- Why does mold appear?
- Why should we fight mold?
- Treatment of walls against mold with copper sulfate
- Prevention measures
Uninvited guest - mold, appears in modern houses and apartments quietly and imperceptibly, and spoils not only the appearance of the dwelling, but also the health of people living in the surrounding walls. Many owners use copper vitriol against mold as the most effective means in the fight against fungus. Is this so and how to apply it correctly?
to the contents ↑Why does mold appear?
Fungus is the most common problem in modern homes, as plastic windows are now very widely used. Of course, modern windows perfectly keep heat in the room, prevent the penetration of dust and street noise inside, they do not blow from them, they are easy to care for and wash. But they have a huge drawback - PVC windows cause poor air circulation in the house, and as a result - the fungus forms on the slopes of windows, as well as the joints of walls and other hard-to-reach nooks.
Important! Compared with other means, copper vitriol from mold on walls, windows, ceilings is quite effective and allows you to quickly cope with the problem.
Another cause of the appearance of mold on the walls is high humidity in the room and poor ventilation.
Consider the main conditions for the appearance of high humidity:
- Dampness or moisture in the basement.
- No insulation of wall joints.
- Poor waterproofing of the walls themselves.
- Incorrect installation of windows.
- Problems with plumbing.
- Low-current ventilation.
In the presence of favorable factors for the reproduction of mold: poor ventilation, high humidity, high air temperature( from 20 C), mold spores begin to conquer living space, starting with a bath, kitchen, basement, loggia. As a result, a harmful colony of fungi settles on the walls, which can not be easily removed.
to the contents ↑Why should we fight mold?
The growth of the fungus should be stopped immediately, as soon as the first signs are noticed: a white coating on the walls or darkening of the surface of the walls, an unpleasant odor, after having settled in at least one small room, the mold will spread throughout the dwelling and it will happen quickly enough. Therefore, immediately it is necessary to use copper vitriol against mold, so that the problem does not take on a huge scale.
This neighborhood is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. Even perfectly healthy people will experience various kinds of ailments: headache, tearing, coughing attacks, especially the nearness of mold for asthmatics and allergic people - they are the first to feel health deterioration.
Important! Toxins produced by mold are the causes of the following diseases: conjunctivitis, respiratory disease, diabetes, cancer.
to the contents ↑Treatment of walls against mold with copper sulfate
With a harmful fungus, a person has been fighting for a long time and all means are good for achieving an effective result: chemical preparations, air ozonizers, quartz lamps, air cleaners, hand tools( laundry soap, vinegar, soda).However, the fight against mold will give a long-term result only if the favorable conditions for multiplying the fungus are eliminated.
Consider the simplest, affordable, but effective method of struggle - the treatment of walls with copper sulfate.
Important! This inexpensive chemical can be purchased at construction and horticultural stores. It is produced in dry form in the form of blue granules. To prepare a solution, a certain proportion must be used.
How to plant copper sulphate from mold?
It is necessary to raise blue copper sulfate powder( copper sulfate) in warm water in such proportions: 100 g of granular powder per 10 liters of water.
For higher efficiency, add to the copper sulphate and other available reagents, using the following recipe: for 10 liters of water, 200 g of vitriol and 1 tbsp.vinegar.
Important! Vinegar can be replaced by any chlorine-containing household chemical. In such a combination, copper vitriol against mold will exterminate all fungi and become a reliable barrier to their appearance in the near future.
Copper vitriol is dangerous not only for mold, but also for the human body. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from negative consequences, adhere to the following rules:
- All work with the solution is made only with rubber gloves.
- Use eye protection and glasses to protect eyes and face.
- To avoid skin allergic reactions, apply the treatment in protective clothing covering the entire body.
- Respiratory system or breathing apparatus.
- At the end of work, ventilate the room thoroughly.
Important! If, during or after contact with copper sulfate, you have felt signs of poisoning: weakness, tachycardia, nausea, stomach pain, itching, rash, then consult a doctor immediately.
How to use copper sulphate from mold on walls?
In areas with high humidity, the walls from the fungus must be treated at the stage of internal works. To do this, in the process of wall finishing, it is necessary to add a small amount of antifungal agent to the solution.
If mold spots have already appeared, then first of all it is necessary to clean the infected places. To do this:
- Remove the wallpaper, paint or other damaged decor from the damaged sections of the walls.
- Use a spatula or spatula to remove damaged plaster and putty from the walls.
Important! If the mold penetrated too deep, remove all the layers of the finish, down to the concrete slab or brick.
- Clean the treated surface with sandpaper to get rid of invisible lesions.
- With a brush, roller or spray, treat the cleaned area with a solution of copper sulfate.
- Allow surface to dry completely.
- Repeat the procedure for copper sulfate treatment.
Important! Repeat the procedure can be up to 5 times.
- After the last treatment, allow the treated area to dry thoroughly.
- Apply a finishing finish to the treated surface:
- Plaster.
- Paint.
- Lime.
- Wallpaper.
Important! At the last stage, to the material used, add vitriol in the same proportions or antiseptic of different manufacturers.
to the contents ↑Prevention measures
To prevent fungal infection, do the following:
- Keep your home clean. Pores of mold, adhering to dust, spread throughout the dwelling, so where is clean, there the mold rarely appears.
- Regularly ventilate all rooms.
- Regularly check the ventilation system and repair if necessary.
- When installing furniture near the walls, leave a small air gap.
- Quickly remove leaks from plumbing and roofing.
- Do not get carried away by dilution of indoor plants, which can cause high humidity.
- After each wet cleaning, cooking, washing and other procedures that increase the humidity of the premises, be sure to ventilate all the rooms.
If you follow simple and affordable preventive measures, the appearance of fungus in your home will be unlikely. In case of a problem, use the proven folk remedy - copper sulfate, adhering to safe technologies and applying individual protective equipment.