Desizing is carried out to prevent shrinkage during manufacturing socks or articles. Material subjected to wet-heat treatment by means of iron, steamer or steam. Dekatirovka easier to work with the web and reduces the risk of deformation of things. After this treatment, the fabric retains color for longer.

Necessity forced shrinkage
First of all, you want to study the properties of the composition and origin of textile yarns. This will help determine whether the forced shrinkage. Materials that need dekatirovke:

- wool;
- silk;
- linen;
- cotton;
- artificial silk, rayon;
- mixed fabrics, which have a part of as chemical fiber and flax, cotton, silk, or rayon.
Tissues exposed dekatirovke may require different methods of implementation. This will depend on their composition. Sanforize necessary material, which contains more than 50% of natural or elastane fibers and cushioning materials.

There are paintings that do not need dekatirovka. This applies to synthetics and nonwovens (fleece, sintepon). Forced shrinkage does not apply in relation to the natural and artificial skin.
Dekatirovka various kinds of textiles
Dekatirovka artificial, natural and mixed fabrics characterized by processing means and intensity. Soak the cloth is necessary, if the products made from it will be erased. If the product is supposed to hand over to the dry cleaners (suit coat), the textile enough to iron.
Linen, cotton and blended fabrics need to put first in hot, then cold water, slightly wring out and dry. Iron must be wet with a hot iron on the reverse side.

Wool is necessary to moisten a sprayer and let it lie for a few hours, and then to iron inside out. Silk, if it is not shed, is soaked in warm water for 15 minutes and then ironed on the reverse side. Molt material is wrapped in a damp sheet and leave for a few hours, give a little dry and utyuzhat from the wrong side. The cushioning material may soak and drain. After that, he will be ready for use.
Correctly executed dekatirovka ensures that insured product from further shrinkage and changes in the shape. Therefore, you should pay attention to the process and to implement the recommendations. If there are doubts in the ways dekatirovki, you can refer to the dry cleaners, where will hold the cut processing steam.