Even in modern homes from time to time there are a variety of insects that deliver a lot of the residents concerns. Unfortunately, 100% prevent their occurrence is quite difficult. One of these intruders may be silverfish. Settles it, as a rule, in the bathroom. It can be noticed, if you look in a bath at night, because she prefers the darkness. Not everyone knows, which is why this insect is put in an apartment, and whether there are funds to help deal with the problem at home.
- What are silverfish
- insect extermination
- Disinsection of premises
- Prepare a bath
What are silverfish
Names her several it is called silverfish silverfish or ordinary sugar. It may also be called silverfish silverfish or silver.
Silverfish - a small wingless insect of the order schetinohvostyh. Interesting fact: they say that these insects are one of the oldest - and that her ancestors had lived on Earth more than three hundred million years ago in the Paleozoic era.
It is a small insect, the body has an elongated shape and a lot of legs, due to which it moves quickly. If silverfish noticed by residents, it very quickly runs off to hide from prying eyes. It is quite difficult to catch. This kind of insects has oblong antennae at both the front and rear parts of the body. For a comfortable stay they need:
- heat
- moisture
- darkness.
Light silverfish can not standSo awake at night.
In the bathroom, silverfish is a frequent guest, or rather, even a resident, so if you do not fight silverfish silverfish or sugar in time, it will simply be impossible to deduce from the bathroom or from apartment. To chase away intruders, you need to know what they eat, how to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom and in the apartment.
They feed starch, paper, synthetic fabrics, as they are - sweet lovers and food residues. They do not carry the danger or harm to human health and does not affect pets.
There are several types of silverfish, which vary depending on the body color. They can be transparent, silvery, yellowish and greenish color. The apartments usually lives silver silverfish. If you do not take measures for its removal, the number of insects will increase, so much so it is very prolific. That is why it is better not to delay the fight, if at least one individual in the bathroom and in the apartment has been noticed.
insect extermination
Most often, to help in the fight against insects cause a special service. Also, modern chemicals can be used to destroy them containing chlorine. Their price is low, but they are effective. The only thing we should not forget - a precaution, because these funds can be highly toxic.
Disinsection of premises
In order to bring silverfish from the bath at home, you will need:
- copper sulfate;
- insect spray;
- means for cleaning baths, which includes chlorine.
There are also traditional methods getting rid of insects:
Make a trap which is made of glass jar. The Bank is well wrapped with opaque cloth, wrapped with duct tape or electrical tape. Then put into the banks delicacy, which is flavor - apple or any other fruit. The Bank reserves the night in the bathroom. Insect in the jar will climb easily, but to get it will not succeed.
- Another effective way - with crumpled paper. For this fit, and a pile of old newspapers unnecessary. This lump can be a little wet and leave on the floor in the bathroom at night. Insects with pleasure make him a new home, and in the morning paper, you need to quickly throw out, or even better - burn.
- Expel them will smell of spices and they do not carry them.
Prepare a bath
For the procedure, you must:
- endure all things from the bathroom to every corner was available;
- do the final cleaning and process all of the items and bathroom facilities with an agent containing chlorine;
- when everything is dry, apply to all facilities and bathroom items sulfate solution and allow to dry. You can also apply a heat blower to thoroughly dry all the corners in the bathroom;
then you can use special sprays. Then close the bathroom for about an hour, and then - properly ventilate;
- It can also make a mixture of boric acid powder with chalk. Ratio of 1: 4 must be (boric acid: chalk). This powder should be put in those places where the insects live. After one week is necessary to remove a mixture of boric acid and dead insects and repeat the procedure again, leaving the mixture for another week, to prevent the emergence of new insects that could hatch out eggs.
As the silverfish may appear not only in the bathroom, but also in other parts of the house. If they were in the closet, come to the aid bergmeal. Diatomite - a powder raw material from petrified. funds operating principle is that the sharp grit pierce the insect's body and kill him. Harm to human powder can not be held. Diatomite is better to use a mask, as it can provoke coughing.
Prevention of silverfish and other insects in the bathroom and toilet:
- the main condition - at least once a week, you need to carry out general cleaningWhile wiping the bathroom, stream, walls and hard to reach places;
- cold - a very good remedy for a variety of insects. You just need to open all the windows and doors in a bathroom, all to ventilate the cold air filled the bathroom. If the temperature in the room is less than 10 degrees, insects simply perish. This is best done before the long walk the whole family.
These methods are good prevention in the fight against silverfish. If suddenly a few insects have been seen, then do not panic, just standing to fight the unwanted guests on time, preventing them from multiplying. Today, there are many tools that can help get rid of insects without much hassle.
The usual tips for prevention: mandatory condition - regularly ventilate the room, dusting and the resulting condensate. Performing only those requirements, you can be sure that the question of how to get rid of silverfish sugar never arise.