Most honorable room in the house. She meets the household after a hard day, helps them to relax, unwind and rejuvenate. And on special family dates - the hosts, the comfort of their charms, entertains. Interior room is bound to be as attractive as possible for everyone who comes there. Traditionally, it must comply with the triangle: aesthetics, comfort, functionality.
Organizing a harmonious living space, first of all, determined by the room styling, its main purpose and then take care of filling. In this case, be sure to take into account the natural lighting of the space, its architectural, technical capabilities, and the availability of other rooms and features of their design. Spend it in several stages.
Next to each of them in more detail.
Identifying with style
- timeless classics
- democratic grunge
- trendy loft
- warm Provence
- Cool Scandinavian style
- Eco-style: the closer to the roots, closer to nature
- East is a delicate matter
- small lounge
- Stylish eclectic
zoning space
- variants of the zoning
- basic techniques
- Walls and partitions
- Screens, curtains or blinds
- Floors and ceilings
- Various finishes
- Furniture design
Color and light
- Color palette
- Secrets of proper lighting
We take care of filling
- Furniture and textiles
- Appliances and accessories
Identifying with style
The harmonious combination of architectural elements with filling, the underlined correct alignment of accents using color and light are an overall style of the room. In the construction of a particular style, you will certainly need to take into account the individuality of each of the household, their taste preferences, dreams and especially the characters.

Living room - the room special, so the style here knows no bounds. Its design is possible in any of the known styles. Moreover, the concept of building space at the same time allows to realize as a style solution for the room as a whole, as well as a variety of stylistic directions for each of its zones.
Let us recall the well-known features of interior styles.

timeless classics
Luxury English classics most successful approach people who have already held in life. The characteristic elements of this style are clear symmetrical form and the right proportions. The classic design of the living room requires a large space, and exceptional taste. There is absolutely no acceptable substitute.

The traditional elements of a classic interior is the fireplace. Among the elements of the room filling often present antique dressers and bookcases. Furniture of precious wood species, luxury finishes, heavy and very expensive textiles. Elegantly complements the picture of luxury, well-chosen decor.

democratic grunge
In this direction, European elegance is closely intertwined with the simplicity and unpretentiousness to the environment. living room design in grunge style differs from the previous lack of luxury accessories. Finishing become more simplified and expensive furniture and décor are replaced with more accessible but no less beautiful, refined counterparts.

On a par with the new, welcome the use of old, refurbished items. Plain wallpaper. Here, characterized by the use of practical elements, such as a small sofa bed, or narrow shelving units. In addition, in such an interior room completely appropriate decorative plants in pots.

trendy loft
Style "loft" implies the conversion of industrial buildings into residential. Loft interior - is primarily a brick or concrete walls, and spacious rooms. This metal, glass and aged wood texture as a finish and a minimal number of parts.

The floor should be wood, similar in texture to the ceiling beams. Curtains or drapes are not available. Furniture and accessories for interior are chosen such uniform colors. Similar to the color of the walls or contrasting with them. The ideal filling the space here will serve as antiques. Planning coverage, it is desirable to use closed side sources instead central chandelier.

warm Provence
The ease and charm, tenderness and charm - that's how you can briefly describe this design direction. Preference given to him people are soft and charming, dreamers and romantics. living room design is carried out in the light and delicate, usually in pastel shades. Floral ornaments used, at least - a cage or strip.

Furniture elements are simple, with strict classical forms. Required - aged, vintage. Furthermore, it is possible to use Rattan structure and elements of the forging. Textiles - only natural, natural materials. Accessories "antique", aged, vintage.

Cool Scandinavian style
Compared with the previous, living room design in the Scandinavian style appears more simple and humble forms as well as the cold, Nordic colors. Traditional natural materials, stone and wood, it combines with glass and chrome metal. Space more freely.
See also:The interior of the living room in a country house 75 photos
Thanks to the open, not the curtained windows, the room is filled with natural light easily. The color scheme - white, with shades of bluish, pearly gray or milky. Furniture are advantageously wooden, but variations are also possible with the metal, rattan or plastic. And above all, functional. Textiles uses natural. do not overload the space accessories.

Eco-style: the closer to the roots, closer to nature
Was born in the 70s of the last century, ecological style since hardly goes out of fashion. The main accents that distinguish this line are natural materials that are beneficial to human health. Design solutions to enable them to feel much closer to nature, even in the modern metropolis.

When finishing is often used plaster or wallpaper soothing colors. Flooring selected tree warm or cold ceramics. living Textiles acquire from natural materials. Welcomes the use of elements of nature. Ornamental plants, an aquarium with the inhabitants of the depths, or a fireplace with a natural fuel can easily become a semantic design centers of the living room.

