In all conditions of life, whether it be a cabin or villa beggar billionaire, the internal atmosphere, belongings and furniture atmosphere absorb odors of waste products. It stinks, sooner or later begins to everywhere without exception. The difference in the intensity of odors is determined solely by the degree of ability and willingness to deal with them. At the same time every day if you can fill the house a pleasant aroma for mere pennies easily.

- Simple measures of prevention
- Folk remedies
- The use of essential oils
Simple measures of prevention
Before you begin to apply even expensive proprietary tools from bad odors, ozone generators, essential oils, it is necessary to eliminate the sources and causes of unpleasant odors. Moreover, the preventive work should be carried out regularly. Otherwise, none of the most modern, advertised funds will not bring the proper result, or give only a temporary effect.
Of course, you must:

- Conduct Weekly wet cleaning of the home. It must necessarily include the ubiquitous dust removal.
- Once a month to carry out the final cleaning with washing windows, mirrors, chandeliers cleaning. Every three months a full cleaning is subject to all appliances, including computers.
- Change bed linen every week.
- To monitor the cleanliness of shirts, dresses, trousers, skirts.
- Every night to bathe or even to take a shower. Better yet, do it in the morning.
- Keep clean the kitchen sink, a toilet and a bathroom, a trash can.
- Twice a day or even more often take out the garbage.
- Do not leave dirty dishes overnight. It is better to wash it after every meal.
- Do not use long kitchen sponges, mops, as soon as they begin to come by a bad smell, they are subject to immediate liquidation.
- Ensure that that there was no food in the refrigerator propped. The same goes for vegetables, fruits stored in boxes, boxes.
- Do not store for a long time waiting for washing the dirty things.
- Do not throw the house socks, underwear, tights and stockings.
- Clean shoes at night and dry it.
- At least once a year to throw away old things, especially clothes and shoes.
- No smoking at home or, if without it can not do, every night to wash the ashtray.
- Do not drink much alcohol at night, or morning, you can face not only with a hangover, but also with the "flavor" of fume.
- Ventilate the housing after every meal cooking, as well as at night. The same should be done after receiving the guests feast.
- Do not keep the house smelling sharply household liquids, solvents, paints, varnishes.
Careful compliance with these requirements will help eliminate most of the problems with smells, and will contribute to the purification of the energy of the apartment.
Folk remedies
When the apartment will be cleaner, you can think about creating it an even more pleasant atmosphere. The achievements of modern chemistry allows you to simulate a home any flavor: from the freshness of the mountain peaks and ending cheerfulness poslegrozovogo coniferous forest. These funds, however, have two significant drawbacks: high cost and affectation. But there are natural ways to fill a house with pleasant flavors:

- Make coffee, cocoa, juice, chicken with spices. Particularly resistant coffee aroma. It can spread throughout the apartment and held for several hours. And the aroma of baked chicken will give housing a truly homely atmosphere. A similar effect can be produced and pastries. If there is no time to mess with it, you can just warm up a plate in the oven with a little vanilla.
- Hang in the rooms linen bags filled with ground coffee, fruit rinds of citrus. If the matter be creative, then these elements can successfully complement the interior. In the future there will be only from time to time to change the contents of the bags. Already the first 2-3 weeks of continuous use of the method will give lasting effect.
- Keep in vases branches of conifers, eucalyptus, flowers, spring - lilac. You can also spread out on the window sills (behind the curtains), on the upper shelves of cabinets small bundles of nettle, sage, mint and oregano.
- Spending the evening with candlelight. In this case, do not use scented products with artificial additives. The most correct choice - conventional wax candles.
- Freeze chopped lemon and vinegar and rub the fruit pieces kitchen sink, the sink in the bathroom and the toilet 2-3 times a week. This enables cleaning and decontamination of surfaces and natural smell.
- Handle with the spray interior of the cabinet and the pantry. Device must be filled with a mixture of water and vodka. Of alcohol in this part of only 10%. The solution does not leave traces, quickly creates a feeling of freshness, and the spirit of alcohol is kept short.
The use of folk remedies does not require much effort or great money. Something of all this is bound to have on hand, can only choose.
The use of essential oils
This option transition between natural and artificial means. But if the aromatic oils chosen correctly, the risk of its use is minimal. Experts recommend to give preference to domestic oil production. They are more natural than most imports.
Do work these methods:

- Soak in water with a few drops of essential oil cloth napkins and towels. The aroma they will "give" long that will benefit not only for their smell but also on the general atmosphere of the home.
- "Charging" vacuum cleaner before cleaning. Few believe, but if the drop on a cotton wool orange or lemon oil and draw it through the vacuum hose, where the landlady nor walked machine to remain light citrus scent.
- Neutralization of the problem areas. You can simply drip oil (e.g., tea tree) to the bottom of the bin, and the sink pour cup of hot water with a couple of drops of lavender and open water for 10-15 minutes.
Solutions may be sprayed from a spray, it is easy to decompose at nooks fleece with a particular smell or wipe furniture surface water with favorite essential oil. It is more expensive than the popular methods, but also gives a lasting effect.