The use in the construction of the usual silicate brick is unlikely someone could surprise. However, in recent years is widely used new decorative material - a decorative brick. Skillfully executed fragmentary masonry design transforms home environments, and creating an atmosphere of a New York loft, village house, ancient princely chambers and a medieval castle.
Types of decorative bricks
- Klinker
- Brick on the basis of plaster and cement
Advantages and selection rules
- Basics correct choice
The use of decoration
- Living room
- Dining room, kitchen
- Bedroom
- Styles suitable for brickwork
- How to choose brick for interior decoration
Production of bricks with their hands
- of plaster
- cement
- Clay and granite chips
- other methods
Laying decorative bricks
- preliminary stage
- The installation procedure
- conclusion
Types of decorative bricks
Decorative bricks represents a symbiosis with the artificial stone tile. There are different types of fabric: based on cement, plaster, clay, etc... Scope of Use finishing very wide: from the corridors, kitchens and living rooms to offices, from the exhibition to the warehouse. decorative bricks Unlike artificial stone is that the latter has a textured surface. Rectangular - brick form. Permitted rounding corners. Many manufacturing companies, given the particular style, where the material is discharged artificially aged lining can be applied. Consider its main varieties.

This kind of decorative bricks - the most expensive. Manufactured clinker coating clay. Due to the special firing technology, the material gets a special strength and hardness. Roasting helps to get the varied and very unique color palette. The outer surface is smooth clinker brick. This type of finish is equally well suited for interior and exterior cladding. Due to the fact that the clinker brings great temperature differences, it is used for decoration of the corridors, the facade of the buildings, the fireplace and chimney area. unit size clinker brick veneer:
- Width - 160-190 mm;
- The height - 60 mm;
- The thickness of 20 ± 5 mm.

In addition to flat plates and produce more angular.
Brick on the basis of plaster and cement
The principle of the manufacture of decorative material next. The prepared solution was poured into the mold. After the mixture is completely grasped, its release from the mold and dried. In essence, the technique is the same as in the manufacture of decorative stone, but separate elements in size and shape reminiscent of a brick. gypsum-based finish is different moisture resistance. It is used in dry rooms. The strength of cement-based products is much higher. They can be used for outdoor and wet areas. Brick, produced by the method of hand-molding, has a relief or a rough surface.

Advantages and selection rules
The main advantages of decorative bricks are:
- Long working life;
- Ease of lining;
- Reliability, durability;
- The variety of colors and textures;
- Environmental Safety;
- durability;
- Good sound insulation characteristics;
- Resistance to fire;
- Chemical neutrality;
- Ability to use different styles this.

Decorative brick - a relatively new decorative material. It began to be widely used about 10 years ago. Working with him is so simple that the lining can be performed by hand. Durability and strength of its output on the top positions among the finishing materials. And environmental security can be used in all areas, including in children. The color scheme of the most diverse: shades of white, brown and yellow colors. The texture is a realistic imitation of a natural brick. It is a versatile building material. It can be used for walls of brick, cement, foam concrete and drywall.
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Basics correct choice
When choosing the fabric is necessary to pay attention to what kind of material is the basis of:
- Decorative bricks artificial gypsum absorb water, so it is not recommended for use in damp rooms.
- Ceramic brick is versatile, so it is suitable for any room, including fireplaces and stoves.
- The cement lining is equally suitable for indoor and outdoor decoration.

The use of decoration
Decorating the walls with decorative brick is used not only for the external design of buildings, but also for the interior, both residential and public. Easy installation and external features allow the use of material in finishing complex surfaces and non-standard. With simulate brickwork isolated apertures, arches, architectural elements or decorate emphasis. Well look inside walls with imitation brick, painted in discreet natural colors: black, beige, white, gray or cream.

Living room
The walls are decorated by brickwork, original and look very nice. Especially harmoniously fit into a decoration styles: modern, grunge or industrial (loft). This accent wall can serve as an excellent background for the placement of a large TV, an unusual mural, paintings futuristic content and design furniture.

Dining room, kitchen
Here, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, is operated coating properties such as strength and practicality. Made of decorative brick kitchen apron is resistant to humidity and temperature changes, it is easy to wash. Over time, he does not lose its initial appeal. Brick looks good in contemporary and classic styles.

Designers recommend to use this material in the interior of a bedroom is metered in small quantities (For example, to isolate the openings of windows and doors, design accent wall near the head or in front of it). It can be brutal interior loft or charming eclectic, playing on contrasts. In this case, the rough brick contrasts with elegant furniture and delicate textiles, curtains and bedspreads.
Styles suitable for brickwork
First of all, facing brick masonry associated with the style of "loft". Currently, industrial style or imitation bohemian housing moved to an ordinary apartment. Imitation masonry bricks of aged interior can be used as an accent for disengaging zone of the bed or sofa, decorating niches and t. D.

