Feel comfortable only in a clean house. Purity promotes positive emotions and good mood. But sometimes an acute lack of time, which can be identified cleaning. For a sense of pride hostess - 10 tips to maintain cleanliness in the home, which will not take much time and effort.

- Down procrastination
- Dancing, or rather clean, all
- spring-cleaning
- Useful life hacking
Down procrastination
There are things that should be done immediately. It is one thing - to save the dirty clothes, until you have the amount sufficient to fill stiralki. It's quite another - cluttered sink utensils. No need to build in the kitchen Eiffel Tower, promising himself the other day to make sure labor feat. If you wash dishes immediately after meals, do it will be much easier - in the first place, the food will not have time to prisohnut dishes, secondly, the amount of work is small.

So it is with everything else. If you had the free time, you can spend it to good use: to clean clothes in the closet, wipe away the crumbs from the table, wipe the bathroom mirror.
Dancing, or rather clean, all
By cleaning is necessary to involve all the inhabitants of the house. The duty to clean up after the other one does not delight. And alone pull your household chores - fast way to wasting and fatigue.

Men repudiate cleaning, calling it a purely women's work. Re the man for whom, it is difficult to always cleaned the mother, but it is possible to reach a compromise: to wash behind the cup, fold the bed, throw the clothes in the laundry, take out the trash - not shameful for men.
Children should be taught to clean their rooms, put toys. You can encourage them to play or bonus system for the performance of affairs.
Every six months, you need to gather strength and to highlight the day for general cleaning product. Its purpose - not only to wash anything and everything and grate to shine. What is the general cleaning:

- an inventory of all the things in the house;
- determine the right things, and those that may be part;
- highlight each subject its place: the book - on a shelf, shoes - in the wardrobe;
- view the contents of the cabinet and without regret to say goodbye to things, unworn more than a year;
- to deal with the paperwork - to save only the required documents, and receipts from stores, to send the receipt in the trash.
After a general cleaning of the apartment will be much more spacious. The house will not be cluttered with unnecessary things. And everything else will lie in its place.
We can only maintain cleanliness.
Useful life hacking
It is scientifically proven that the light colors of the interior visually make the apartment more clean and tidy. Decorating the walls in shades of cream and white, light furniture, curtains, bedding - all this creates an impression of comfort and cleanliness.

Also contribute to the visual effect of the purity of straight lines and angles - simple furniture, perfectly folded towels, neatly arranged bed and pillows.
You can not pile up things in the corners. Availability of space, free space visually creates the illusion of purity.
A breath of freshness in the house will add fresh flowers. Pot must integrate harmoniously with the interior of the house. Of course, the need to monitor the plant - watering, sprinkle with water to feed the soil with fertilizers. Stale, dusty flower does not add comfort, and play exactly the opposite role. You can make an aquarium with fish - it looks nice.
To organize and move things very convenient to use trays. Thanks to them, the effect is not created cluttered surface. In addition, everything can be removed quickly if necessary.
Acquisition of shoe racks - another important element for cleanliness. The house can not be a speck of dust, but scattered in the hallway shoes spoil the overall impression.
Although hard working day, a day 10-15 minutes must be allocated for wiping and cleaning the dust with a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning will cease to be associated with something terrible and time consuming, especially if you do household chores with your favorite music or TV show.