Modern mobile devices are not just a means of communication, and stylish multi-function devices. However, they are quite expensive. Those who can not afford the products of famous brand, will be useful for life hacking smartphone. The transformation of an ordinary phone into a cool gadget with the help of these very real.

- power consumption
- Services for automation
- Updating and clouds
power consumption
Manufacturers coolest mobile equip them with powerful batteries, capable of operating for a long time. Battery life in normal times is less than a smartphone. To increase it, one should perform the following steps:

- Reduce the brightness of the display an adaptive control function or manually.
- Abandon animated wallpapers to normal. For OLED display type is recommended to choose a black wallpaper. According to the results of tests, their use in 20% increases the battery life.
- Reduce the time display work. In idle screen should light up no more than 15-30 seconds.
Often users are stored in their smartphones a lot of applications that do not use regularly. Many of them operate in the background, periodically updated and communicate, consuming mobile data traffic and slowing down the device. Maintaining your phone content in order significantly extend battery life.
A good option - to clean the smartphone according to the schedule on certain days, for example, the 10th day of each month.
Services for automation

Smartphone owners constantly have to make a large number of routine operations of the same type (send, copy, store information, etc.). It is time consuming and annoying. The solution may be the use of the service, which will carry out the usual operations automatically.
For example, IFTTT is a platform for the integration of Internet services, allowing you to create a ready means for the automation of various actions. Through it can send e-mail messages on a specific hashtag, upload files to the archive. It is suitable for working with social networks and cloud applications.
Updating and clouds
Not updating the device after some time, not only ceases to support new useful functions, but it also becomes more vulnerable to viruses and cyber-scams. To keep abreast of current updates, you should regularly monitor the information about their appearance on the Internet, visit the forums. There you can find out the real effectiveness of the new firmware, as well as discuss their pros and cons.
People have a habit of storing sensitive information on smartphones. In addition to the numbers of mobile, it can be:
- passwords and logins to access the site;
- PIN-codes of bank cards;
- document images.

In case of loss or damage to the phone not only lose access to this data, but there is a risk that they could be exploited. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to use cloud storage. Remote services allow you to store large amounts of information without fearing for her safety.
These simple life hacking will significantly facilitate the work with the smartphone. The device probably will start to run longer and faster.