Many people who have graduated from school, thought that they had received not so much knowledge that will help them in their adult life.

Life hacking from school textbooks often show that the training program was not so useless.
Some of them are not just useful in everyday life, but also very effective in seemingly hopeless situations.
- wonderful magnetism
- Moon and sun
- Fingers to help
wonderful magnetism

Many people know about the miraculous properties of the magnet.
They devoted a whole section in the textbook of physics.
But even those people who are in school physics is not strong "friends" know how useful these properties in an ordinary household.
For example:
- small magnets securely attached various pictures on the metal surface;
- Magnet is very easy to look for small metal objects, for example, had fallen to the floor for a needle;
- from magnetized screwdrivers never "run away" small bolts.
Magnetism sometimes may even save the life of a man lost in the woods. By means of a needle (or similar metal object) can be a compass.
To do this, secure the needle in any piece of wood, which does not sink, and place the entire structure in the standing water.
It is important that the capacity in which the water was not metal. One end of the needle should be pre-magnetized. Make it simple, even if not at hand magnet: simply rub the tip of the needle on the hair. Magnetized end of the needle will always show the north.
Moon and sun
To determine at what stage is the night celestial neighbor, is very simple. To do this, mentally draw a straight line on the side of the moon is not rounded. If you get a "P" - which means, night light is in the process of growth and the apparent letter "C", on the contrary - decreasing (aging).
Determine approximately how much time is left before sunset You can be using their own fingers. Turning the hand palm to itself, it should mentally "put" the sun on the index finger. Then count how many fingers fit in the gap from the sun to the horizon line. Each finger - it's about 15 minutes, so to determine the time before the sun will not be difficult.
Fingers to help
Fingers from time immemorial, people have used for simple counting.
Even today, people often use this proven way.

Yet fingers can be used to determine the number of days in a month. To do this, in turn, to touch knuckles and hollows between them, pronouncing the name of the months from January. If the month falls on the knuckle, then the duration of 31 days, and the valley between the fingers - 30.
In situations where you need to quickly measure the length, and the hand is not any lineOr roulette, the aid will come as usual fingers. Enough to know that the distance between the thumb and index finger of an adult hand is approximately 18 cm, and the distance between the thumb and ring - 20 cm.
Of course, the exact measurements done with the fingers is not possible, as all hands are different, but this method is well suited for measuring the approximate length.