From time to time everyone wants to upgrade their homes, throw out old stuff and buy something new-fangled. Unfortunately, many of today's home furnishings do not differ durability, but are at the same time very expensive. Therefore it is advisable to look at the old high-quality things, in which you can breathe new life.
What about the good old kitchen table, which will serve you for a long time service? Just creatively approach to business and a little refresh the look of a piece of furniture.
What is needed?
To work need:
- wood table (perfect old copy);
- acrylic enamel of natural shades;
- rollers of different sizes;
- brush for painting;
- bath;
- meter or measuring tape;
- pencil;
- masking tape;
- self-adhesive with a pattern that simulates marble stone;
- a piece of wood;
- sandpaper;
- stationery knife;
- rag of soft material.
stages of work
With nazhdachki properly abrade all surfaces of the table, and then wipe off the dust. Bearing part of the table Enamel (perfect gray), also received from existing boxes. Wait until completely dry.
- Make markings on the legs of the table in the form of different width stripes in pencil, each separated by an adhesive tape, and then cover enamel of any pleasing tone. When the paint is completely dry, carefully remove the paint brushes.
Measures the countertop, using a tape measure. Do not forget the lap on the back side and edges. In accordance with measurements of the cut self-adhesive rectangle.
- Remove the protective film layer is approximately 20 cm. Given the lapping edges and gently put on the table top edge adhesive film. Paste over the entire surface of the table, removing as little protective paper, and not to leave bubbles with air, walk around with a soft cloth.
- To kitchen table looked more harmonious, the inside of the drawers okleyte the same way, using the remnants of self-adhesive film.