- Creating optimal conditions for growing a plant
- Transplanting and pruning a flower
- Recommendations for the reproduction of a Decembrist
- Useful recommendations for the content of a houseplant
- The main problems in the cultivation of a flower and the methods of combating them
Today the flower of the Decembrist is increasingly used for decoration of apartments and offices. Care and reproduction of this plant has long been painted by professionals, so newcomers can only strictly follow simple guidelines. If everything is done correctly, the green pet will regularly delight in the bright numerous flowers that blossom in the winter months( hence the name).
It should be noted that, despite the origin of the flower, the peculiarities of its structure and its external similarity with the cactus, the conditions for the maintenance of these green spaces vary significantly. In order not to allow serious mistakes in the cultivation of sloopbergerms( the official name of the species), one must always remember a number of rules for its content.
Creation of optimal conditions for growing a plant
It should be taken into account that the room decembrist is rather demanding for care, whimsical and fanciful. But, if you initially provide him with suitable conditions, this will solve many problems and greatly simplify the process of growing the plant:
- Moistening and watering. In this regard, the flower is similar to a lot of hardwood pets. Watering it needs to provide a moderate, as the soil dries. But during the flowering period, moistening of the soil should be more intense, but you can not fill the plant, this can lead to decay of the fragile root system. Domestic flower Decembrist should grow on constantly moistened soil, until the last buds come off. Then the frequency of watering is reduced, and in warm months we use water only when the soil dries well. The liquid must be used at a soft, room temperature.
- Temperature and lighting. Despite the love of light, a green pet does not tolerate direct sunlight. At noon it is better to clean it in the penumbra. But the temperature of the sloumberber is not so demanding, the main thing is that there should not be sharp changes in the rates. Optimal is the interval of 19-25 ° C, but in autumn conditions are better to change - at 15 ° C the Decembrist will get well before the forthcoming flowering. Immediately after the appearance of flowers, we put the pot in a room where the temperature is kept within 20 ° C.As soon as the buds come off, we again remove the bush in the coolness.
Tip: Despite the kinship with the cactus, the Decembrist does not tolerate heat. For this reason, in the summer months it must be regularly sprayed, otherwise the plant will quickly wither, even with sufficient irrigation for the season.
- Using feedings. In the case of the Decembrist, home care means the use of fertilizers that will ensure active growth and full development. It is best to use a composition of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The product is diluted with water and used according to the instructions until the buds are formed.
This is the minimum that must be provided to the whoresberber, if you want to enjoy not only its bright greenery, but also beautiful winter flowers. In addition, there are a few more points to look out for.
Transplanting and pruning of a flower
Decembrist, like most other indoor plants, requires regular transplants. To carry out the manipulation you need to use a special fertile mixture intended for cacti. You can prepare it yourself, mixing the leafy earth with peat, sand and brick crumbs. The bottom of the pot must be laid out with a layer of drainage. The pot is better to take a wide, but not very deep.
It should be noted that manipulation is not carried out during the flowering period of the plant. Young bushes are transplanted at least once a year, more mature can be transplanted every 3 years. Flower growers who perform the procedure on schedule and in compliance with all recommendations, note the active growth of the Decembrist and its abundant flowering.
There is one more manipulation, which should not be abandoned when breeding sloomberberery at home - pruning. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of the summer season. For her, you do not even need to purchase special tools, the extra segments of the bush simply get untwisted. As a result, the bush gets the right shape and blossoms even more luxuriantly than usual.
Recommendations for the reproduction of the Decembrist
For the reproduction of the Decembrist by novice florists, it is preferable to use the method of rooting cuttings. These segments on the shoot are simply broken, slightly dried for three days, after which they are planted in a fertile soil. To do this, you need to use pots of small volume. Planted parts of plants are recommended to create greenhouse conditions, covering them with a transparent film or jar.
The tanks are exposed to a shaded location at a temperature of 15-20 ° C, we provide them with regular airing and frequent watering. Such an approach almost always gives the desired result, provided that the above rules are followed.
Useful recommendations for the contents of a houseplant
Blossom Decembrist blossoms very brightly and magnificently, but only when the basic rules of plant care. In addition, there are a few more nuances that will allow you to count on the maximum possible decorative effect:
- If you need to extend the flowering period of the plant, it should be placed in a cool room.
- During flowering, temperature differences should not be tolerated. In general, at this time the flower pot is not recommended to be rearranged and even turned - the buds will quickly fall off.
- In the winter months, the Decembrist especially needs light. Therefore, you need to take care of the presence of a source of artificial lighting.
- In order to guarantee abundant and timely flowering, at the end of summer, the sloopers stop spraying and fertilizing, and reduce the frequency of watering.
- Do not be surprised if the purchased flower drops the first buds. This is a normal process of adaptation to new conditions, with time everything will improve.
- In the summer months, the Decembrist needs fresh air. It is better to expose him on a balcony or loggia for the entire warm period.
If you follow all of the recommendations listed above, you can count on the fact that the indoor plant will delight with bright leaves and regular flowering for 15-20 years. In some botanical gardens, such flowers live for 120-150 years.
The main problems with growing a flower and methods of combating them
Any changes or shortcomings in the conditions of the flower's content can adversely affect its condition. Specialists identify several types of problems that Decembrist masters may face:
- The bush has too little buds or it does not bloom at all. It is possible that the specimen simply needs a transplant or needs more fertile soil. Negative on the bloom of the species is caused by lack of light or non-observance of the irrigation frequency. There is one more point to remember about - after the flowering of the Decembrist buds need to be removed, giving place to new ones.
- Leaves dry. Most often this is due to the activity of parasites, for example, scutes. To combat the disease used chemical drugs. In this case, we must not forget that you need to process not only the leaves of the plant, but also the windowsill, on which representatives of the pest can survive. Also parts of the Decembrist begin to dry because of direct sunlight on them. As a result, burns occur, leading to wilting and loss of leaves.
- Mass dropping of foliage against a wilting background. Most often is a consequence of fungal activity. Parasites in this case can penetrate into the plant through wounds on the leaves or by affecting the root system. But small spots of reddish or rusty color indicate the presence of a spider mite. White lumps, like pieces of cotton wool, a symptom of the presence of a mealybug. In all these cases, profile chemicals are used to treat the plant.
Competent and thorough care for the Decembrist can lead to the fact that he will blossom not only for Christmas, but 2 or even 3 times a year. It is only necessary to remember that after every flowering, the plant needs at least a short rest. Some experts believe that frequent flowering leads to faster depletion of the soil, which is why the bush needs to be transplanted a little more often than usual. In general, it is necessary to rely not only on rules, but also to listen to your intuition, to evaluate the general condition of the plant.