When to transplant chrysanthemums from a pot to a pot - in spring or autumn: the secrets of growing

When to transplant chrysanthemums from a pot to a pot - in spring or autumn: the secrets of growing

Contents: Features of chrysanthemum care When and how to replant Can I transplant a flowering chrysanthemum What to do after flowering For growers, the question is: when to replace chrysanthemums? This procedure is necessary when growing at home. In order for the p...

How to water indoor plants during flowering and dormancy

How to water indoor plants during flowering and dormancy

Contents: How often to water house plants Signs of problems with watering What water to water house plants How to water the flowers in summer Do I have to water the house flowers in winter What can I add to the water for irrigation Not every novice florist ...

How to care for a homemade chrysanthemum in a pot: planting, watering, top dressing

How to care for a homemade chrysanthemum in a pot: planting, watering, top dressing

Contents: Plant selection and transplantation Reproduction of indoor chrysanthemum and plant care Resting period of indoor chrysanthemum Diseases and pests of indoor chrysanthemum Conclusion Chrysanthemum is a bright and unpretentious flower associated with war...

Harmful houseplants for humans and cats in the house: the main representatives

Harmful houseplants for humans and cats in the house: the main representatives

The danger of the Aroids family Danger of bulbous plants Euphorbia - harmful family Cucumbers - dangerous handsome Nightshade - bright and dangerous Coniferous and Aral-like Indoor plants harmful to cats Conclusion Flowers fill our homes with beauty and...

Useful houseplants: what flowers purify the air and kill bacteria?

Useful houseplants: what flowers purify the air and kill bacteria?

Contents: Chlorophytum Ficuses Sansevieria Dracaena Eucalyptus Geranium Lemon Aloe Rosemary Do you feel that you have a catastrophic lack of air in your city apartment? It seems that there is not enough oxygen in the child's bedroom? And what if...

Decembrist - flower: care at home, features of reproduction and transplantation

Decembrist - flower: care at home, features of reproduction and transplantation

Contents: Creating optimal conditions for growing a plant Transplanting and pruning a flower Recommendations for the reproduction of a Decembrist Useful recommendations for the content of a houseplant The main problems in the cultivation of a flower and the methods of c...

Dracaena: care at home, the peculiarities of plant reproduction

Dracaena: care at home, the peculiarities of plant reproduction

Contents: Creation of optimal conditions and basic plant care Propagation of dracaena by seeds, cuttings and layers How to transplant dracaena correctly? Features of pruning plants Common flower diseases and recommendations for dealing with them Tropical plant,...

How to transplant a mother tongue at home - rules and features

How to transplant a mother tongue at home - rules and features

According to the opinion of the majority of florists, care of sanseveria( the official name of the plant) is a pleasure. The only thing you need to clearly know how to transplant your mother tongue at home, so that he continues to delight with his bright leaves. The manipulation itself is not so...

How to propagate dracaena at home

How to propagate dracaena at home

Contents: Propagation methods for drcenas Propagation with apical cut Propagation by propagation Propagation by air layers Propagation by seeds Dracaena is a rather unprimatic indoor palm tree, however, despite its unpretentiousness, it may lose its appeal with...

What flowers to plant on the balcony, given its location?

What flowers to plant on the balcony, given its location?

Contents: Rules for growing flowers on the balcony Fans of the southern sun In the east or west The shady northern side of the A small green oasis where you can relax, chat with nature, nourish yourself with positive emotions, get a charge of vivacity, feel the sum...