Since ancient times, people practiced decoration of their homes in various handicrafts. Previously popular were the standard gifts of nature, and later received a demand for the metal product, and after the rapid development of the chemical industry have become relevant synthetic materials. Modern people tend to ennoble housing natural things, because of which have developed great ideas on the use of wooden beams in the interior.

- Short description
- Key features
- Ordinary wall clock
- Compact table for the living room
- Holder for your mobile phone
Short description
Any cross-cut down or block useful in further work, which is why from cuttings is better not to get rid of. To find the right materials can not only at their summer cottage after a recent renovation, but also in the park, in the woods. After preparing the necessary tools can be independently cut off a necessary part of a fallen trunk or large branches. But we should not cut down a living tree, only to build an object for the interior.
Do not despair if the cut cracks, as in nature simply does not exist perfectly flat surfaces. More original and aesthetically pleasing look those things that can boast a unique texture color. Extra bulges and uneven edges can be easily removed with sandpaper or a sanding machine. It is worth noting that some craftsmen even leave the bark on its products.
The main thing is to use the bar was completely dry and had no rotten areas. But the shape and size did not matter, because every detail is useful in work.
In some cases, artifacts may need a certain part of the trunk. But not a complete cut down, but only a part. With proper processing the usual hollow can easily become a full-frame or the mirror pattern.
Key features
Experts note that the most popular and popular crafts of wooden beams presented garden tables and chairs. For fixing of such products need to prepare in advance a wide saw cut from a large trunk. In the master can easily use different kinds of wood: alder, chestnut, oak, birch. Little pruning useful for the manufacture of frames, racks, candlesticks and many other craft projects.
The remaining trunk slices can be activated for the original home decor. If desired, each person can in just a few hours to update the old surface countertops, cabinets, chairs and picture frames. You can simply pre-cut blanks and treat them with paint, varnish.
It is worth noting that such roundels can even obscure the floor. All free space and the surface can be filled with epoxy resin.
Ordinary wall clock
This is the most simple and accessible hack of wooden bars, which is in great demand among connoisseurs ekostilya. To work need only a natural material, glue, fasteners, and ready to dial, which can be purchased at craft store. In the first step the surface of the wood must be sanded and cover a fairly thick layer of oil.
Depending on the clock mechanism, it can simply be put on the glue, and can be a bit hidden in the thickness of the bar. For this You will need to prepare in advance a small indentation using a drill. Ready clock mounted on the wall. can build on the rear surface of the hook. You can just nail a thick rope to hang the clock. Master can show all their imagination during the manufacturing numbers.

Compact table for the living room
For a modern holiday and home decor perfect small structure made of wood. The kitchen table is the most popular subject among handy people.
To work needed:
- Length of high-quality plywood.
- Large bar any timber.
- Stylish bars with metal corners and legs ready.
- Screwdriver.
- Self-tapping screws.
At the initial stage should be carefully handle bar, sanded ordinary sandpaper. The product quality can immediately handle a varnish or resin to increase strength. On the reverse side is fixed on the screws plywood or iron. Through this product will not crack. Master need to fasten the legs stable. These parts can be purchased in specialized sales points or self cook some thick rods. All items need to be sure to polish. Wooden and metal legs look as much as possible in harmony in any interior.
You can make ergonomic feet of wood.

For reliable fixing is necessary to build a recess in the bottom of the table top:
- Carefully put the pencil markings.
- Build a small hollow chisel.
- Drill holes for fixing quality.
- Attach all legs on the glue.
- possible to use screws to increase structural reliability.
It should be noted that instead of the legs you can use the vertical wooden beams, but this option is more suitable for summer cottages. Those tables, which are operated in the open air, in need of high-quality treatment.
Holder for your mobile phone
Such products are in great demand today, as it can make everyone. Finished stand will have an aesthetically attractive appearance and compactness.

You need to prepare in advance:
- Drill.
- Wooden beams.
- Glue.
- Drill.
- Sandpaper.
Wooden preform necessarily purified from cortex and polished.
Using a pencil should be noted that the place where the future will be set free. the right size hole can be built using a drill. Irregularities necessarily polished. Exposed areas eraser rubbing and then applied lacquer. It is worth noting that within the recess possible to provide another small hole, which will continue to hide wires for recharging. Fixing is carried out on double-sided tape.