Lace - as a form of needlework

There are various kinds of handicrafts, the most common is considered an art of lace. Lace decorated women's and men's clothes, blankets, pictures, napkins and handkerchiefs. His distinguished by the manufacturing technique: embroidered needle and bars, knitted crochet, bobbin, shuttle and etc. Even after the appearance of special machines for the production of lace, handmade has not lost its values.

Lace - as a form of needlework


  1. Tatting
  2. bobbin lace
  3. necessary material
  4. Macrame
  5. Lace Crochet
  6. tape lace


Tatting - it is considered the birthplace of France, made with a needle and shuttle. It is very popular products of tatting, made of the same color thread decorate dresses, coats. Of the multi-color products make seat covers for vehicles, paneling for furniture, curtains on the windows.

This tatting technique combined with a crochet and knitting, embroidery.

bobbin lace

bobbin lace - it does not weave a single thread, but several. They wound on special devices, called bobbins. Homeland of this technique believe Genoa.

Lace - as a form of needlework

The yarns are interwoven in a variety of ways:

  • vertical and horizontal;
  • from different angles, but can not be combined with other types of needlework.

necessary material

For weave it is necessary:

  • pins (for attachment);
  • pillow - cushion (on it is attached lace);
  • skolok - (sample of figure);
  • table (it is attached all the work).

Lace - as a form of needlework


Macrame - consider nodular lace, in other words, there is a basis for weaving threads tying in knots. Macramé development associated with the Mariners, as they are known, many kinds of nodes, and the needlewoman develop and improve this kind of weaving.

For weaving macrame felts required, fixed on cardboard, pins (for fixing).

Lace - as a form of needlework

Threads use any, in its composition: cotton, yarn, silk, linen. Only take into account the thickness and twisting of threads. Give the product in any form, are used as decoration beads, rings.

Lace Crochet

Lace Crochet - a kind of arts and crafts. Possibility to hook boundless. With his help create the clothing, jewelry, toys, decorative items.

No complicated devices are not necessary. With the help of the hook knit in advance by motives. combine them into a single fabric, or knit fabric openwork columns.

Lace - as a form of needlework

There are many types of crochet:

  • tape;
  • boundary;
  • Afghan;
  • Irish;
  • Bruges and others.

tape lace

The tape lace knit lace ribbons and combine them to obtain a dress or a blouse. Irish - knitted motifs (flowers, leaves), then connect them into a whole cloth - a dress, blouse, with the help of an irregular grid crocheted or sewn needle.