Making his arms artificial flowers - it is always a very exciting experience. And in this case we are talking about all colors, even those who can crochet.
Consider a small master class on how to contact such a lovely bunch of flowers.

necessary material
To prepare working yarn in three colors: yellow, green and white wire for the base, adhesive hook, pot.

To start to define a stem size for our future daisies, cut off the wire and obtyanem their green thread, as do unique rozetochki of green yarn, which will bind the future and flower stem.

Then associate themselves daisies and leaves them. Scheme daisies create simple: first vyvyazyvayut yellow circle, then the petals of white yarn at provyazyvaniya lobe knits first chain of 8 stitches, and then in the opposite side knit in columns 8 2 sc.
As a result, we need to get these pretty daisies here.

Attach these to the daisy stem.

We do a few daisies in our selection.

So now we have a small bouquet.

Next, we need to prepare the ground for our bouquet - a kind of pot. For him, we take a plastic cup of coffee, and inserted inside a solid foundation, making it a pre-holes for wires.

Pot cover of green yarn, decorate it with lace and beads. Glue the stems.
As a result, we get a nice hack, which also can be decorated with ladybirds and pugovichkami.