Electric water heaters - it's comfortable. Moreover, even those who have mains hot water still install an electric water heater at home and in the summer, when preventive work is underway, do not experience any inconvenience. In a word, the thing is necessary and useful, but the question is: does it need some kind of maintenance or does it work according to the set-and-forget principle? Unfortunately, this question arises only when some problems begin. And they begin, as luck would have it, in the very season, when the need for hot water is especially acute. The device, let's say, is not cheap, so I would not want to get into a mess.
Read in the article
- 1 What needs to be done for the boiler to work for a long time
- 2 To drain or not to drain the water from the tank?
- 3 What kind of maintenance is required for the boiler
What needs to be done for the boiler to work for a long time
If you use a water heater very rarely, then the question immediately arises: should you leave water there while the device is turned off, or drain it? Will the water inside go bad boiler?
The device itself is designed for approximately 10 years of operation, of course, provided that all the recommendations in the instructions are followed. If for some reason you have lost the instructions, it doesn't matter. Now this problem is being solved via the Internet - here you can find instructions for any model in just a couple of minutes. To get the required document - just fill in the name and model number in the search box.

What do all the recommendations have in common? First of all, do not "drive" the device in the maximum mode, that is, set the water temperature to the maximum allowable values. This reduces the life of the heating element.
The second common moment, at which everyone who is especially advocating for economy, "pierces" is turning off the water heater for the night or for the weekend. Kilowatts on this you will save a meager amount, but the wear of the elements will be disproportionately greater.

To drain or not to drain the water from the tank?
So, you know in advance that you will not use the water heater for a long time. Then, of course, it makes sense to disconnect it from the network. But is it necessary to drain the water? In most cases, no. If you are worried that the water in the tank will "run out", then just heat it up to the maximum temperature for a couple of hours before turning it off.

But there are circumstances when it is necessary to do this. For example, if your boiler is located in a room where the temperature can drop to negative levels. The water can turn to ice and rupture the tank. Here not only from the boiler need to drain the waterbut also from all the pipes that come to it.

What kind of maintenance is required for the boiler
Still, the water heater needs periodic maintenance if you want it to last as long as possible. There are three things to do, but at least once every two years. Must be inspected and cleaned Heating element from scale. Approximately every two years it is necessary to change the magnesium anode on the heating element. If your water is hard, then every year. Remember that replacing the magnesium anode will significantly extend the life of the water heater tank. And finally, periodically you need to rinse and wipe the tank, removing internal plaque.
How to carry out maintenance of an electric water heater is described in this video:
So, if until today you have not looked into your boiler for many years - do it immediately. It is possible that the device is already worn out and there is still a chance to extend its life by ordinary cleaning. Even if you have filters, you have no idea how much sediment remains when the water is heated.
Have you cleaned your boiler yourself? If you have experience - share it in the comments!
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