Life hacking smartphone: the transformation of an ordinary phone into a cool gadget with the help of special applications

Life hacking smartphone: the transformation of an ordinary phone into a cool gadget with the help of special applications

Modern mobile devices are not just a means of communication, and stylish multi-function devices. However, they are quite expensive. Those who can not afford the products of famous brand, will be useful for life hacking smartphone. The transformation of an ordinary phone into a cool gadget with th...

9 custom options pots and pans: the best methods and tips

9 custom options pots and pans: the best methods and tips

The owners of small apartments face the problem of lack of storage space for kitchen utensils. 9 non-standard options that are applicable for any size, can help relieve the cabinets and do not clutter the room. Bring them to life is very simple, since it does not need to buy expensive tools and s...

Applications scotch for a flawless appearance: 7 interesting and valuable ideas for the girls

Applications scotch for a flawless appearance: 7 interesting and valuable ideas for the girls

Most often, scotch tape is used to paste something, or fix. However, resourceful people have found many other ways to use it. Thus, the adhesive tape can be useful for improving the appearance. Girls must be aware of these non-standard methods. Should pay attention to the use of adhesive tape 7 o...

Easy and cheap way to turn a piece of cheap soap in the soap-foam: special pump and the solution

Easy and cheap way to turn a piece of cheap soap in the soap-foam: special pump and the solution

Ever since childhood, each person has learned by heart the rule that before the meal should always wash their hands. And to do this it is necessary with soap and water. If you still have doubts about the fact that the rule is true, then it is time to believe it, because the infection does not sle...

11 life hacking for traveling with kids: Tips for travel planning

11 life hacking for traveling with kids: Tips for travel planning

To a family holiday with children successfully passed, adults should take into account a lot of nuances. The trip should be paid sufficient attention to the kids, otherwise they will quickly grow weary and become moody. Avoid unforeseen situations will help 11 life hacking for traveling with chil...

How to make the weekend memorable, without spending a penny: 10 free ways to have fun

How to make the weekend memorable, without spending a penny: 10 free ways to have fun

Weekend - the most anticipated of the week, when you can enjoy a happy holiday. But it happens that the Sabbath has come, and the salary yet. Excellent evening help 10 ways to make the holiday memorable without spending a dime. With them any leisure will find bright colors.ContentWalk in natureSp...

Own Designer: do kitchen apron of roses, the most suitable materials

Own Designer: do kitchen apron of roses, the most suitable materials

Apron - a part of the wall, which is located between the kitchen counter tops and cupboards. This is an unusual detail of the interior is necessary to protect from moisture and grime. It can be purchased off the shelf, or create their own hands. In the second case, each person will be able to cho...

Familiar products in a new way: the culinary life hacking with sausages on different occasions

Familiar products in a new way: the culinary life hacking with sausages on different occasions

Wieners - the universal and very tasty dish that can be enjoyed with any side dish: noodles, buckwheat or mashed. However, this is not everything that can be made from them. Diversify the daily menu, you can easily. It is enough to learn a few culinary life hacking with sausages to the usual prod...

The use of old window frames: 10 unusual ways to rework how to use in the interior and in the country

The use of old window frames: 10 unusual ways to rework how to use in the interior and in the country

Now extremely popular movement to create a wide variety of things with their hands. They rightly attracted attention for its originality. To create original works of art using any available materials that can be found in the garage, the attic cottages and even landfills. Results 10 unusual ways t...

Situations that will help to cope balm asterisk: 10 tricks

Situations that will help to cope balm asterisk: 10 tricks

Vietnam Gold Star - a drug that many familiar childhood. Produced it in different forms: as a liquid, balm or plaster. In pharmacology refers to the local media of plant origin with an irritating effect. And also it has a strong antiseptic properties. Learning about the 10 situations that will he...