Dreamcatcher own hands

Dreamcatcher - Indian Charm, is gaining increasing popularity worldwide. It looks like a ring-base with stretched it cobweb of threads, with drooping feathers. The intricacies of these threads should remain entangled and bad dreams in the hole between them - to penetrate good, warm dream. The feathers in turn symbolize the connection with birds, sky, freedom and purity. How to make such a guardian of dreams with his own hands?

Dreamcatcher own hands


  1. Basis for Dreamcatcher
  2. Creating web
  3. Attaching feathers

Basis for Dreamcatcher

First and foremost, of course, it is the basis. Initially it was wicker, rolled several times and fixed in the form of a ring. Some also use the master ring of grapevine. However, it should be understood that these materials are quite capricious and hardly suitable for the beginner: they can break, crack, thread them starts to get confused, and twist the right foundation of vines can only present professional. Well suited for beginners ready basics of plywood (in most cases, it is recommended to sand sandpaper to achieve a perfectly smooth surface), and can be used to train the outer part of the timber hoop.

Dreamcatcher own hands

Some artisans use in their work the metal rings of different diameter solid wire or even the average thickness.

Creating web

After the substrate is selected properly and ready for use, it is usually entwine thread or tape (not counting the rings of the vines, they are left in their original form). The next step - the creation of the web for Dreamcatcher, it is woven mostly of cotton yarn, the most suitable for this process. Here it is necessary in advance to be ready for that perfect web from the first time is unlikely to succeed. Also should take into account the value of the beads, traditionally woven into the mesh catcher. A list of suitable materials is impressive: semi-precious stones, minerals, glass, wood, ceramics.

Dreamcatcher own hands

Another important aspect is the number of beads having a specific meaning: one represents a spider web of weaving; four - sides of the world, while a lot of them is associated with a drop of pure water.

Attaching feathers

The final stage of work on the dream catcher - fastening feathers. They are attached to the rim of the same strings that were used in earlier, they can be decorated with additional beads. Number of feathers rarely carries a symbolic meaning and is most often selected based on the preferences of the master. Catcher is ready for use, he usually hung over the bed or next to it.