How to reduce heating costs: practical advice

The heating season has just begun, and you are no longer happy with payments for gas and electricity? This is not surprising - any energy resources are becoming more expensive every day, such are the realities of the modern economy, in which monopolists rule the ball. Do you think there is nothing you can do about it? If you have a private house, then everything is in your hands. The situation with an apartment in an apartment building is much more complicated. Here you are not only dependent on energy supplying companies, but also practically held captive by the boiler operator. But even here, if the heating does not match your costs, you can achieve at least a comfortable temperature.

Read in the article

  • 1 No construction work and unnecessary costs: what will make your home warmer
  • 2 Large windows - a lot of warmth
  • 3 If you want warmth in the house - first of all, take care of the floor and ceiling
  • 4 Walls need to be insulated from the outside
  • 5 A competent heating system is the key to energy saving

No construction work and unnecessary costs: what will make your home warmer

When it comes to a private house, the first thing that matters is competent construction, the location of the house and the placement of premises in it. Living rooms and the main part of the windows should face south - then the house will be much warmer. And non-residential premises, a bathroom, pantries and so on, place them on the north side.

How to reduce heating costs
By the way, any architectural delights like bay windows and towers are a source of heat loss.

And another important point: to keep warm, use natural buffers: attic, glazed balcony, basement, garden around the house, which will protect from the piercing cold winds.

Large windows - a lot of warmth

Large windows and second light - all this at first glance is a source of heat loss, but not everything is so simple. The more sunlight enters your rooms, the warmer it will be there during the day. If the windows are on the sunny side, then during the day the heating will even have to be turned down. But, of course, we are talking about a high-quality profile and double glazing. This is exactly the case when it is not worth saving.

For permanent residence, the profile width must be at least 70 mm
For permanent residence, the profile width must be at least 70 mm

Another important point is the entrance doors. They must definitely be airtight and insulated. Plastic or metal - it's up to you, but with internal insulation is a must.

If you want warmth in the house - first of all, take care of the floor and ceiling

Before we talk about wall insulation, let's start with the ceilings and floors. It is here that up to 50 percent of the heat is lost. As you know from the course of school physics, warm air tends upward, and if it has a loophole, then it will leave your house. So the ceiling must be airtight and insulated.

And not only the ceiling, but the entire roof as a whole must keep warm. There are quite a few options for roof insulation, choose the one that suits youPHOTO:
And not only the ceiling, but the entire roof as a whole must keep warm. There are quite a few options for roof insulation, choose the one that suits you

The floors are also quite easy to insulate, there are a lot of options - from special mixtures to finishing interior materials like carpet or marmoleum and trendy cork.

The absence of gaps under the doors between rooms also matters - this way you get rid of drafts.PHOTO:
The absence of gaps under the doors between rooms also matters - this way you get rid of drafts.

And if it seems to you that in this way you are turning the house into a stuffy sealed box, then before drawing such conclusions, study the question supply and exhaust ventilation, preferably with recuperator. And then you will understand that this is simply a necessary condition for a comfortable stay.

Walls need to be insulated from the outside

This is an axiom, so that insulation from the inside can only be justified by a hopeless situation. For example, if your apartment has an outer wall and you were not allowed to insulate it. In all other cases - use only outdoor insulation. Various materials based on expanded polystyrene are very popular now. But before making a choice in their favor, carefully study the practical recommendations. A mistake in choosing the thickness of the insulation - and you will get, in addition to the warm walls, black mold inside the premises, which is so difficult to get rid of that it is easier to move.

If in doubt about the result, use stone wool, it is highly breathable and will not let you down if laid correctly.PHOTO:
If in doubt about the result, use stone wool, it is highly breathable and will not let you down if laid correctly.

A competent heating system is the key to energy saving

This is another important point to keep your family budget. The majority opinion is inclined to believe that the most energy efficient are traditional cast iron batteries or steel convectors.

And it is very important to have good automation and the ability to adjust the batteries. Thermoregulators, meters and relays - all this makes up a smart energy-saving home system that will pay off very quickly.PHOTO:
And it is very important to have good automation and the ability to adjust the batteries. Thermoregulators, meters and relays - all this makes up a smart energy-saving home system that will pay off very quickly.

If you follow these simple tips, you will significantly save on heating and make your home really warm.

Read more about smart heating in this short video:

How do you solve the problem of high heating costs? Share your opinion in the comments!
