If a person has a lot of free time, he tries to take it in any useful and interesting work. To select the most suitable option, experts recommend to study selection of the most popular types of needlework in Russia. The book contains all kinds of art, which you can study for several decades.

Working with fabric
In most cases, these types of crafts purchased by women. Classes allow to spend time and make any desired object (eg, clothing or rug).
Among the most popular types of activities are the following:

- Sewing. With this creativity can turn old things into a comfortable and well-fitting clothes. To work enough to be the minimum amount of materials and tools.
- Knitting. This passion has always been considered one of the most popular. Nowadays, anyone can buy a article of clothing, but it is unique only in the case of the manufacture of their own hands. So it is possible to emphasize their individuality and stand out from the crowd.
- Sewing soft toys. A very useful exercise, which allows you to not only have a good spare time, but also make the original product and safe for your child.
- Felting wool. This version of the ancient craft is gradually reviving and becoming popular. To do it, you must buy a high-quality material and special needles. With the help of felting can create toys, clothing or jewelry.
Other types of needlework
Crafts not limited to working with fabric. In order to take myself for a few hours, you can use any other materials.
A list of common interests:

- Decoupage. Popular activity that allows you to turn time wasters in exclusive jewelry items. This technique requires only a decorating colored napkins, PVAc and colorless lacquer.
- Articles made of puff pastry. This kind of creativity is becoming more popular with each passing year. To work need a minimum of low-priced products, so deal with this type of needlework can be anyone. Dough pieces, you can create original figurines, which will decorate the interior of the room.
- Beading. All lovers of hard work have to try this kind of art. It can be used to weave beautiful bracelets and other jewelry that can not be bought in a store.
- Quilling. This art is the manufacturing applications of twisted strips of paper. The master has the possibility of coming up with different patterns or shapes that will be a perfect complement to the interior.
Needlework is considered one of the most popular activities. They are addicted to thousands of people, gradually improving their skills.
If it is possible to study all the details of the selected cases, it will be possible to create unique items that will decorate apartment or will benefit a person.