laminated floors, Commonly used to date, combines good quality and performance. Wood in the laminate is very sensitive and require special cleaning to keep the shine and beauty coverage for many years. Depending on the characteristics and properties of the coating, it requires a precise knowledge of resignation. For cleaning laminate with different kinds of contaminants require special tools with a certain composition.
The popularity of the floor due to the presence of a large number of positive properties. It is used in all residential and office buildings sometimes. It is attractive to the eye, not only prone to damage and not too expensive. Right care will increase the life of your floor covering.
- harvesting rules
- How to care for laminate
- helpful hints
- Means for washing
- cover class
- restoration of microcracks
harvesting rules
The instructions for the care of floor coverings can be read as a wash laminate floor without streaks and what are the means for cleaning the floor.
How to care for laminate
The first laminate layer - a film. Its function - to provide a floor shine. This layer is subject to more damage and therefore require careful maintenance. Divorces after rags and spoil the appearance of the floor, so you need to carefully read than wash laminate, that there was no divorce. Also The prevention of damage, Shake off the shoes from the sand.
Stains after washing appear if bad wash rag - accumulated dirt will remain and be absorbed into the floor covering. Also, do not use at each cleaning detergents, add enough of them once in three harvesting, but otherwise do simply with water and vinegar.
Well established a 9 percent vinegar and rubbing alcohol, they reduce the destructive action of alkali, which leaves divorce.
helpful hints
Dirt and sand from the street will delay the rubber mat on the threshold, which must be periodically shake.
another enemy gentle coating is water. On sale there is a waterproof laminate, which allows to put it in the areas of maximum accumulation of water, but it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford such a luxury. Terms of washing are described in the operating instructions of flooring. Floors with a lower price will rapidly pass waterBecause some of them are not covered by the film and the penetration of water will swell.
The best method of cleaning with a special vacuum cleaner will include the long brush. When vacuuming passes need to ensure that dust and dirt do not accumulate in piles, it will contribute to the formation of scratches during cleaning. Wet cleaning should be carried out as from pollution.
Means for washing
For sensitive coatings are commercially available special funds for cleaning laminate. When you select Always read the instructions, there is described in detail how to wash the laminate without divorce.
Inappropriate content in powders and other abrasive products. Disinfectant and bleaching agents damage the glossy layer as well as acid and alkali.
Means for floor cleaning mainly composed of organic soap with the addition of antibacterial substances and alcohol. Price range is diverse: from 100 to 1000 rubles. Means for the care of the laminate is selected in the following way: expensive laminate - need more expensive cleaner, more cheap coating requires more cheap money. However, when choosing a good and expensive composition can be sure that it will last a long time due to the high concentration.
The manual says you wash laminateThat there is no divorce, and how to dilute: the use of special tools is taken at the rate of 1 time for 3-4 washing with plain water.
Are their differences in the care of different types of laminate flooring. Waterproof laminate almost not afraid of moisture. When washing the floor, you can use the washing vacuum cleaner and a rag. And nevodostoykim product should be more careful.
cover class
As in any construction and repair material, in the laminate has its own degree of wear. Adopted this classification covers:
- 21 class - Floor, which is used in the home, the life - about 2 years. The coating is rubbed and discolored. Afraid of water and damage;
- 22 class stronger, but still can not stand the constant walking. Carpet, laid on top, will help him to serve more than 3 years;
- 23 class more stable, mid-level, will be in every living room up to 4 years;
- 31 class - economical, lasts 10-12 years in business premises;
- class 32 in offices will be stable for 3 to 5 years, with a mild pandemonium. But in this flat laminate 15 will lie, withstanding the load;
- 33 class - the hardy, can withstand heavy loads and washing with means for 20 years. He is waterproof and has a sound-proof properties.
Another condition for the selection of the coating grade is that the flat type laminate does not tolerate moisture and corrosive agents, in contrast to the commercial. Therefore, it should be washed once a week. To cover the 21 and 22 class in places where people are most worth walking or furniture, you need to lay carpet, to minimize the burden. Defects, which were formed in the friction force, should quickly restore them to not amplified.
However, even the most durable material eventually damaged by the constant friction and stress. The wear of flooring affect furniture and constant motion on the floor. If cleaning is carried out according to the rules and know how better to wash laminate flooring, the defects can be avoided.
Types of stains and how to remove them:
Chocolate, fat and juices ototrutsya shampoo or shower gel.
- Traces of gum and wax removes a wooden scraper, but only after they zastynut.
- animal urine stains are washed 1 teaspoon of acetone or methyl alcohol previously divorced 2 tablespoons of water. Using these same means it can be removed from the ink, shoe polish or lipstick.
- Wine stains need to wash with soap and water.
restoration of microcracks
Wax crayon, paste and paint restoration - a special means to repair the damage Mr.and coating, they are sold freely available in specialty stores, and kiosks. Acquire these funds should be with laminate - to save time and not to be mistaken with the color.
Wax crayon, for example, is suitable for the restoration of small scratches due to wax, wax and dye.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Wash, peel the laminate and allow to dry.
- Thoroughly rub a small to completely cover the scratches.
- After drying with a dry cloth is necessary to rub the floor, as if polished.
For deep lesions suitable waxy paste in the color:
- At purified laminate in the area of the cleavage thickly apply the heated paste using a spatula.
- Excess means to remove wet duster, the treated area polished.
For greater protection desirable to coat lacquer damage.