Cottage for many people is not only a holiday destination, where you can relax and gather strength, but also a space for the manifestation of imagination and creativity. Original products, made with their own hands, not only delight with its beauty, but can be useful in the economy. A selection of stunning self-made crafts for infield help cottagers make your site interesting and extraordinary.

- Palm made of plastic
- Articles made of tires
- old stumps
- Polyurethane foam
Palm made of plastic
Plastic bottles are the most popular raw material for the creation of interesting things in the garden. Decorative tree, made his own, will be able to take its rightful place in the country, bringing joy to loved ones all year round. Turn-based manufacturing manual palm:

- To procure the desired material: empties green and brown, scissors, tape, rods of metal.
- Remove the lids from all bottles. Separate 16 brown plastic products for the trunk and 16 to create a green palm tree branches.
- Scissor across the dark bottle, leaving the lower part a bit more.
- On each of the plastic containers to cut six petals and bend them.
- Perform these actions with all the brown bottles.
- Form a trunk of the palm. Take the rod of metal and threaded through it all dark billet alternately staggered.
- Leave a half-meter rod for subsequent mounting palm tops.
- Cut green neck and a bottom of plastic bottles.
- Cut them lengthwise into 3 equal parts, leaving the top to 3.5 cm, and then open them.
- Incise green sheets on all sides, without coming close to the center of a 2.5 cm.
- Fold the strip in order to give the volume of palm leaves.
- Put on the prepared upper part of exotic wood for the remaining half-meter metal pin.
- The leaves are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
- Bury the lower part of the rod a meter into the ground for safety.
Amazingly beautiful homemade palm of plastic bottles decorate any infield.
Articles made of tires
To decorate unusual garden area, you need to get hold of old tires. Original articles of tires for the infield will be a perfect decoration of flower beds and paths, as well as children's playgrounds.
To make a beautiful lawn, you should:

- Buy an old tire from the disk, a knife, a saw, a multi-colored paint.
- Lay flat tire on it and draw chalk drawing in the form of a flower.
- Cut along the planned lines pattern.
- Remove the hubcap, straightening the bent part.
- Well wash tire surface with a soap solution and rags. Paint with colored inks.

Still it is possible to construct a multi-level flower bed of several different sizes of tires. To begin to paint paint tires in different colors and set them against each other, starting with the largest. In order to land is not sags, each tire is better to make the bottom and plant your favorite flowers.
Sandpit for the kids in the form of animals - the perfect solution to design playground in the country. To create it is only necessary to dream up a little and make some efforts. For example, to build a caterpillar or a snake requires simply to color inks and partially tire to dig them.
old stumps

If there is in the area nevykorchevannye remains of felled trees, then we can make of them unusual crafts. Glowing night stumps on the plot will conquer the hearts of family and friends. It is recommended to take a step-by-step:
- Select the correct size of hemp with a flat surface.
- Thoroughly clean the tip of the sandpaper.
- Paint fluorescent paint and wait for the complete drying.
Flowerbed of stumps will be original decoration anywhere on the site. To make hemp flower garden, you must:

- Exactly cut the lower part with a saw.
- Draw a circle on the top of the stump and pull back from the edge of 4 cm.
- Make a well in the tree of 15-20 cm with an ax.
- Stump paint of any color paint.
- Make a small hole in the bottom of the insert to the foam, so as not to accumulate excess moisture.
- Mix the soil with sand and pour it into the stump.
- Plant flowers in the ground.
You can also do from the stumps beautiful track, sawn them on the same circle, and then carefully laid out.
Polyurethane foam
Figures animals of construction foam will be a perfect decoration infield. Their production does not take much time. To do this:

- Cover the work area with oilcloth.
- Use rubberized gloves.
- Make an animal carcass heavy, filling it with sand and small stones.
- It must be remembered that the foam hardens within 12 hours.
- The finished statue varnish.
A little patience and imagination - and a fabulous garden design will win the attention of the neighbors.
To produce foam from sheep, need 5 liter and several 2-liter plastic bottles, a bucket of plastic, scissors, foam, paint, brush, paint, metal wire, glue, izolon.
Step-by-step instruction:

- Dial 4 bottle of the same sand.
- Make the sheep carcass.
- Izolon cut into 2-cm strip. Tie them to the frame of the animal.
- Make a wire tail of the sheep and fix it.
- Apply the foam to be mounted on an animal figure. Wait for complete drying.
- Cut ears from rubber, paint and stick them. Manufacture snout and hooves.
- Wait until completely dry, and then varnish and lamb set in the garden.
Most interesting crafts for the infield can be made from waste material. The main thing in this case - to show imagination and do not be afraid to experiment.