East is a delicate matter
Oriental motifs of the interior living room - a fashion trend in the design. Japanese tradition of design space in a European reading allow you to create in the room most comfortable atmosphere for relaxation. Characterize the style of the color saturation, the abundance of gold, low furniture elements and authentic accessories.

Textile design lightweight materials - natural: wood, leather, ceramics. The color range includes all shades to symbolize natural elements: air, fire, earth or water. The light in the room should be muted. Therefore, from the overhead lighting is desirable to give up, opting for colored floor lamp or a sconce.

small lounge
Sometimes the living room design puts the task of transforming a small-sized room in a mega-functional space. Solve it helped techniques of minimalism. The characteristic features of the style is concise and clean lines, neutral colors and asymmetrical shapes.

In the interior of the living room using a minimum of furniture and decor items.
Surface gloss, glass or metal. If necessary, give the space dynamism, use bright accessories. And divide it into functional zones is possible by means of color or light.

Stylish eclectic
But if there is no desire to space was decorated single style, comes to the aid eclecticism. Choose this direction, more often than not, people extraordinary, creative, loving, creative approach to problem solving. Here you can easily mix with any original decor unusual and comfortable furniture. But that living conditions are not reminded with the storage, be sure to take into consideration some nuances.

First of all, you need a simple background. Therefore, for the walls a neutral shade is selected. In addition, all items of furniture should be some common barcode, which will be the connecting link of this ensemble: a similar color, texture or upholstery. The same applies to accessories.

zoning space
To create a space of the main room, which will be functional and as convenient as possible for each resident, experienced designers use zoning. Its use is equally productive for both large, spacious living rooms, and small rooms. In the first case, this technique provides comfort, while in the second - the maximum functionality.

When the layout is spacious, living room design was developed taking into account the fact that everyone who enters there, he could find a nook with the highest comfort. If the area is small, the rational use of its square meters helps, more productive interpreting space, creating in it the design, the most convenient for the household.

variants of the zoning
Quality crafted interior, most often occurs when using the following zoning variations:
- With a kitchen. What kind of parts to be more compact, it depends on the willingness of households. But to cook food was more convenient kitchen area is placed closer to the window.
- With dining area. Equivalent zone. Their placement depends solely on the taste preferences of the owners. But each of them must be enough space for everything.

- A bed in a room. The option most frequently used in the design of small-sized apartments. The bedroom is made to place on the opposite side of the room from the entrance.
- A children's area in the living room interior. This design concept requires a thorough analysis of where it should develop toys and kids stuff. And still need to ensure that the younger generation a comfortable environment for both games and activities, and leisure. In addition, if the children are young, it is very important that the area is well viewed.
- With the cabinet. Area give him a little, because the desk and desk chair does not occupy much space. But it is very important that it is a window here.
- With a library. Here, as in the previous case, it is very important to have light sources. A shelving or bookcases can be a great dividers.
See also:Living in brown tones: design and interior

basic techniques
Zoning of the central areas of the house is carried out with the help of various separators. In most cases, the choice of administration depends on the size of the room, the characteristics of the shared areas, and the physical presence of the necessary elements. Experienced designers identify several groups of spacers. We consider each of these in more detail.

Walls and partitions
Separating elements of this group are stationary and are used often in large areas of sizes. They are well-zoned space, allow to execute a design project living room a bright, original. And can easily become a kind of "flavor" of the interior. Especially if to build an aquarium or a color screen.

If we talk about the disadvantages, these separators burden space, as well as greatly reduce it visually. In addition, they conceal the varying degrees of natural light, as well as require a significant budget allocation.
The use of such a zoning area most appropriate, if necessary, separate sitting area, an office or a sleeper.

Screens, curtains or blinds
This group separator is a special case of the previous one. The positive moments of its use include the possibility of positioning only when you need it. Depending on the situation, such designs may or may not be an obstacle to natural light and easily transformed space.

This is a great budget option that seeks to separate bed or a children's corner. In addition, well use it to hide from prying eyes, or a kitchen area to make a more comfortable sitting area. The design of these separators can easily be selected in the same style as the rest of textiles and accessories in the room.

Floors and ceilings
Multilevel sex and ceiling structures, a variety of patterns and decoration of the ceiling or the floor, too, can be perfectly used in zoning. Well serve this purpose, a variety of materials, colors and textures. The transition between the zones is smooth and takes place only visually, because physical barriers are not there.

Such zoning is absolutely prevents the penetration of sunlight. In addition, it allows the space to be open and easy. This method can be used to isolate the kitchen, dining area or bed. But in the latter case, it is good only in families with open, trusting relationship.

Various finishes
Another visual separator are different finishes of different areas of the room. Moreover, one can play both the contrast top with bottom and at a certain bright allocating portion. In addition, an important factor is a source of natural and artificial lighting.

