Many people are trying to revive their living space, make it more interesting and original. To do this, they use a variety of handicrafts, decorative items and accessories.

When you first look at some of them once it becomes clear that these stylish home furnishings made from wine bottles. To make them not so difficult. We need only a little imagination and patience.
- Staining of different ways
- decoupage technique
- Candlesticks and glasses
Staining of different ways
In every house there will probably 1-2 bottles of wine. If they have the original form, they are not necessarily throw away, but you can turn into an interesting piece of furniture. The easiest option - to paint. This will require:
- syringe;
- brush or sponge;
- paint (water-resistant, acrylic or universal).
You can use different methods. The first - from the inside color.
It runs thus:
- Painting is typed into a large syringe and squeezed into a clean, dry bottle through the neck.
- The vessel slowly turns over several times as long as it does not fully will be painted walls.
- The bottle is placed upside down to drained surplus paint.
In operation, the outside wall surely get dirty. Spots and stains can be easily removed with a solvent.
Extrinsic staining is performed by a slightly different technology. Would need:

- Thoroughly wash the container, to remove from it all labels and stickers.
- Process it from the outside with an alcohol solution.
- Carefully apply the paint with a brush or a sponge.
- You need to start painting from the bottom. When the paint is completely dry, you can proceed to processing the top of the bottle.
You can paint the vessel using balloon. It takes a minimum of time. It is only necessary to prepare it (wash, dry, put Decontaminating), put on paper and spray paint at a distance of 30 cm. To get a more intense color, after drying the first layer are recommended to be repeated.
Already painted bottle can be further decorate.
For example, depict various patterns. Flowers, leaves, intricate designs can first draw a pencil, and then paint in a different color. This technique requires maximum attention and care.
Variant simpler - perform a pattern in the form of strips. To do this, you need a clean container pasted strips of tape of the desired width. On the transparent gaps should apply the paint. When it is dry, remove the masking tape will remain. Get a decoration in the form of alternating transparent and shaded lanes. This bottle is a good alternative to a vase for flowers. Through the unfilled gaps will be easy to keep track of the water level.
decoupage technique
Decoupage is called a special technique of processing a variety of items from paper elements, fabric or leather. To decorate a wine bottle in such a way, you need the following materials and tools:
- paint primer;
- napkins with drawings;
- silicone sealant;
- acrylic lacquer;
- PVA glue;
- scissors, brush.
Learn how to perform simple decoupage. It is only necessary in advance to carry out preparatory work:

- Wash, dry container.
- Paint it on the outside paint. It is better to use neutral colors (white, beige). On their background decoration will look better. The paint should be applied in two layers.
The décor is necessary to use special three-layer napkins to decoupage. They can be purchased in the store for needlework. On such napkins printed various patterns. By selecting a favorite embodiment, the image to be cut by removing the top layer, and sticking it on a colored bottle.
On top of the image to be treated with a special compound. It is prepared from a special Decoupage glue or PVA and water in a ratio of 2: 1. The composition must be applied very carefully to avoid damaging the thin paper layer. It is better to use for this flat synthetic brush.
If desired, the picture can be given volume. To do this, take a napkin with the same pattern and cut out the individual elements of it that I want to make voluminous (for example, leaves or flower petals). Secure these items to the previously pasted image using silicone sealant and also be treated with an adhesive composition.
After the glue is completely dry, the entire surface of the bottle should be covered with acrylic paint. He will give a shine and will serve a protective function. At the end will be secured to the neck ribbon or wrap the twine.
Decorated in such a way bottles can be used as a stylish vase for a small bouquet of fresh or artificial flowers or dried flowers. Yet they can be adapted to store letters and romantic letters.
Candlesticks and glasses
Bottles of wine can be used not only for interior decoration. Among them it is quite possible to make functional items. It will have to learn to cut glass vessel so that the slice get the most even. This is done through a variety of devices:

- stekloreza for bottles;
- special machine;
- heating flame or hot water;
- burning filament;
- Nichrome wire under tension.
Each of these methods requires the cutting of maximum prudence and compliance with safety regulations. Grind the cut is necessary with sandpaper or sanding block. It is recommended to do in the water, so that dust does not fly and does not reach the eyes and respiratory system.
Cut the lower part of the wine container can be turned into a glass, the top - in the original glass. As legs suitable stopper from the same bottle.
From a wine bottle it is very easy to make a candlestick. You can take a vessel to drip to the bottom of a little liquid wax and insert a candle. To not swinging candle and look more stylish, its size should be chosen according to the diameter of the neck.
For the more romantic option is recommended to take low-trimmed lower part of the bottle and fix it in a small candle. If you make a few of these candlesticks and place them around the room, it will look very impressive. See that they are made of ordinary wine bottles virtually impossible.