipe it, it can be cut sharp blade.

surface of the object selected for the application of the painting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and degrease. Then the colors would be better to go to bed, and painting to survive longer.

If you plan to apply the pattern on a transparent object (plate or vase), you can lighten the task of putting a sketch of the pattern on the reverse side and fixing it. And on an opaque object basis pattern may be applied to the thin lines via washable markers.

When the sketch drawing has points of different diameters, it is better to start with the most important, and then fill the remaining space with small dots.

Optionally, large fragments of the picture can be painted with brush and arrange them around the contour point list.

Starting to do, it will be difficult to stop. It's so nice to create extraordinary things with their own hands!