- Where should I start?
- Basic principles of the organization of the kitchen space
- Zoning of the kitchen area
- Ideas for the arrangement of furniture
- Upholstered furniture in the kitchen: cozy comfort
- Kitchen benefits with a sofa
- Additional design of the kitchen
- Kitchen with a balcony: what's special?
Kitchen - one of the most important premises of any home, because in this room, households spend quite a lot of time. In the kitchen, the housewives prepare food, and then they collect the whole family at the dinner table. And it's so nice to spend family evenings in a cafeteria over a cup of fragrant tea and communicate with each other. The premise of a kitchen measuring 10 square meters.m gives an excellent opportunity to organize space in the most functional and stylish. A soft zone will transform your room beyond recognition, and from the standard kitchen you will get an extraordinarily comfortable and cozy room. Consider the design of the kitchen 10 square meters.m with a sofa and the rules of its organization.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
The harmonious environment in your kitchen depends, first of all, on the chosen style and the probability of its use, based on the size of the room.
Kitchen design with a sofa 10 sq.m.m implies the answers to the following questions:
- Is zoning planned for the kitchen area?
- Is it possible to combine the kitchen and the other adjacent room without a major redevelopment?
- Is there an exit to the balcony in the kitchen?
Important! Such factors have a huge impact on the choice of furniture in the room, household appliances and additional design elements.
to the contents ↑Basic principles of organizing the kitchen space
Stylistic directions can be very different, but the criteria for organizing space in the kitchen are the same for all interior solutions:
- In a kitchen with an average area it is necessary to avoid cluttering the premises. Otherwise, the room will look cramped and sloppy. In a small room, compactness is most valuable.
Important! Niches can be an excellent assistant in the compact arrangement of many elements. They can comfortably accommodate shelves, appliances, coffee table and even a soft sofa.
- If possible, resort to zoning of the kitchen space. Kitchen design 10 sq.m.m with a sofa perfectly allows you to divide the room into functional parts.
- Choosing kitchen appliances and furniture in the kitchen, pay attention to such useful characteristics as modularity.
- Do not decorate the kitchen in dark shades, and do not use excessive violence of colors. Variegated coloring does not always look good due to the fact that it can not only reduce space, but also "put pressure" on the eyes. The most harmonious and win-win color solution will be in favor of light and delicate pastel shades.
- The important role of lighting. Be sure to use the popular multifunction lighting today, which helps to perfectly zonate space.
The main guarantee for effective arrangement is the rational placement of furniture and appliances in the kitchen, as well as other accessories. There are several layout options:
- Corner.
- Linear.
- With an islet.
Now consider the features and options for decorating the kitchen in more detail.
to the table of contents ↑Zoning of the kitchen area
Kitchen design with a sofa 10 sq.m.it will look more profitable if you divide its room into a dining area and a place for cooking. To achieve a conditional and visual breakdown of a room into parts, there are several ways:
- The use of different finishing materials for walls in the working kitchen area and dining room.
Important! Strong and washable materials are justified in the place of food preparation, and for the dining room you can use more decorative solutions. For example, tiles in the cooking area and stylish wallpaper near the dining table.
- In the same way, you can distinguish the room on the floor covering. Let's say we use tiles in the working part, and laminate in the living room.
Important! Effectively and stylishly to divide kitchen into zones it is possible by means of a beautiful carpet in a dining room.
- Bar counter - great solution! In this case, this design can perform several functions at once: the role of the table and the partition at the same time, and also serve as a working surface during cooking.
Important! Recently, popular and stylish was the design of the kitchen 10 square meters.m with a sofa in the form of a cozy kitchen-studio. This is explained by its high functionality and convenience.
to the contents ↑Ideas on the layout of furniture
So, above, we noted several methods for planning the kitchen. Let's look at them more carefully.
Corner layout
This version of the arrangement, probably the most popular and quite common. This is due to such advantages:
- Rational location. This method allows you to place furniture and equipment in such a way as to have easy access to all furnishings.
- Save space. This is achieved by concentrating the kitchen attributes inside the corner, as well as on the neighboring walls.
There are two types of angular arrangement of the kitchen set:
- L-shaped. Furniture is located along two adjacent walls and has the form of the letter G. The most popular method of arranging the kitchen, as it is suitable for small and larger rooms. The shape of the room is also not fundamental: square, rectangular and even elongated versions organically look with this arrangement.
