classical decorationThat will never go out of style - gold chain - is every woman. Unfortunately, gold jewelry is often darken, fade and lose their wonderful shine. Shoe chain is associated with some difficulties, mainly due to its complex structure and the presence of units.
Of course, you can contact jewelry shopWhere gold quickly and efficiently will clean safe for the product in a manner, but to resort to professional help is available is not always possible. In this case it is possible to clean a gold chain at home using the funds available in each kitchen.
- cleaning gold
- "Grandma's" recipes
- Chemical aid
- Removal of trapped hair
cleaning gold
reasons which darkens the gold, some. Firstly, this alloy composition. In itself, the gold - the precious metal is not susceptible to oxidation from the environment. darkening of the source - in impurities, which are added in the manufacture of jewelry to enhance their durability.
Another reason for the raid - worn on the body. Secretions of human body - fat and sweat - mixing with the particles of the epidermis, is formed on the decoration film, to which, in turn, adhered dust and dirt.
Here are a few tips to help with cleaning and polishing gold at home:
- When cleaning and polishing jewelry is most convenient to use a toothbrush or soft cloth with a small pile: flannel, velor or imitation suede.
- Gold - a fairly soft metal, so when cleaning jewelry made from it should avoid the use of hard sponges and products containing abrasives. The higher the gold sample, the softer and delicate to be the method of cleaning.
- You do not accidentally scratch chain by boiling, You need to lay the bottom of the pan tightly woven graft.
- With self-cleansing of jewelry at home must be very careful with precious and semiprecious stones. Pearls, agate, turquoise and corals are particularly sensitive to chemical and mechanical stress.
- Soap solution - dishwashing liquid, Liquid soap or detergent dissolved in the water - the easiest and most eco-friendly way to clean gold jewelry from small contaminants.
"Grandma's" recipes
Mel and tooth powder - what our grandmothers used when cleaning your jewelry at home. Suffice it to rub the chain by a piece of cloth or a cotton pad, and it will shine like new.
- Conventional toothpaste (soft and best - children) - the known cleaner of dirt and gold plaque.
- The best method for polishing gold products at home: rubbed with soap and crushed chalk (tablespoon) stir in a small amount of hot water. The resulting mixture was rubbed into the chain with a soft tissue to a desired result.
- mustard powder - a great tool for cleaning gold. Actively to rub it in the chain, and then rinse it with water.
- Rubbed on a fine grater onion mixed with water and dry the resulting slurry chain. You can just leave the product in golden onion weight for a couple of hours. The same can be done with finely grated potatoes.
The granules of citric acid dissolved in warm water, citrus juices and even Pepsi and Coca-Cola - acidic liquids that do an excellent job with cleaning gold jewelry. Suffice it to soak in their chain for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly (otherwise darkened gold again - this time from the acid).
- Egg protein mixed with beer, the resulting mass is rubbed in the chain to the desired brightness and then rinse and dry.
Chemical aid
If popular recipes can not cope with the cleansing, you can always resort to stronger substances, which also exist in every home. Salt, baking soda, aqueous ammonia solution (also known as ammonia), vinegar and hydrogen peroxide oxidation of readily remove grease and dirt.
- Coarse salt mixed with a citrus juice (lemon or orange) obtained gruel purify chain for several minutes and then thoroughly rinse it in water and dried.
100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 40 ml of liquid ammonia mixed in the ceramic or enamel pot and leave there decoration closing lid, for several hours.
- Stir the solution with ammonia water in a ratio of 10: 1 and left there for a couple of hours chain.
- Hydrogen peroxide (also suitable oxygen bleach) and dishwashing liquid in equal proportions to dilute with water. The resulting mixture hold chain one hour. Thoroughly wash and dry.
- To clean gold products can be and with the help of 9% vinegar. Enough to leave it in the chain for a day and then wash and polish.
- An original way to get rid of dirt and dark plaque - means for cleaning contact lenses.
The pan (preferably enameled or ceramic) Pour 150 ml of water, add a tablespoon of liquid soap and peroxide. Lower chain and to the resulting solution was boiled 5 minutes with the lid closed.
- In 100 ml of warm water to dissolve 3 tablespoons baking soda and add 2 spoons 9% vinegar. The resulting product mixture boiled for 3 minutes.
Removal of trapped hair
Most patient can, of course, remove the hair using a fine needle, and for those who do not want to spend a long time, there is a faster method:
- Set fire to the hair and foreign fibers (in this case must be very careful not to burn yourself - because gold conducts heat well). After that, not shelving them, clean the chain from soot by means of ammonia.
- Get rid of the hair can be, if thickly spread with cream for hair removal chain, hold a few minutes to dry, and then rinse the jewelry in running water carefully.
Jewelry need love and careful care - then they not only live a long life, but will delight more than one generation.