Such zoning is, of course, will not allow to acquire their own nook. But it extends the common borders visually, so it is best suited to areas with limited quadrature. This method can distinguish playing place, office or library, as well as stress zone meal.

Furniture design
This group separator is effective in any zoning variations. Their use makes it easy to create in the living room secluded islands. Separating elements here can serve themselves, furniture design, and the space between them. So, most of the budget is the placement of furniture from different areas "back" to each other. For example, separating the dining area.

If use high cupboards, racks or bays, they can be used to separate the working area, e.g., a library, an office or a children's playground. Niche of medium height (bar) perfectly razmezhuyut kitchen area with a seating area. And yourself furniture elements are actively used for its intended purpose.

- Before embarking on the zoning of the space, the living room need to highlight in the interior of the semantic center - point of contact between the interests of all members of the family.
- It is highly undesirable to embody in the living room for more than three zones. It is fraught with a conglomeration of various furniture and decorative elements.
- Using the techniques of zoning, we should not forget that one of the key role here belongs to the world. Therefore, it is desirable that each of the zones had its own inherent only to her, the source of illumination.
- Volumetric separators require a wide living space.
- Stacked sex or ceiling structures can be used exclusively for interior room with a high ceiling.
- When the alignment elements of furniture back to back, the distance between them should not be less than one meter.
See also:Black and white interior - examples of contrasting design

Color and light
The color scheme and lighting (artificial and natural) are extremely important elements of a living room interior. With their help you can easily not only to highlight the functional areas, but also to make significant adjustments to the overall design of the room.

To properly perform a selection of lights and colors, you need to take into account many factors, among which:
- floor area;
- the overall style of the room;
- the presence of natural light and its features;
- the orientation of the room relative to the cardinal.

Color palette
Qualitative selection of the color palette is very important. With the help of a living room interior can become a lot more comfortable. In addition, long known that the choice of color depends not only on a person's mood, but also on the overall perception of the surrounding world.

There are certain rules that should be followed:
- rule of "three": the choice of colors used no more than three main colors;
- dark colors perfectly conceal flaws and visually reduce the space;
- light - gives freshness;
- Multicolor finishing walls must contain one dominant hue;

- colors in the design of the living room is chosen depending on the direction in which the "look" of its windows;
- if the walls a neutral shade, furniture and accessories are chosen more vivid;
- floor and ceiling are in any case not decorate the same;
- warm colors combine in the interior of a living room with a cold is highly undesirable.

Secrets of proper lighting
- take into account when choosing the lighting is not so much a common living area, as its form;
- artificial light (compared to natural) can dramatically change the overall design concept;
- living room design is carried out with regard to the lighting there was a "metered", especially if a large area of the premises;

- in addition to the total light should definitely be local and lighting, the main task of which is to highlight individual items, is the emphasis in the living room;
- soft lamp lighting create a cozy atmosphere;
- one of the advantages of lighting is the ability to hide the shortcomings of interior;
- multi-level lighting allows you to adjust the amount of light in each individual case;
- Variations on the theme of light create a superb visual effect of space zoning.

We take care of filling
Having defined the overall style and functional breakdown of the central room by selecting a color palette and lighting, go to the last step in the design of the living room - filled. Often, this part of the costs for the design of the central space of the room in the house of the most costly, so the selection of items for decoration of the living room should make consciously.

Furniture and textiles
The choice of furniture should definitely make the basis of the general concept of the room, sound is still in the first phase of creating the interior.

If we talk about the balance, the place for furniture design through the walls of experienced designers strongly recommend: a relic of the past.

Living room - a room that is designed to serve the maximum comfort and a comfortable communicating people who dwell in it. Therefore, placing the furniture in the central premises of human habitation, it is best to experiment, creating a modest-sized islands for better relaxation and closer communication.

Qualitatively selected textiles not only helps to relax, but also to a large extent, responsible for the aesthetic component of the room. Soft blankets, pillows or curtains, in addition to their regular duties, perform also decorative function. Pick them up in full accordance with the style of the selected previously.

Appliances and accessories
If we talk about high-tech and techno, then filling them with modern technology will look well in any case. Everything is much more complicated, if the concept of the central room in the house sustained in historical motives. This integration is unlikely to give the interior a living harmony.

You can certainly use the technique, stylized design right direction. Often, this premium model, which are expensive, but do not always meet the expectations. So it's best to use one of the techniques of masking it. For example, curtain blinds, covered with stucco, represented in the form of paintings or fireplace.

Weaving ideas living room design into a single picture of the interior, it is important to correct accents. And a leading role in this enhancement. Like the rest of the content, they can not go counter to the general concept of the room. In addition, the filling of the space, it is very important not to overdo it.