Every housewife wants to create in your home comfort and unique style. One element of the beautiful decor in the room is a floor vase. How to make a vase on their own, and at the same time save money on buying expensive materials?

- Materials for manufacturing
- process of manufacturing
Materials for manufacturing
Already at the stage of repair thrifty housewife experienced eye sees which parts of the remaining materials can be used to create a masterpiece. And if this masterful masterpiece becomes a vase, we should be sure to leave a solid cardboard tube, which was wound linoleum. They are heavy, have a large diameter and Needlewoman save the need to buy a plastic preform. The savings is obvious. A two-meter pipes will last for two vases, although you can make and composition - three vases different height. The main thing is that the main component is found to be creative. More will need:
- PVA glue;
- Glue "Moment";
- Cardboard A4;
- thin twine;
- thick twisted cords;
- bright ribbon or other embellishments.
- as well as the need: a saw, brush, scissors, and a flight of fancy.
process of manufacturing
The pipe must be cut into two equal parts. Mark both the smooth cut as the factory to the bottom of the vase. Further, copiously lubricated portion of the preform and uniformly wind the PVA thin harness so that it completely blocked the cardboard. Securing the tip of the rope point glue, you must allow the material to dry. There is another way - to lay the twine on a pre-pasted double-sided tape. After that you should put a vase on the cardboard circle and cut the workpiece. The resulting circle connected to the base of the vase.
The next step is the decoration of double twine. With the second glue is necessary to fasten the edge of the thick plait to the bottom and allow to take. Then screw a few laps from the bottom, make a couple of turns up and smooth symmetrical base distinguish the neck. Well fasten the cord edge.

Garnish vase tapes or other items suitable style. Of course, there may release the imagination flying. The decor is completed, the result will certainly please you.
This vase itself look harmoniously in the interior such as Country, Ecostyle. It can be put not only in the room, but also on the veranda, terrace, in the conservatory. It is quite heavy, and at the same time can be put on the bottom of any load for greater stability.
To complete the composition suitable artificial bouquets, sprigs, fresh flowers in a pot. Of course, talented craftswoman always be able to do a unique thing, even following the instructions.