- U-shaped. In this case, the headset is placed along the length of three walls and forms the letter P. This option is suitable for large and medium rooms in the form of a rectangle or square.
Regarding the arrangement of furniture and other items:
- Most often in the corner there is a sink.
- On both sides of it a stove and a refrigerator at a distance of not less than one meter.
Important! We recommend that you decorate the cabinet under the sink with the front door, and its rear walls should be connected at right angles. This approach to this zone will be much more convenient than the approach from the corner.
- In the same way, equip and locker over the sink or shelves.
- Install a built-in dishwasher next to the sink - do not place a gas or electric stove close to the water.
- The position of the shelves in the angular design is optimally at the same level. If you do not follow this rule, then the symmetry and geometry of the angle will be lost.
- Another important nuance is the lighting of the kitchen with angular layout. This is due to the fact that the corners are often darkened.
Important! Additional light can be created with the help of lighting on the bottom of the hanging cabinets and shelves. The table will be successfully illuminated by a suspended chandelier with a low level.
Linear layout
Kitchen design with sofa 10 sq.m.in this style implies the location of furniture directly in one row along the wall. This method is most optimal for an elongated rectangular room:
- All furniture, appliances, stove and sink are arranged linearly, clearly and smoothly. Since all these objects occupy only one wall, there is enough free space for the dining area with a soft sofa on the opposite side.
- In the kitchen with a linear arrangement, an important and important task is the functional and ergonomic arrangement of the equipment for cooking: a sink, a refrigerator and a stove.
Important! The distance of objects between each other should be within 0,9-1,5 m. And the maximum possible distance between the extreme elements in the line is 3,5 m.
- A sink with such a spatial device is always located between the stove and the fridge.
- A compact and functional way of linear placement can be the built-in system of the entire kitchen set, home appliances, wall cabinets and shelves from ceiling to floor, and even around the door opening.
- There will also be a lot of different lighting. A separate lamp in the dining area, and additional lighting throughout the length of the headset.
"Island" layout of the
Such an organization of space will require a sufficient area. For small rooms, this option is not suitable.
The essence of this layout is quite original:
- work tables and pedestals, appliances, and pendant lockers are installed along the walls;
- on the center of the room have a stove and a sink.
Important! A kitchen island can be a dining table.
Kitchen design 10 sq. M.m with a sofa in this way will be difficult to implement. The most suitable solution can only be the location of the soft zone on the balcony, if it is, or the placement of the sofa in the adjacent room, if it is a kitchen studio.
to the table of contents ↑Upholstered furniture in the kitchen: cozy comfort
And now let's take a closer look at the central and main attribute of the dining area - the couch. When designing a kitchen design with a 10 sq.m. sofa, pay attention to the following selection criteria for this particular furnishing:
- Interior style. Upholstered furniture should approach the whole situation, fit in with its idea and style.
- The size of the room and its layout. The bulky sofa simply "eats" the whole space.
- Color design of the kitchen. Upholstered furniture should harmoniously fit into the interior with its shade, or - on the contrary, this element can become a kind of accent in the room, due to the contrasting color or the original pattern on the fabric.
Important! Additional consonance can be created if the design of the upholstery of the sofa and textile elements is coordinated: curtains, tablecloths, napkins.
- Number of family members. Proceeding from this, it becomes obvious whether you need a compact cozy sofa or a larger piece of furniture.
- Performance. Particular attention should be paid to the material of the upholstery of the sofa, since the use of furniture in the kitchen implies the possibility of contamination from food or drinks. In this regard, the fabric should be easy to clean and clean.
Important! Kitchen design 10 sq.m.m with a sofa requires special attention to the dimensions and shapes of this subject of the situation. Its dimensions should correspond to the chosen location. Not too much quality will be the modularity of the sofa.
Types of models of upholstered furniture for the kitchen:
- Sofa. Very popular view of this piece of furniture. If you stayed for a long time stayed a guest, you can organize a place to sleep, increasing the size of the sofa in width. Expanded and assembled such a model is easy, as it is equipped with a convenient click-clack system.
- Microlift or "Dolphin".Can be angular or straight. The sleeping place is formed from a seat and a sliding bottom. Such a design is very simple: pull the unit toward you, and lift the second part by the handle.
