Hendmeyd gaining popularity with each passing year, because manual work is highly valued and well paid. In addition, the things made by their own hands, often made in a single copy. But many craftsmen have gone further and made from used things unique products.

Therefore, if the house had accumulated cans, do not throw them right away. After all, there are many ideas on recycling cans.
Popular ideas
With a good imagination of seemingly already unnecessary waste can easily create anything. Of course, it is possible to think up something original or desired use ready-made idea:

- Organizer for kitchen utensils. Who else but the hostess know that sometimes it is necessary to have around for a couple of containers for storage of kitchen spoons, forks, knives and other kitchen utensils. To create crafts need to take the required number of cans and small board, paint them the same color and to connect with each other. When the paint dries well can be further applied to the products decorative motifs or inscriptions.
- Containers for storage of female trifles. To decorate baubles organizer for ladies, we should take the cans, lace tape, spray paint, artificial colors, or any other items for decoration.
- Organizer in the nursery. Any child has a lot of stationery, which are mostly lying in different places. Therefore, the organizer of the used products is considered a very necessary thing. For its production need to find an unnecessary piece of plasterboard or ordinary wooden board. All that is required - it is attached to the panel banks prepared in advance.
- decorative lanterns. Very stylish and original look flashlights, candles are placed in a pill. For their manufacture would require unnecessary banks, hammer, wire, steel pipe for breaching the usual holes or nail. The holes are made in a chaotic manner, depending on individual preferences. Handles mounted on top of the wire lanterns.
- Flower pots or vases. Decorate this hack is not necessary, but if you want, you can paint the usual paint.
You can decorate the banks of garden plots, making of them a feeding trough for birds, ornamental flowers and much more. And there are other options for decorating, which can also be considered.
design methods
If you put a little imagination, something out of the ordinary cans can be excellent and useful items that will fit perfectly into any interior room.

In addition to decorating, you can use a variety of techniques clearance. For example, the very popular Technology "decoupage".
For registration should stock up various ribbons, napkins with flowers, or any other drawings.
Decoupage also provides for use only colors without additional decorative elements, as long as banks have been put beautiful and bright pictures.
Such containers are perfectly match any interior.
And you can also use a bright and thick paper for decoration or just to cover the product of copper, gold or silver paint. Often used for decoration of different tissuesHere fit and old jeans, and curtains, and other beautiful, but not the right materials.
After giving a second life to objects, you can not only extend their lifespan, but also get an exclusive product, unique in its kind.