- Boiled oyster
- soup oyster noodle
- Chinese oyster cooking technology
- snack oyster
- Pickled oyster
- Dumpling filling of oyster
- salad mushrooms
- cutlets oyster
- Oyster tempura
- Pasta with mushrooms
- sauce oyster
- Secrets of the choice and preparation of cherry:
Did you know that most fungi lose 50-75% of useful substances during heat treatment? Oyster mushrooms, truly special fungi, retain 75-95% of their total benefit, a unique taste and aroma.
Oyster mushrooms can be safely called one of the most nutritious and useful mushrooms. Like buttermen, they are very important for cooking: they are perfect for cooking, roasting, frying, stewing, marinating, pickling, drying, good in first and second courses, as a filling and in salads. How to prepare oyster mushrooms, so that the dishes from them turned out delicious and went to benefit health, we'll tell in this article.
Important! Old mushrooms become hard and lose their taste, so give preference to young mushrooms: the most delicious - small size, having a gentle gray color.
to the table of contents ↑Boiled oyster mushrooms
How to cook oyster mushrooms? It is not difficult to do this: cleaned mushrooms rinse, dip into the water with the addition of salt, cook for 15-20 minutes.
Important! Unlike other mushrooms, oyster mushrooms in several waters are not worth it, otherwise they will lose their attractive appearance and their useful qualities.
If you have any doubts about their purity, immerse the mushrooms in boiling water, wait for a second boil, immediately pull it out and transfer it to another pan( pour water in it).Cook for 15 minutes, then let the water drain and dry.
Important! Oyster mushrooms should not be boiled, if you plan to later fry or extinguish them.
to the table of contents ↑Noodle soup with noodles
Nutrition of this fragrant dish is difficult to overestimate, and it's surprisingly easy to cook.
- Cut the onion with carrots and parsley, boil.
- Add the mushrooms to the water when the remaining vegetables are almost ready, pre-cut into small pieces. Cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
- Separately boil the noodles, add to the vegetables. All together should boil 5 minutes. Please salt.
- Before serving season with finely chopped greens.
Chinese cooking technology
Chinese have an opinion on how to prepare oyster mushrooms. Now this can be used by everyone. It is best to apply it when you prepare a dish from a large number of ingredients:
- Separately fry the mushrooms.
- Connect with other ready-made vegetables, warm up and serve.
Adhering to this technology, you retain the taste, appearance and benefits of mushrooms.
to the table of contents ↑Snack from
chicken This dish is served both hot and cold:
- Cook mushrooms.
- Finely chop the onions, grate the carrots, fry together.
- Add oyster mushrooms;fry for another 10 minutes.
- Now the dish can be removed from the fire. Salt, pepper and add other spices to your liking.
- Allow to cool. Season with vinegar, herbs and serve.
Important! Oyster mushrooms have another remarkable property: they can not be poisoned.
to the table of contents ↑Pickled oyster mushrooms
Preparation of all favorite snacks that can decorate any dish will not take much time and effort. To weld oyster mushrooms in this way, you will need:
- oyster mushrooms - 1 kg;
- water - 600 ml;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- laurel leaf;
- 9% vinegar - 3.5 tbsp.spoons;
- salt - 2 tbsp.spoons;
- sugar - 1 tbsp.a spoon;
- banks.
Important! Before distributing the mushrooms, the cans must be sterilized.
Let's start the process:
- Wash mushrooms, cut off the legs. Cut out large copies.
- Put into a pan and pour water, add all seasonings, except vinegar.
- After boiling, add and vinegar, cook for 25 minutes. If foam will form, remove.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool. Spread the mushrooms over the jars and fill with brine.
Pelmeni filling from the
vernal Add to the habitual dish with the new ingredient - another great option for how to prepare oyster mushrooms:
- Cook the mushrooms in salted water, then finely chop.
- Also chop the onions, fry.
- Add to mushrooms, salt and pepper, mix well.
- Roast for a few more minutes.
- Spread the resulting stuffing on dumplings. Brew in water with a little salt.
Important! To give a spicy hue, add a laurel leaf to the water. Serve with sour cream or butter. to the table of contents ↑ Salad with oyster mushrooms
This salad is immediately swept away from any festive table. For its preparation you need:
- boiled chicken fillet - 200 g;
- marinated cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
- oyster mushrooms - 100 g;
- green string beans - 60 g;
- leeks - to taste;
- mayonnaise or vegetable / olive oil - for refueling.