Another style that is readily admits the use of bare brick - a country that creates the atmosphere of a hunting hut, a cottage outside the city or the familiar advertising "house in the village." Particularly interesting and functional turns brick lined furnace zone or fireplace. Kind of beauty and has a combination of "untreated" surfaces with natural wood and textile elements of the patches and 'grandmother' Sitchikov.
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The material has found application in the interior in the "Gothic" styles and "Neo-Gothic". They reproduce the atmosphere of feudal castles with numerous columns and pointed arches. For their design imitation brick fits perfectly. Elegant chandelier with numerous crystal pendants and a giant four-poster bed creates a great contrast with the austere brick.

By the way, about asceticism. Lining with decorative brick perfectly with minimalist elements. Particularly striking is obtained a combination of red bricks, egg white, brown or terracotta color with neutral colors furniture.
How to choose brick for interior decoration
The major selection criteria - is the aesthetic qualities of the material, its correspondence to the selected style. Create an exclusive and truly unique atmosphere you can only use the bricks in perfectly with the design of the room. Is required to ask the consumer properties of the material, its performance characteristics. Do not be afraid to experiment with design. Properties decorative finish such that the non-standard decorations are guaranteed.

Production of bricks with their hands
Use natural brick in the interior is not necessary. Optionally oblitsevat room pictures with unusual and rough texture can use his imitation. Consider the various embodiments manufacture.
of plaster
Plaster - a plastic material that perfectly imitates the natural texture of the brick. If you try, the veneer will indistinguishable from the genuine. For the independent production of its need these materials:
- The gypsum mixture - dry;
- Form for bricks;
- Tile adhesive;
- Water;
- Notched trowel;
- A sponge moistened.

The dry plaster mixture is mixed adhesive and water to obtain a mass that looks like a cream. The prepared composition is poured into molds. Plaster hardens very quickly, so do not need too much solution do.
For a uniform distribution of the solution form of lightly shaken.
Can be added to a solution of acrylic paint or paint the "clutch" after it will be pasted on the wall. Optionally, the space between the "bricks" paint over dark paint.

For the manufacture of decorative cement bricks with their hands should be prepared:
- Portland cement white;
- Sand;
- Cardboard;
- Styrofoam balls (you can buy them in a furniture store);
- Reinforcing mesh;
- Sealant to cement.

Trough form of bricks can be made of cardboard. The bottom wall and its spread reinforcement mesh. sand were mixed to prepare a solution, foam and water in the ratio 1: 1: 2. Further poured Portland cement to obtain a solution with the consistency of sour cream. Working composition is maintained for 20 minutes. Viscous mass is placed in molds manually leveled and left to harden for a day. After hardening them for smoothness coated with a solution (3 parts water to 1 part of portland cement and sand). For staining using water diluted acrylic dye. First trim Kohler darker tone, then coated with a light transparent ink layer.

Clay and granite chips
Clay - the basic raw material for the manufacture of ceramics. For good-quality imitation brick clay mixed with granite chips. Molded elements facing baked in special furnaces at high temperatures. At home, it is very difficult to achieve. This is the case when you should not try to do something on their own, and buy products from reputable manufacturers.
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other methods
Decorate the walls "Brick" is possible and in other ways. Some firms have made the finish of MDF and PVC. One feature of these materials is that they are mounted are not separate elements, and large panels. Installation is carried out on the batten of wood or metal sheets. This finish will cost much cheaper than facing the classic version.

Laying decorative bricks
This process can not be considered too complex. Special equipment for the work required. To coat the wall, you will need only the following tools and accessories:
- Roulette construction, ruler, level;
- Pencil - to mark;
- Hand saw;
- Brush;
- Rope;
- Brush;
- Putty knife;
- Sandpaper for cleaning brick pieces.
Depending on the facing space used angular or planar elements. The use of "parts" gives the impression of a solid, good-quality, natural brickwork. The number of square meters of material to be procured, calculated from the area facing the planned.

preliminary stage
Glue decorative bricks needed on a solid, well-cleaned from the old base cover. Brick wall and the rear side is pretreated by deep penetrating primer. Before brick wall bricks are removed from the packaging and are laid on a flat surface to carefully pick up elements of hue, texture and thickness. The next stage - the markings on the horizontal surface. It is necessary for the correct fit on the size of the mating elements. This will save materials and reduce the number of podpilennyh elements. Begin to trim a corner "bricks" on the condition that they are alternating with short sides long. When mounting the jointing without vertical seams displaced by at least 50 mm.

The installation procedure
Using a spatula, the adhesive solution is applied to the surface of the wall, trying to complete the composition of all the irregularities. And glue is applied to the entire bottom surface of the liner member having a layer thickness of 1-3 mm. Brick is pressed against the surface of the wall, a little occasion to them from side to side. This is necessary in order to ensure better adhesion to the wall. The solution should be plastic, but not liquid. If the stone is strongly slides, to achieve lasting contact with the surface it will not be.
Selection of the individual elements of color - is an individual creative process and no clear standard is not here. It is advisable to use the "bricks" of different packages. If necessary, stone sawed with a hacksaw with fine teeth. Slim fit good at using coarse emery paper.

Brick looks in the interior is beautiful and unusual. However, the ponderous "global" masonry is unlikely to be look beautiful. Therefore, use a decorative brick finish in the decoration of rooms is necessary metered, "without fanaticism," to decorate the room for the placement of color and textural accents.