- Kitchen corners. If the sofa is used only for the seat, then you can buy a corner. Choose it for the style of the headset, and you will get a harmonious ensemble.
- Drawout sofa. Such an unfolding system will not be optimal for a kitchen of 10 sq. M.m - in a straightened state, a sleeping place will take up too much space.
- French clamshell. Excellent option for the kitchen, with the possibility of organizing a full bed. Folding clamshell is hidden in the inner box of one of the sofa pieces.
How to place a sofa in the kitchen, depending on its layout?
We advise you to do this:
- If a linear arrangement is used in the room, it is most optimal to place the sofa near the opposite wall.
- If your kitchen uses a corner layout, then it will be actual to place the upholstered furniture in the opposite corner. Especially often in such cases, set a soft corner.
- If the set is installed along the opposite walls of the kitchen, then the sofa can stand perpendicular, most likely under the window, or be a continuation of one of the working areas.
Important! Choose a sofa with built-in drawers and niches, then you will have the opportunity of additional storage of things or kitchen utensils.
to the contents ↑Pros of the kitchen with the sofa
Thus, despite some complexity of the design of space, it should be noted that the design of the kitchen 10 square meters.m with a sofa has a number of advantages:
- The sofa emphasizes the style of the situation. In addition, with its help you can make a bright accent in the interior.
- Comfort. You do not want to leave such a cozy room and with pleasure will spend time in the kitchen with family and friends.
- Capacity. A comfortable sofa can accommodate many more people than on chairs.
Additional design of the kitchen
It is not superfluous to enrich the kitchen furniture with additional decor and decoration of the room. This will create a more cozy atmosphere, and the room will take a more complete look.
Kitchen design with sofa 10 sq.m.can be decorated with currently popular wallpaper. They are very often used in interior decoration, and kitchens as well. If a sofa is placed near a free wall, then a canvas of this type can be glued on it. A rich choice will allow you to choose the most suitable style for your kitchen. The plot can be very different - abstraction, striking seascape, bright floral prints.
Important! Wall-papers "will revive" a premise of kitchen and become a fine ornament of an interior.
Also successful are such accessories in the kitchen:
- Pictures in the frames.
- Family photos and collages.
- Indoor flowers. The main thing is for the kitchen conditions to be comfortable for them.
- Decorative small pillows, elegantly scattered on the couch.
- Carpet in the dining area.
- Elegant curtains.
- Interesting fixtures.
And a lot of other decorative elements that you want to place in the kitchen. In any case, it all depends on your creative approach to design and rich imagination.
to the contents ↑Kitchen with balcony: what is special about?
At first it may seem that having an exit to the balcony can only interfere with the effective layout of the room. But believe me, this is completely wrong. On the contrary - this location can be envied.
So, what are the advantages of a room with a balcony, and what kind of kitchen design 10 sq. M.m with a sofa can be embodied in it?
- Firstly - you can organize a pantry on the loggia. But do not overly clutter the balcony shelves with pickles - it should be a modern and functional storage system.
- Secondly - dismantling the door and window openings, you increase the area of the kitchen.
Important! Work on the disassembly of partitions should be done only if the walls are not carriers.
- Thirdly - on these additional squares you can arrange a stylish, cozy dining area with a soft sofa.
- Fourth - you can move the refrigerator to the balcony, and you will have a little more space in the kitchen.
- Fifth - in the place of the window opening, you can effectively set the bar. If, on the other hand, there is a soft rest area on the balcony, this design will elegantly connect the two zones together.
You may also find another original application for an additional room.
What else to pay attention to?
- If you decide to use the balcony room as a continuation of the kitchen, we recommend glazing in advance, warming the loggia.
- This room should be in harmony with the design of the kitchen and its style.
- An important nuance is the properly selected curtains, which should allow you to easily pass to the balcony, easily move away, gather.
- Think rational lighting. If the balcony is a soft sofa with a small table, hang a chandelier above it - this will create an intimate atmosphere.
As you can see, the design of the kitchen 10 sq.m.m with a sofa is an excellent field for the embodiment of the most original and interesting ideas in the design of the room. Skilful approach, and the kitchen will become the most loved room of all family members, thanks to its functionality and incomparable coziness.