Productivity affects many aspects of modern life. Success at work will contribute to a good mood, which has a positive impact on the success of the house, and so on. D. Time does not stand still, and not waiting for anyone who spends his priceless. What if I want to spend the time, because I did not have the strength? 10 should consider life hacking, that will help increase productivity significantly.

Tips from the experts
Looking through the motivation of rollers in order to increase the level of motivation, it can be concluded that they often do not help. Therefore it is necessary here to think about concrete actions.

- If the power is not enough, the body needs rest, you need to rest, but only as much as required. You can not load themselves with work, because health is more important than anything else.
- If you have to perform some common task, for example, clean the house, it should be divided into sub-tasks: clean dust, wash the floors, vacuuming, etc... This life hacking acts in many application activities.
- Monotonous long-term work should be broken into smaller intervals. For example, to perform for 30 minutes, after which the next break.
- Multitasking should be planned according to time segments. For example, sending out letters - from 10 to 11, negotiations - from two to three, and so on.. It helps to focus on a specific task.
- Warm-up eyes, hands, back in the workplace - the guarantee of health. The more time passes in a sitting position without phys. minute, the faster the development of various diseases.
- Should not delay the implementation to the "tomorrow." takzhevypolnyat should not be the same thing several times, if necessary to correct the errors and stuff. Throw begun - not a serious approach to business, and, therefore, the level of productivity is lowered.
- Cleaning the workplace helps to get distracted and think before you start. This is one of the important points. The "mess" very few people get to tune into a working harmony. But do not neglect the time.
- If you thought about the task did not come to mind, it is necessary to sit, ponder over a cup of coffee or tea and explain all that to "think" on a piece of paper. It helps to find a solution.
- Apart from social networks, colleagues and others will help the browser closing, deposit into the phone and stuff and immediate pristupanie to business. On a piece of paper can be glued itself description goals and objectives and set the timer for a small period of time, eg, for 15-20 minutes. Working without interruption all the time, at the end of time on the timer, you can wonder how much could be done.
- You can encourage yourself. For example, for the fulfillment of an important task, you can reward yourself with a delicious treat or watching a movie. But do not "overdo it" every time you buy yourself a sweet or wasting time on a daily movie marathon.
instead of a conclusion
Of course, you can perform all of these items in the complex, but you can just take the most interesting.
But in addition, you can succeed if:

- Maintain daily on certain system goals.
- Keep track of time. Not everyone manages to round the clock to keep track of time, but sometimes it goes so fast that people do not have time to enjoy the moment.
- Do not turn his life into "plans".
Of course, many of the items in conjunction with the conduct of the airframe or diary will lead to good results.
Should not be abused. Planning - is a good thing, but life is not the same. It should be enjoyed.