Choosing clippers beard is an important step for a professional hairdresser or an ordinary person who wants to bring order to its home.
With it, you can do it at home with equal efficiency. For men's beards, this technique - finding. Over time, even an inexperienced master barber creative hairstyles. The main thing is to buy a reliable tool.
- Types clippers Beard
- How to Choose a clipper beard
- malfunctions
Types clippers Beard

In place of mechanical devices came modern machines.
They differ:
- compact;
- special blades;
- narrower width;
- several blades (beard hair trim length, clean shave unwanted hair) - to form a desired shape.
By Type clippers beard divided into two types. Rotary and vibration.
Rotary clippers Beard - equipped with a compact engine. Their main drawback - by heating the engine, heats the whole body. To solve this problem in devices there are openings for ventilation or cooling systems are equipped with. Suitable for several hours of use.
Vibrating clippers Beard - work by electromagnetic coils that power is not high, no more than 20 watts. Their advantage - cost-price and light weight. Due to low productivity, they are only suitable for home use.
type of food

Special attention should be paid to the type of food.
Network clippers Beard - believed to be reliable, but there are difficulties with them on a business trip or traveling, if a stationary outlet is unavailable. Inconvenient, since wire can restrict movement
Rechargeable Clipper Beard - According to statistics, most often out of order, it is necessary to monitor the battery charge. If it will work at the end, power will fall. Battery usage time is half an hour. So we have to constantly replace batteries or send them to recharge. Of the advantages - freedom of movement.
For the home version of this clipper beard acceptable. But if you are going to work in a beauty salon with a constant stream of customers, then there may be difficulties - it is necessary to have a set of spare batteries.
The combined model - the best option. With its help, you can first run on batteries, and when they sit down, then connect to the network and continue to work.
Blade clippers Beard
This is the main component of the device, and depends upon the quality of the final result.
Firstly, do not skimp on the material. In today's expensive models manufacturers are increasingly using high-tech metal alloys.
Most often the basis of a stainless steel and painted with a coating that is:
- titanium;
- carbon fiber.
In contact with a human skin may have an allergic reaction to the steel.
Also, there are kinds of clippers Beard self-sharpeningWhich eliminates the need for replacement and, as a consequence, the contact with the skin.
Can choose ceramicWho do not need sharpening, but only in a special grease.
How to Choose a clipper beard

To quickly find their way in the market, and proposals to follow a few guidelines.
- Decide which model you buy - stationary or autonomous. On the one hand, you will limit the cord on the other - stationary devices more reliable and durable. A compromise - the acquisition of combined model with the ability to be recharged from the mains. He will combine the best qualities - reliability and mobility.
- Pay attention to the thickness and stiffness of the hair on his face. If facial hair unruly and hard, you will need a universal model. Her feature - the regulator blade length. If the soft hair, buy a machine with a small capacity.
- Pay attention to the blades and nozzles. Practical devices with floating ceramic knives. If necessary, they can be easily and quickly changed. At the same time they do not need regular lubrication - after the end of the session, rinse under a strong pressure of water. The alternative - Accessory Kits for modeling facial hair. They are more expensive, but are equipped with plenty of features and extensions.
- It is important that work was comfortable. In the shop, try as the device fits in your hand, how heavy. Evaluate whether the convenient handle.
- A useful feature - the vacuum suction hair. Thanks to him, the person will remain clean and free from trimmed hairs.

The device, instead of cutting hair, begins to pull out.
First, check the blades and sharpen them if necessary. To do this, turn to professional workshops. Make it at home it will not be possible, because you need a special machine. Yourself may damage or even break the blade.
To verify that the problem of dull knives, check how the sheared hairs. If the cuts are uneven, the matter in them.
Constantly look after the machine.
Do not forget to take good care of the knives. At the end of the day, but better after each use of the machine, and clean them from the shorn hair. To do this, you can even use an ordinary toothbrush.
At the end of the day, lubricate the blades with a special oil. Only in this case they will last long and faithful service.
Advice to the conclusion - watch the prices. Do not buy the most expensive clipper beard, but also to buy the cheapest model is not worth it. The most appropriate choice for home use - the average price category.