Prepare a beautiful salad bowl and proceed directly to the salad:
- Cook the beans until tender.
- Slice the fillet with straw, lightly brown on oil.
- Fry leeks with mushrooms.
Important! Wait until all ingredients cool down.
- Cut the cucumber and stir everything together.
- Season the salad with oil or mayonnaise, decorate with greens.
Cutlets from the hawthorns
You may not have cooked mushrooms yet. On appetizing cutlets you will need:
- oyster mushrooms - 500 g;
- milk - half cup;
- loaf - 2 pieces;
- egg - 1 piece;
- onion - 1 large or 2 small heads;
- oil - 2 tablespoons;
- garlic - a pair of denticles;
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.a spoon;
- bread crumbs - for roasting;
- salt, pepper, spices - to taste.
It's hard to believe, but this yummy is prepared in just a few steps:
- Cut the mushrooms and put it in its own juice for 20 minutes.
- Soaked in a loaf of milk mix with mushrooms, chop the mass in a meat grinder.
- Fry the onion, add it to the stuffing with the egg, garlic, salt and spices, mix it well.
- Molded meatballs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry.
Important! As a side dish, vegetables are especially good.
to the contents ↑Oyster mushrooms in
batter Once you try this amazing treat, the next time you do not begin to think long how to make oyster mushrooms. Secure:
- fresh veshenok - 800 g;
- flour - 2 tbsp.spoons;
- of chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
- vegetable oil - for frying;
- salt, pepper, spices - to taste.
To prepare this dish:
- Separate the legs and hats, rinse thoroughly, salt and pepper.
- Combine the eggs with flour, season with salt and mix well.
- After dipping each part of the mushroom into the batter, send it to fry in the pan.
- The appearance of a ruddy crust will tell you that everything is ready.
Pasta with oyster mushrooms
The excellent combination of mushrooms and pasta brightly manifests itself in mushroom paste. For this recipe you need:
Oyster mushrooms - 400 g;Gourmets will undoubtedly appreciate the advantages of this recipe:
- Cook the pasta in salted water, on readiness, throw it back in a colander.
- Cut oyster mushrooms, fry for 15 minutes in olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper.
- Combine with tomato paste or ketchup, mix thoroughly.
- Put the pasta and greens in a frying pan, stir again.
- It only remains to hold everything together under the lid for 5 minutes and serve to the table.
How to cook oyster mushrooms
It has already been told how to cook oyster mushrooms. To prepare the mushroom mushroom sauce, oyster mushrooms will need to be extinguished. Are suitable:
- oyster mushrooms - 500 g;
- butter - 100 g;
- onion - 2 small heads;
- flour - 2 tbsp.spoons;
- cream or sour cream;
- salt - to taste.
Important! Due to its light creamy taste, this sauce will suit a great variety of dishes based on meat, fish, vegetables, cereals.
- Cut the mushrooms and, without adding oil, put on the pan.
- Wait until the juice comes out. Stirring, evaporate the liquid.
- Pour oil, simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Add the chopped onion, salt, spices.
- When the mushrooms get a golden color, pour the sour cream / cream and mix with the flour.
- Stew for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly.
- In the end, whisk in a blender.
Secrets of the choice and preparation of cherry:
- When buying, be careful: fully inspect the fungus. Ideally, it has a uniform gray-bluish color. Instances that have yellow spots are not suitable for cooking.
- Oyster mushrooms do not need to be pre-cooked, otherwise - the taste will be lost and the amount of useful microelements will decrease quite a bit. It will be enough to clean them thoroughly. Soak, as well as peel is also not necessary.
- To make young mushrooms ready, enough and 5-minute frying in oil over a large fire.
- When heat treated, they emit a lot of liquid, so you can completely do without water, fat.
- Cook oyster mushrooms quickly, cut immediately before adding to a pan or frying pan.
- In a dish that is prepared for a long time, add them last.
- Like other mushrooms, oyster mushrooms store a maximum of a year.
- For storage in the refrigerator, choose glass or plastic utensils.
Let the recipes and tips on how to cook oyster mushrooms, help you to diversify the diet with new interesting dishes and get the most out of the products given to us by nature. Be healthy!