Quiz: Guess the profession under the old name

I reply to all. For me it's easy. I was born and raised in the village, many of the words were still on the lips. In addition, we read a lot. My mom told me on the night of the long tale of Pushkin, which she knew by heart. In addition to fairy tales, my mother recite Lermontov's "Demon", "Railways" Nekrasov, a lot of pieces from "Eugene Onegin", knew a great number of poems! The fact that she was from a noble family. I was born and grew up in the city of Vyazma, until V.O.V. After the war, Vyazma represented in ruins, and his grandfather's house stood, he had the walls almost a meter thick. It 1812. Napoleon was quartered, as a cannon ball does not penetrate the walls. And now it receiver distributor for the children on the street. Kronstadt. After the revolution of 1917. grandfather almost mad, thinking that they will be shot, even made all groby.kotorye stored in the attic, but they have nothing poor and did not even left the whole ground floor, maybe by the fact that there were 13 children in the family man, not exactly I know. Now my mother 90 years and she is still alive and relatively healthy. Mom ball the last-it baby, born when my grandfather was 60 years old, and my grandmother 40 years. The first wife of the grandfather died, leaving him 8 children, my grandmother gave birth to 9, of which five survived (3 sons and 2 girls) .All the sons fought in World War II. Senior survived, and two boys (18 and 22 years were killed). You say, "That pile up", but it was!