Summer cottages life hacking: Helpers for the beds, useful tools

Experienced gardeners always have their little tricks - summer dacha life hacking, which help repel pests to get rid of weeds and to grow in the end a great harvest. In addition, simple tips to tell us how to do the work at the site more convenient. The funds for these measures available and inexpensive, and the treatment itself does not take much time.

Summer cottages life hacking

Aids beds

Insect pests often create trouble in the garden and the garden. Forget about them will help national methods.

Life hacking, to help rid the country site from pests:

Soda by ants
  • To scare away the ants from plants, slugs and snails, enough to make a landing in the ground a little bit of coffee grounds.
  • Get rid of ants will help baking soda. It must be mixed with the powdered sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Preparation of a mixture need to sprinkle the places where the insects.
  • Against slugs and snails can be "protective barrier". To do this around the affected plants should be expanded are broken down into large pieces of eggshell.
  • Scare small rodents possible using conventional plastic plugs, which are necessary to thrust the handles near the plant down.
Eggshells in the garden

To planted plants gave abundant, delicious harvest, also has its own life hacking. For example, cabbage is recommended to mulch with straw. It will prevent the growth of weeds and protect the soil from drying out.

Another tip comes to growing tomatoes. The ground around them, you can sprinkle a little baking soda (but so that the product does not enter the plant itself). Due to this feeding the fruits of tomatoes are sweeter.

leaves horseradish

A few tips for weed control:

  • To get rid of weeds germinating between plates garden paths, should cut the grass at the root and then abundantly watered acetic solution.
  • If there is a need to get rid of overgrown horseradish leaves of the plant should be cut, then sprinkle with salt, place slices.

comfortable fit

Today, every summer resident has a cell phone. While working in the garden can be a question where to put the gadget that he was on hand, but at the same time does not interfere. For this purpose, we came up with a very simple, but comfortable thing - the seal of the sock. For making it suitable even an old sock, remaining single. Socks should be cut on the heel. The lower part can be discarded, and the top to fold in half and put on hand. The phone is placed in the space between the layers.

Hanger of the old rake

Small tools and gloves are often lost if they do not have a permanent storage location. To fix this, it is necessary to make a special hanger of the old rake. Tools will be convenient to hang between her teeth. Another variant - used to store gloves, clothespinsAttached to a vertical surface.

The next fixture will have to buy in a specialty store. We are talking about a removable handle for mobile inventory. Thanks to her work with a shovel and a rake will be much easier, because device would perform an additional function of the lever, Which means that the grower will have to bend much less.

Cottagers hard to imagine summer without a favorite site. But the work in the garden should not be a back-breaking labor. Especially if it is possible to facilitate a simple, but effective devices and traditional recipes.