Purification of copper coins is quite complex process, due to the fact that any metal after a certain period of time is able to be oxidized. Typically used vinegar, citric acid, or apply mechanical method. You need to select the right tool to clean copper coins at home, without damaging it and without damaging the valuable specimen.
- Preparations for the purification of
- means available
- Various purification methods
- Updating old coins
- mechanical cleaning
- Overlay patina
Preparations for the purification of
Various metals and alloys that are used for the manufacture of coins, can be coated with patina. If we are talking about the usual dust and dirt, they can be easily removed with warm tap water and ordinary toothbrush. But what if there was a copper oxidation and coins appeared green patina? To deal with this problem at home - not an easy task.
Procedure coin cleaning oxidation of green and that are common to the old copper, it depends largely on the characteristics of the alloy, located at the base of the coin. In addition, various types of erosion require different cleaning methods, and if they are confused, it can harm the metal. The main thing - to clean the copper must be carefully as unskillful actions can greatly harm the coin, even more than the actual erosion. Corrosion and dirt can penetrate more deeply into the metal, and cleaning coin irretrievably lost all its value, replaced abrasions and pits.
Corrosion is the following species:
- Green erosion - is the most common problem that occurs is due to the oxidation of copper;
- yellow coating - formed during prolonged contact with the lead of the objects;
- reddish patina.
means available
To clean copper coins at home, use the tools you can found in any home:
- flour;
- salt;
- citric acid and lemon usual;
- old newspaper unnecessary;
- toothpaste and brush, which is no longer used;
- soft cloth.
Such means is sufficient to clear the plaque light and medium complexity.
Various purification methods
Cleaning copper coins in various ways at home. For example, using a lemon. To do this, it needs to be cut in half in Fruit Pulp push coin and left in this position for 20 minutes. Thereafter, a coin should be cleaned with a toothbrush and wipe dry with a cloth. If you leave it wet, it may cause dark spots.
Shoe copper coins citric acid is the fastest way to remove plaque. This will require a plastic or ceramic container, citric acid and water. In bowl pour acid and diluted with water. The concentration is selected independently. Stir composition necessary to completely dissolve the acid crystals. Coin is lowered into the container and inverted as required. Subject cleaned very quickly to pure metal.
For the following method taking the flour and salt, mixing them, adding a drop of the mixture vinegar. It is desirable to use a large salt. This solution is necessary to rub a coin and leave for a while, so it was absorbed. Thereafter, a coin should be washed and wiped to dryness.
In conventional hot water is added vinegar in the 4: 1 and stir it. To this solution was added 2 tablespoons of salt, there is placed a coin made of copper and waiting until the liquid cools. Then the subject accurately take out, cleaned with a toothbrush, rinsed and wiped dry.
Shoe coins of copper can be performed using dentifrice or toothpaste bleaching action. Means rubbing quite strongly, but so as not to damage the coin, and washed. The procedure is repeated as long as the coin is not completely clear.
In jewelry stores sell ready-made solution designed for cleaning of copper products, including coins. It is necessary in such a means to lower metal products, hold there for a few minutes and wipe dry with a cloth.
Can periodically prevention - copper objects should be cleaned with an old shabby paper. Due to this they not only cleaned, but a long time will not darken.
Updating old coins
Periodically, it is necessary to clean up the old copper coin. Rare instances put in order using a soda solution, which is prepared from a glass of water and one tablespoon of soda spoons. First, the old coins are washed under running water, placed in a sieve, is lowered into a container with the resulting mixture and heated for 30 minutes. The fire is turned off and the solution was allowed to cool. Then, take out coins from copper and cleaned under running water using a brush.
To clean the collector's items, use pasty dentifrice composition of, The usual soda and ammonia, taken in equal proportions. Is applied and scraped it with a small brush coins.
The following method - the use of gel-like composition of the hot water and soap chips, dipped in copper coins for 2-3 days. They were then washed and dried. For more efficient processing can take economic or children's soap and add a teaspoon of baking soda.
mechanical cleaning
The mechanical method of plaque purifying coins and corrosion is most preferred. It is held under a microscope using a special experimental instrument restorers. If ancient coin is valuable, it is not necessary to clean it yourself, and the best way to choose a mechanical cleaning to professionals.
Overlay patina
It is very important to maintain the original appearance of the copper coins, so its surface is applied a new patina. What it is? Patina is a protective coating on the coins, created by artificial means. Thanks to the patina, items such safeguard against oxidation and erosion.
Such coating is applied as follows:
We must take the copper sulfate and potassium permanganate. The optimum proportion - one liter of water, 5 g of manganese sulfate and 50 g. Put them in unnecessary saucepan, pour water and put on fire.
- When the water boils, turn off the fire, put in a saucepan gradually coin, all the while stirring the contents of the container. These things have to change your color.
- They are then removed from the pan and carefully laid out to dry.
- It is necessary to preserve the patina. For this purpose, a special solution of benzene and alcohol. Proportions take 1: 1.
- At the end of the coin is rubbed with oil.
Thus, cleaning of copper coins is quite a time-consuming process that requires care, proportions compliance during the preparation of compositions and exposure periods. If necessary, you can use the services of specialists. And with proper care, a coin may be long in presentable form.