Important life hacking 10 that greatly simplify daily cooking process

Cooking - an art, because the start-owner has to learn to respect the temperature and cooking time. The best way to acquire the skills - daily practice. Do not start to learn to cook complex dishes. Will help to make progress in cooking 10 life hacking, which greatly simplifies the process of cooking.

How to save time in the kitchen

helpful hints

To prepare crispy biscuits, oil is better to shake up. When it melts, excess liquid is released and mixed with the protein.

The result is a gluten, and baking it turns soft.

Help you learn how to cook the following recommendations:

Secrets of successful cooking
  • Cooking is better to use the pink salt. It contains iron and other useful minerals. Moreover, such a salt is tasty and easy to digest.
  • In order not to cry when cutting onions, it is recommended to pre-cooled. To do this, you can put it in the freezer. Only it is not recommended to keep the bulb there for too long, so as not to hurt the taste and texture.
  • If the tomato sauce has turned sour, it can be corrected, by pouring into it a little bit of baking soda. It is able to neutralize acid contained in tomatoes.
  • The bitter coffee, you can add a little salt, under the influence of which the taste is enhanced, and the bad - is weakening.
  • Crayfish recommended to cook live, because in the body of the dead animals are actively multiplying bacteria living in them.

The cheese sauce is necessary to add a little acid. It is able to constrain the mass contained in the cheese fat, resulting in the surface of the finished soup does not appear greasy stains.

It's important to know

The bread turned out crisp, should add some steam. In the oven it is necessary to put an empty pot, and when the time comes to put the bread, you need to pour the water. The heated liquid will pair, which interacts with the baking surface and forming a crust.

Seasoning is recommended to fry. This will allow to reveal their flavor. And also should adhere to the following rules:

The process of cooking
  1. To cake turned out tender and not worth much to shake up the dough. This destroys the structure of the gluten contained therein, whereby the baking quality deteriorates.
  2. When cooking it is important to respect the proportions. This will help the use of weights and capacities, allowing to measure the volume of the ingredients.
  3. Piecrust not will burn if we use the foil for baking. It reflects the heat, causing the crust is not charred.
  4. Before frosting a cake it is recommended to freeze. As a result, fats solidify and pastries get less crumbly. In addition to the frozen product easier to work with.
  5. Experienced cooks suggest adding to the mixture for omelet frozen pieces of butter. It fry thoroughly during cooking, leaving the dish will turn out juicy.

Container used for cooking, do not overfill. For example, when in a pot a lot of meat, it will have little space, Resulting in not stand out enough juice for a full cooking and cakes turn out soggy.