Poor image quality, the screen flashes, flashes - all this makes TV viewing uncomfortable. In addition, these defects lead to vision loss, so they need to be corrected. In this regard, you should know why blinks TV screen.
The reasons for this may be several - problems with the signal, hardware malfunction, damage to components. You can only change their own cable or antenna and fix the remaining damage costs to professionals.
When the screen flickers first need to figure out what causes it. To do this, determine when it starts flashing. It can be a constant, sometimes appear during playback software or when connected to the periphery of the TV. For each case there is a way to fix the problem.

When viewing channel
Flickering while watching TV on and cause improperly installed antenna or failure settings. In this case, you just need to adjust it all.
When connecting devices
If the display flashes when you connect external gadgets via USB-connector, the problems associated with the socket. Rather connector frayed after prolonged use or inaccurate connection. The item needs to be replaced, but it is better to refer to the master.
Constantly blinking
Ongoing blinking TV caused by damage to the wires or power supply. This problem often occurs in LCD TVs. Replacement power supply also requires specialist call.
Problems with signal
a television signal source may also cause interference. Defective equipment, antennas, defect, or incorrect settings give rise to blink on the display.
Satellite TV
To configure it, you need a receiver, a satellite dish and cable. Because of problems in one of the image components starts blinking.
To determine the problem with the satellite dish signal call to the hotline of the service provider. There, the operator will help to diagnose, identify and correct the error.
If the cable has wrinkles or other damage - must be replaced. This can be done by yourself. But for hardware repairs receiver may take only master in the service center.
Cable TV
The appearance of blinking on cable TV is usually caused by damage to the wires - inspect and detection of defects replace. Yet problems arise because of the failure of the plug. Identify it can be disassembled plug to verify the integrity of all components.
In the case when, after all the action flickering TV screen persists - please contact the TV service provider.
analog TV
analog signal distortion caused by the antenna - examine it, especially if the antenna is equipped with additional amplifiers. When viewed from a slightly stir antenna. If flashing is not lost - disconnect the cable and replace the broken item.
Defects of different TVs
there are reasons that cause noise during playback for each type of vehicles. This is due to the structure and the method of transmitting the image to the screen. And the new models flicker may occur due to factory defects.
TVs with CRT tube may flash for a variety of reasons. These include the failure of the tube, with the antenna problems or burnout soldering. The defect images of television reception is expressed in different ways:
- preponderance of one color at blinking;
- jumps image;
- flicker on a white background;
- intermittent flashing.
The problem is solved by replacing the antenna or cable, if you have experience, you can do it yourself.
At the flashing LCD screen TV sets is influenced by:
- Refresh Rate - adjust its settings and expose value not more than 60 Hz.
- Burnout video card - this can be identified with the help of special programs, and repairs carried master.
- Damage to the matrix - to eliminate possible only at the service center.
- The absence of the driver, or the wrong settings - perform reset to a newer version.
When connected to a TV game console, flashing occurs due to failure of the console itself. A flicker in the corner of the TV LG appears due to problems with lighting.
On plasma models of Samsung flicker associated with damage to the antenna. Also the quality of the image affected by the tuner, the processor, the internal chip receiver.
Among the additional reasons - accumulation of dust inside the housing, the poor performance of the cooling system and damage to the parts due to careless use. Try at least once a year cause a professional to clean the internal components from dirt and dust.
Stable and high-quality image provides a comfortable and harmless to the eye watching TV. If the screen started flashing it is necessary to make a diagnosis to determine the cause.
Please note that for the repair of the internal parts is better to call a professional master, as any unskilled intervention can make things worse. A replacement cable or antenna, as well as update the drivers, you can do it yourself.